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Classic Gaming Mistakes


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What are some of the best/worst mistakes you've seen in videogames?


Be it a small typo, a huge glitch or something so incredibly obvious that you wonder how on earth it wasn't corrected sooner.


For me, one of the funniest has to be the original Super Monkey Ball on GameCube. In the game, in all of the concept art and even on the back of the case they managed to get AiAi right, so I don't know why on the front cover he has a hairless, blocky fringe. To make matters worse, this is on every single print of the game. They never changed it.




So, can anyone top the 'AiAi penis head' situation?

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The Resident evil 6 logo involving the giraffe and lady springs to mind.


Only other thing that springs to mind is the Stop 'N Swop for Banjo kazooie on the N64.


The stars highlighting the letters "U R M R G A Y" on the Super Mario Galaxy box deserve a mention


Yep, loved that one...and the sequel...



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The Resident evil 6 logo involving the giraffe and lady springs to mind.


Only other thing that springs to mind is the Stop 'N Swop for Banjo kazooie on the N64.




Yep, loved that one...and the sequel...




Hahaha that's ridiculous. Surely after the first time they would say "right guys, make SURE no messages are being hinted at this time"


Better yet, you might have thought they'd ditch the small stars altogether.

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Looking at this art for Super Mario Galaxy 2, the shine marks notate "U R M A I A Y." While "UR MAI AY" is nothing significant, and the controversial saga nearly ends right there, All is Brawl noticed that if you reverse the sequence, you get: "YA I M R U," or "Yeah I am, are you?"




Not only are they seeing things that aren't there and inventing a ridiculously convoluted decoding, they're missing the most obvious to all message in the title:






You are my ally = Yoshi.

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Not only are they seeing things that aren't there and inventing a ridiculously convoluted decoding, they're missing the most obvious to all message in the title:






You are my ally = Yoshi.


I'd say seeing M I as 'my' and A L Y as 'ally' is as much as a stretch as seeing M as 'am'. I don't see how reading something backwards is ridiculously convoluted as well...


Either way, the first way is much funnier. :p

Edited by Sheikah
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The Resident evil 6 logo involving the giraffe and lady springs to mind.


I think the general consensus is that you could have just wrote "Resident Evil 6" and had done with it - no need to start calling out individual bits.


The first things that sprung to my mind were games that insult people such as Ubisoft's Mind quiz game that called you a "Super Spastic" if you got a poor score. Mario Party 8 also went on to use the word and had all copies removed from store shelves.


Plus, there was Wii Fit referring to kids as obese when they weren't because it uses the BMI scale since something with genuine scientific validity just isn't possible on a set of scales.

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Isn't Ai-Ai's fringe just (badly) lit on the front of the box, making it look flesh-coloured?


If you change around some of the settings it becomes a bit clearer, especially as you can see the light being shone on the ball:



Edited by Ashley
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Isn't Ai-Ai's fringe just (badly) lit on the front of the box, making it look flesh-coloured?


If you change around some of the settings it becomes a bit clearer, especially as you can see the light being shone on the ball:




Yeah that's what I thought.

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Is it that bad? ::shrug:


From what I hear, it's a half-decent action game. If it wasn't Resident Evil it would have probably gotten average reviews and be forgotten fairly quickly. The biggest problem with it is that "Resident Evil" brings up certain expectations - in terms of horror and game quality - which RE6 certainly does not meet.


Imagine if one of those many N64/GameCube era generic licensed platform games - one of the ones which wasn't exactly terrible, but also had nothing going for it - was a proper Mario title from Nintendo.

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Hahaha that's ridiculous. Surely after the first time they would say "right guys, make SURE no messages are being hinted at this time"


Better yet, you might have thought they'd ditch the small stars altogether.


I bet the next game's name is so long they can star "u r all faggots" : D

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