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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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You're most welcome @\-Dem0\- & @Sheikah I was just glad that I was able to help out a fellow forum member in n-eed. :smile:


Dude major props to you!!!


I went into town today and I thought I'd browse the shops to see how much this was and £45 everywhere. Jesus.


I really want to play this but I'm going to wait until I see it for £30.


I feel the same but fear we are in for a long wait. Nintendo games hold their value for a long long time.

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Fancy letting me win on Mario Kart too or is that going too far? :p


I don't know about that now... ;)


Perhaps I'll go easy on the red shells and will hold off using a blue shell, if I get one and you happen to be in first place, but no promises. :heh:


Anyway, go forth and set sail, the ocean awaits! : peace:

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Did a lot of exploring today


Did teh Koroks/Forest Water side quest and then just trying to fill in my map before getting the 3rd Pearl and trying to get a few figures on teh way too :D


Bloody love the Swift Sail. Got through most of the map so fast thanks to it compared to the sloooooownesss I had to endure on the GC original this is the best "fix" they could have made for this remake, the only way it could be better is if there was a 2nd speed upgrade like a motor or something haha. And cannot say this enough but no longer needing to play the Wind Song to change direction while sailing is AMAZINGLY AWESOME!


Got most of the map filled in when I decided to get the 3rd Pearl. Will finish it off before I use the Pearls :)






Some other pics of todays Great Sea Adventures!



The Pirates have landed!




I'm holding him ransom, I want a helicopter and a briefcase with 1 MILLION RUPEES! *puts little finger to mouth* Mwahahahaha




Inside Tetra's room.... looking through her things mwahahaha /pervert Link



Just one figure left for Forest Haven






Oh and in case anyone missed in it my Birthday thread in Gen Chit Chat, here is the cake my sister had made for me for my 30th :D

Best cake I've ever had!





Was only just thinking today too, back when the GC original released, the day before it came out I got my first tattoo, my Triforce Tattoo.... now when the remake comes out, the day after I got a Zelda cake..... I think that is more than coincidence :heh: :awesome:

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Finally got my copy through the post yesterday. Needless to say I was straight on it after making some food.


Best moment so far? Probably just finding washed up bottles and reading about everyone on my friendslist adventures. I like how you just have to pick the bottle and tap messages and there it is on the screen for you.


I got the 1st Pearl and then called it a day.

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I seem to be ahead of you @Mokong X-C with the Pearls. I havn't got the Speedy Sail yet, but is it true you don't need to use the Wind song whilst equipping that sail.


Majority of my map is uncovered, just the outside squares to join up, the rest is done. Filled the entire Forest room in the Gallery, just need a Faro statue which i can get from the photo guy in Windfall.

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Never realised how important bottles are until I played hero mode. :laughing:


I hear you! Feels a tragic waste to use your contents when you've only got 4 or 5 hearts to heal.


I also feel shame at some of the enemies that have managed to kill me so far. I'm looking at you Deku Baba

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Never realised how important bottles are until I played hero mode. :laughing:


Yup! It's amazing how such a small little change can completely transform the game. I've actually gotten a few game overs! (IN WIND WAKER! FOR REALS! :o )


In fact it's actually harsher than in Skyward Sword (since you can't sit down to recover health). From the start of the game you actually can't heal at all until you actually get to the fairy outside the Boss room in Dragon Roost Island's dungeon! (With the exception of those two pieces of heart that you can get from Windfall Island on your first visit).


Also, jump attacks from Darknuts do 4 hearts of damage... Yeah...


... You suddenly find yourself not being so careless anymore in Hero Mode!

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How and when do you get the swift sail, don't want to miss it.


You can get it after the first dungeon. Just go to the auction house at Windfall Island but make sure it's night time as auctions don't get held during the day. Just keep entering and exiting until it shows up for sale and then outbid everyone for it.


This will be my first order of business when I fire the game up tonight.

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You can get it after the first dungeon. Just go to the auction house at Windfall Island but make sure it's night time as auctions don't get held during the day. Just keep entering and exiting until it shows up for sale and then outbid everyone for it.


This will be my first order of business when I fire the game up tonight.


You should plan to have 300+ rupees for the auction too. (It cost me 300)


My advice head right back to Windfall after the Dungeon at Dragon Roost Island, if you follow the "objectives" (ie: where the boat tells you to go), it'll be AGES before you get back to Windfall. There's little point wasting time sticking with the normal sail and having to manually change wind direction everytime you want to turn.




Managed a little afternoon session and filled in all but one sqaure on my Sea Chart... will need to use the Pearls I think to get the last one as there doesn't seem to be a fish in that sqaure yet.





Got my 3rd Empty Bottle too, just one left... bought it from the Beedle Shop by Rock Spire Island.... he says he's closing in 6 days? Does he really vanish for good blocking me from buying the Heart Piece and Chart if I don't go back to him inside 6 game days?


Making some progress on my Figurines too, brought another 12 pics to be made into figures.... just wondering though, aside from Bosses, is there any other character/creatures that I only get One-Chance to get a pic of?


Also is it not possible to get a pic of The King of the Red Lions (the boat)? I tried but not getting a "Good" mark on any pics?

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You can get it after the first dungeon. Just go to the auction house at Windfall Island but make sure it's night time as auctions don't get held during the day. Just keep entering and exiting until it shows up for sale and then outbid everyone for it.


This will be my first order of business when I fire the game up tonight.


Ah perfect. Just done the first dungeon, didn't realise you got it so early!!

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You should plan to have 300+ rupees for the auction too. (It cost me 300)


My advice head right back to Windfall after the Dungeon at Dragon Roost Island, if you follow the "objectives" (ie: where the boat tells you to go), it'll be AGES before you get back to Windfall. There's little point wasting time sticking with the normal sail and having to manually change wind direction everytime you want to turn.




Managed a little afternoon session and filled in all but one sqaure on my Sea Chart... will need to use the Pearls I think to get the last one as there doesn't seem to be a fish in that sqaure yet.





Got my 3rd Empty Bottle too, just one left... bought it from the Beedle Shop by Rock Spire Island.... he says he's closing in 6 days? Does he really vanish for good blocking me from buying the Heart Piece and Chart if I don't go back to him inside 6 game days?


Making some progress on my Figurines too, brought another 12 pics to be made into figures.... just wondering though, aside from Bosses, is there any other character/creatures that I only get One-Chance to get a pic of?


Also is it not possible to get a pic of The King of the Red Lions (the boat)? I tried but not getting a "Good" mark on any pics?


If memory serves me correct, you need to get all the other figurines (except Knuckle) to get the King of Red Lions figurine built.


I managed to snag a swift sail last night for 220 rupees in the auction last night, filled the entire map within an hour. I can't go back to the normal sail anymore.


Quick question, with the pictographer in Windfall, when is it likely you'll start getting the legendary pictures to buy?

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wait you guys paid 300+ for the swift sail? bwahahahahaha


i paid about 150, you drop a 10% more bid to stun them for 15 seconds, then have it ready to bid again imediately the first person bids again, then rinse and repeat


300+ ha


I was lazy, I stunned them once then just waited for the 5 second warning and put in a bid of 300 ::shrug:


150 though, that is excellent considering it starts at 100, didn't realise you could get it for that cheap

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I was lazy, I stunned them once then just waited for the 5 second warning and put in a bid of 300 ::shrug:


150 though, that is excellent considering it starts at 100, didn't realise you could get it for that cheap


That's what I did as well.


I had a full wallet anyway after going in the first dungeon, nicking the stuff off the first 2 enemies and then going out again. Rinse and repeat and then sell to Beedle for 20 rupees each. :D

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I was lazy, I stunned them once then just waited for the 5 second warning and put in a bid of 300 ::shrug:


150 though, that is excellent considering it starts at 100, didn't realise you could get it for that cheap


it was either 147 or 157 i think, i was really on the ball because i only had 240 rupees

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So I am making pretty good progress with this I think.


As previously mentioned, I don't normally finish Zelda games.


I've been pretty into this one though, and checked out my activity log after finishing a session on it just now. I guestimated at about 9 hours as I have had it since Saturday.


18 hours... :o


I guess the time has just flown by! I'm not the kind of gamer who can spend a whole day or whole evening solidly playing one game. Seems like this game has changed all that!

I have been very impressed with it so far. I don't know how far I am, but I'm literally at the end of the Wind Temple having just completed the Earth temple earlier today.

Had to take a break as my game pad battery was dying (second time today) :heh: and I was feeling pretty tired so thought I'd call it a day.


There have been some annoyances along the way, such as having to play the command song quite a bit - but I guess it's helped me learn them so I can play without looking at the notes now! :D


I don't want to jinx myself, but this could be my first completed main Zelda game!

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Righty so entered and finished the Tower of the Gods this evening and the section just after that.


Needless to say in the "section after the Tower" I got a little distracted with Selfies, haha.

Never really used the camera much in the GC original but with the addition of Selfies and Miiverse (and being allowed to take more than 3 pics) it's become so addictive and fun to take a pic and "stick it in a bottle" :D







The legends of a land beneath the sea and the Hero of Time are true... MIND BLOWN




Hey I think I've seen those guys somewhere before....but where?




HEY WHAT'S WITH THE INVISIBLE WALL??? I wanted to explore Grooseland :(




IDEA! Empty Castle, bigger than Outset Island...all to myself???? Forget my sister I'm gonna just live down here, grab a few hoes to bring down and I'm sorted!




Little does the King of the Red Lions know but I've been working for Ganondorf ALL ALONG, MWAHAHAHAHAHA





Oh one small thing that's been bugging me.... could be wrong but have they changed Ganondorfs name in this game? I know he can be called "Ganon" too but what I mean is King of the Red Lions keeps calling him "Ganon" I could have sworn in the GC original he was called by his full name "Ganondorf"?

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Pretty sure the original script also referred to him as Ganon. I could be wrong though, I haven't played it for a long time.


I think the king referring to Ganondorf as his true name, Ganon, is more of a formality than anything else. He knows what he really is, I suppose.

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