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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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Reviews are done in the context of their time and the improvements don't justify an extra point when you consider if WW (original) was reviewed by Edge today, it would probably get a 7/8. I would guess WW HD would get an 8 at highest from Edge.

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Skyward Sword was a 6, maybe 7 tops, it is truly awful and the worst Zelda ever. A remake of Wind Waker where they had the chance to add the missing dungeons but didn't does not deserve a 10.

The missing dungeons which, as I say again, were implemented into other games...

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Skyward Sword is incredible.


The graphics are amazing - especially the way that the dabbling effect re-drew the details as you got further away making it look like a real painting.


The dungeons seemed like a breath of fresh air. Over the history of the series the dungeons have got bigger and more complex. I felt the dungeons were smaller, but more focused with better puzzles.


The sword play was the best one to one fighting of any game on the system and made the whole experience feel fresh. Taking such a huge risk with such a loved series was very bold.


Finally, I really enjoyed the over world. It wasn't as big and empty and the space between dungeons was filled with far more interesting things.


If I had one gripe with it, it was the filler at the end. The game simply didn't need padding out, it was amazing!

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Skyward Sword was a 6, maybe 7 tops, it is truly awful and the worst Zelda ever. A remake of Wind Waker where they had the chance to add the missing dungeons but didn't does not deserve a 10.


Some hilarious incongruities. Somehow you're saying it merited an above average/ good score, but that it was "awful and the worst Zelda ever."


Wind Waker didn't really deserve a 10 even when it came out, since in the playing of it, it borrowed its template very heavily from the N64 game, which in themselves were structurally ripped straight from A Link to the Past (which is to my mind the last truly innovative console Zelda game). The merit of the game lay in the way it brought a storybook world to life, and tweaking a few animations and giving it a HD makeover isn't going to do much to either recreate that experience ten years later, nor allow it to compete with the best games out today.


Wonderful game, but this update is really only for the the hardcore Zelda fans looking to experience the game as it exists in their memory rater than how it actually would be to play it on GC hooked up to an SDTV today.

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Ocarina the game I think is most over rated, incredible because it was the first game to do things on that scale. But I'd rather play any Zelda game since than that. Highlighted by the fact that Ocarina 3D was a huge huge chore to play and I still haven't finished it! Skyward Sword was fantastic for me, the graphical style and the controls just created a wonderful world I loved exploring.


I just feel it felt a tad stale at times because it followed the Zelda formula, i think Zelda needs to open up more and take much much bigger risks with it's world, structure and storytelling.


Saying this, I'm incredibly excited to play through Wind Waker again!

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... And? It's not as if they couldn't design more.


Doing so would greatly increase the time and cost of development - eating into development of both A Link Between Worlds and Zelda Wii U.


This is a spruced up re-release, not a new game. It doesn't make sense to pore that many resources into a project like this. Those resources are better spent on the new games.

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Good thing that products aren't priced depending on their development cost then (or else god knows how much GTA5 would cost!)


Wind Waker is well worth the £40 price tag. It's one of the best games ever made, made even better with all the awesome upgrades they've made to it (HD visuals, remastered music, Gamepad use with touchscreen inventory/map/motion controls/off-TV play, Miiverse integration, fast sailing, game tweaks like remixed item placement and Triforce hunt tweaks, Hero mode etc). I will happily plonk down £40 for it and feel that I got a bargain!


Can't wait to experience it all over again in a new way :D

Edited by Dcubed
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