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Xbox One Console Discussion


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No one cares how powerful they are. Even though it's a different market, Apple has proved multiple times that the end consumer doesn't care about statistics. There's a great scene in Mad Men where I think Don Draper sees the advert for the VW Beetle for the first time and says "but where are all stats about the engine?"


I am sure MS thought the same thing when they upped the xbone gpu clock by afew percent. ;)


The old Wii and DS argument doesnt fly anymore. It may not matter much early on with almost all games being last gen up ports right now but the when one gpu manages 45 fps plus easily and the other struggles to reach 30 its noticeable. That's being generous to the Xbone when not mentioning the RAM. Its not a PS3 vs 360 difference which was small to begin with and then hampered by CELL requiring a different development approach.


Also the Apple comparison is nonsense. Apple care a lot about build quality, performance and hardware design. They are a premium focused manufacturer. MS are nothing like Apple.


I would say for MS the most significant thing is the partnership with EA at Gamescom. Several timed exclusives such as Plants v Zombies, Peggle, Titanfall etc. and lots of other deals. But it doesnt do much for the long run.

Edited by Choze
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The console that sold the most amount of units of the previous generation gave away a free game too, remember?


It doesn't show a lack of confidence at all. It's about giving extra value to the console to make more people choose it over the PS4.


You're not looking at it the right way.

The reason why that particular game (WiiSports) was bundled was because it was somewhere in between a tech demo for the game and a "full" game in itself. Nintendo realised that very few people would pay full price for it, but they also recognised that the game did show off the features of the console, whilst it also brought whole families and friends together. Releasing it on its own would have been suicide.


You can't really say, "Nintendo put a free game in there and they succeeded, so MS will succeed, too." FIFA is insanely popular, but it's not going to show off any new features of the console. Everything (I'm assuming here, because I don't pay attention to it any more) that FIFA can do on the One can also be accomplished on the PS4, right? So, it's not exactly the same in that sense as WiiSports, which was tailor-made for the Wii and showed off the exclusive features of that console. It had pulling power from the off.


Sure, it's nice to get a free game with the system, but there's a bit more to it than that. The launch prices, timings, launch line-up will also come into play. What if Sony end up bundling a game in with their system? If it's an exclusive, it'll also have more pulling power.


I would also argue that it does show a lack of confidence. The confident thing would be for MS to bundle in one of their own exclusive games. It's a statement of intent. "You can't get this game anywhere else."

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I thought a Fifa 14 bundle was an ingenious move at first, but the people who care about Fifa and the seasons and all that shit will have already bought it for their Ps3/360 a month prior to the next gen releases.


I dunno I am huge FIFA fan and holding off till next gen and possibly even wait till 15 on PS4.

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Schools and universities are buzzing with students who get the thing day 1 because they care about the latest transfers and additions to the game. It's like renewing a membership except it's much more exciting, most of them won't wait a month or more.

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I've been thinking to the end of the year when the PS4 / XBONE will be released and am kinda torn at the min over which I would like to buy - and when I would like to buy. Also, do I even want to buy. I am obviously a Nintendo gamer as for me, they make the better games which appeal more to my personal tastes, but as per the previous gen I'd like one of the other 2 for the titles the Wii U inevitably will not get.


The PS4 appears to be much better value for money, but that controller... that damn hideous, awful controller. I just don't think I could do it. I hate the PS3 controller with a passion and really didn't enjoy playing games with it, so always bought multi platform games on my 360.

The 360 controller is one of the best I've held (if not the best) so I'm already automatically drawn to XBONE just purely on that reason. Yes, it's that important in my decision making!


I just wondered if anyone on the forums had already pre-ordered an XBONE and why they decided to go for it over the PS4. I know the console has had a lot of flack (and it would appear a lot of it was justified), but I'm guessing there are some who are looking forward to it?


I'm gonna check out the launch games now and do some digging on the console itself so I can be more educated (also gonna do the same with PS4) but looking at the launch line up briefly it would appear the 360 has better selection than the ps4. But that's just my opinion.


So anyone in XBONE camp care to share why they're choosing it over PS4?

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So I guess the question is - has anybody on this forum actually preordered an XBONE yet?




I think despite both platforms having strong launch line-ups (I would say the XBO has a stronger one actually as it has better looking exclusives), I can't see anyone pre-ordering the XBO over the PS4!


That may seem strange as I believe the XBO has a marginally stronger line-up, but the strongest games on both systems, COD, BF, NFS, FIFA, AC etc are all multiplatform.


For the average guy who wants their next gen does of those games, where are you going to go? XBO with an extra hundred quid on top, or PS4 which is cheaper and doesn't have the negative 'cloud' of publicity (see what I did there :))

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I've been thinking to the end of the year when the PS4 / XBONE will be released and am kinda torn at the min over which I would like to buy - and when I would like to buy. Also, do I even want to buy. I am obviously a Nintendo gamer as for me, they make the better games which appeal more to my personal tastes, but as per the previous gen I'd like one of the other 2 for the titles the Wii U inevitably will not get.


The PS4 appears to be much better value for money, but that controller... that damn hideous, awful controller. I just don't think I could do it. I hate the PS3 controller with a passion and really didn't enjoy playing games with it, so always bought multi platform games on my 360.

The 360 controller is one of the best I've held (if not the best) so I'm already automatically drawn to XBONE just purely on that reason. Yes, it's that important in my decision making!


I just wondered if anyone on the forums had already pre-ordered an XBONE and why they decided to go for it over the PS4. I know the console has had a lot of flack (and it would appear a lot of it was justified), but I'm guessing there are some who are looking forward to it?


I'm gonna check out the launch games now and do some digging on the console itself so I can be more educated (also gonna do the same with PS4) but looking at the launch line up briefly it would appear the 360 has better selection than the ps4. But that's just my opinion.


So anyone in XBONE camp care to share why they're choosing it over PS4?


I'm with you, really don't like the PS3 controller, it's far too small and the joystick is in the wrong place.


You're going to put some serious hours into this thing. Get the one with the controller you like.


I'm not buying one straight away purely because I don't really play games otehr than COD anymore. Going to wait until a hopeful price drop next year and I'll be getting the One over the PS4.


Why? Always had an Xbox and my friends will all get the Xbox and because traditionally I played Halo, I want that option again.

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If it helps people are raving about the PS4 controller now, most saying its better than the Xbox One's.


Ive never really had issues with the PS3 pad but I can understand people that did. For the most part the 360 one was very nice, only let down by its original D-Pad before the redesign.

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Well Zechs it's not quite that simple.

Just because they both have the same multi play games and one is cheaper than the other doesn't make it a Sony win. There are other things to consider. For me that's the controller as I've already mentioned. The play station controller is lol.

Also, I've bought more 360 exclusives than I have ps3 last gen. My Ps3 was a blu ray player for me last gen with the occasional game.


Additionally, most of my mates will be choosing the xbone and I already have a gold love membership lasting into next year.

I've checked out the launch games too and dead rising 3 looks so fuckin good. That's the kind of exclusive that makes me want to buy the console. There isn't that on the ps4 - yet.


At the minute I'm definitely in the Xbox camp over the ps4. Just need to see if I want to buy one at launch or hold off a bit.

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Well Zechs it's not quite that simple.

Just because they both have the same multi play games and one is cheaper than the other doesn't make it a Sony win. There are other things to consider. For me that's the controller as I've already mentioned. The play station controller is lol.

Also, I've bought more 360 exclusives than I have ps3 last gen. My Ps3 was a blu ray player for me last gen with the occasional game.


Additionally, most of my mates will be choosing the xbone and I already have a gold love membership lasting into next year.

I've checked out the launch games too and dead rising 3 looks so fuckin good. That's the kind of exclusive that makes me want to buy the console. There isn't that on the ps4 - yet.


At the minute I'm definitely in the Xbox camp over the ps4. Just need to see if I want to buy one at launch or hold off a bit.


That's such a great point(s) that so many people are glossing over. Price isn't everything and you're going to have this console for the next 5 years. I could save the £100 or whatever it is and buy a PS4, wouldn't enjoy it very much if all my friends bought the Xbox. Same the other way around.

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I feel like not pre-ordering either console is the best way to go :p for all we know the PS4 has a new YLOD or the Xbox One spontaneously combusts when you unplug Kinect. Both might drop in price right after Christmas and PS4 could come in a special bundle with Infamous 3. Or Xbox's new interface could work perfectly with UK cable providers, or not at all. PS4/Vita remote play might be a pipe dream or their quick join features might be way slower than they've illustrated.


I'm looking forward to all of you guys getting these consoles and reviewing them so I know where to spend my money :p

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No I haven't held it, but it's the position of the right analogue stick that I have issues with. And that hasn't been changed. So therefore it's gonna be the same unnatural holding position that I don't like.

I know for a fact I won't have to try the xbone controller as its virtually the same. Therefore there's no need for me to hold off until I've held one.


And I kinda agree Shorty ha. But let's hope there is no new RROD that's gonna plague these consoles!

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I hate the Sony pads. Always have. I really liked the 360 pad.


But let's look at the last gen:


MS came out of the gate with a reasonably priced console. It was for gamers. It came with a headset, had the best online system, had a great library and was marketed well. Their approach worked.


Sony came to the party late with a wildly over priced console. It was marketed initially as a multi-media device and wasn't focused on games. It tried to push Bluray and the library of games was lacking. The approach failed.


This gen:


MS forget everything that happened last gen (much like Nintendo). The come out of the gate with a bloated multi-media device. The device has horrible restrictions on it, tries to push Kinect to everyone and is $100 more expensive than its nearest rival.


Sony basically do what MS did last generation. They release a reasonably priced console, for gamers, without restrictions and it's simple and doesn't come with any unwanted peripherals or gimmicks. It's $100 cheaper too.


The two big factors for most consumers (not the enlightened forums users) is price and marketing. Last gen MS got that so right, this gen they are getting it so wrong. It's almost like there's been a complete reversal of fortunes.


I don't know what has gone on at Nintendo or MS over the past few years, but obviously both companies have lost their grip on reality and what made them so successful.


I do however know what has gone on at Sony: they looked at the market, saw where they went wrong, saw where others succeeded and then realigned their business strategy accordingly. Sony deserve the acclaim they are receiving.

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No I haven't held it, but it's the position of the right analogue stick that I have issues with. And that hasn't been changed. So therefore it's gonna be the same unnatural holding position that I don't like.

I know for a fact I won't have to try the xbone controller as its virtually the same. Therefore there's no need for me to hold off until I've held one.


And I kinda agree Shorty ha. But let's hope there is no new RROD that's gonna plague these consoles!


While the position of the sticks hasn't changed, the reshaping of the grips will effect how you both hold the controller and reach the sticks.


If you don't like it, then you don't like it but I wouldn't make any assumptions until you held it.

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Yeah I agree with all that Zechs. I'm not sayin people are wrong to go for the ps4 - it looks great.

But as an overall package, that's the controller, the games, the possibilities of what's to come, xbone looks the better choice for me.


I don't wanna turn this into which is better coz its all personal and that isn't my intention. But just citing the lower price of the ps4 doesn't suddenly show Sony as the better company. Like I say, both consoles are very promising, but given that I favoured the 360's exclusives over the ps3's last gen also helps me make my decision too.


But I do get what you're saying totally.

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Yeah I agree with all that Zechs. I'm not sayin people are wrong to go for the ps4 - it looks great.

But as an overall package, that's the controller, the games, the possibilities of what's to come, xbone looks the better choice for me.


I don't wanna turn this into which is better coz its all personal and that isn't my intention. But just citing the lower price of the ps4 doesn't suddenly show Sony as the better company. Like I say, both consoles are very promising, but given that I favoured the 360's exclusives over the ps3's last gen also helps me make my decision too.


But I do get what you're saying totally.


I totally respect that, because at the moment I too would choose the XBO, mainly because it has dedicated servers for COD and like I said earlier, I prefer the MS exclusives to the Sony ones. But most importantly, I really can't stand the Sony controllers. I've never liked the sticks, they're too loose and the pad just doesn't feel right to me.


I'm just saying, I can totally see Sony dominating because I feel mistakes both MS and Nintendo have made are far too big.

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While the position of the sticks hasn't changed, the reshaping of the grips will effect how you both hold the controller and reach the sticks.


If you don't like it, then you don't like it but I wouldn't make any assumptions until you held it.




Not sure how the sticks not moving will ultimately make it any different... But stranger things have happened.

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Yeah, it's really not a big issue since you already have your right thumb reaching to the apparently 'uncomfortable' spot yet no one complains about how this is uncomfortable. Yet apparently the left stick in the same place is.


I admit it's a fraction comfier to have the left stick in the D-pad position, but nowhere near enough to make me think I'd rather have a One. Also, this position completely destroys D-pad function, which has been shown to work really well with quick item/weapon selection in loads of PS3 games.

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