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Xbox One Console Discussion


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CG = Current Generation?


That's seeming unlikely too; if rumours about the system architecture are to be believed neither Durango nor Orbis will be capable of emulating the previous system...


If thats the case, i won't be investing in the next generation for Microsoft. Because not only will they end gaming stores once and for all, they will flunk in the market.


But i suppose they did say this is meant to be run alongside the current consoles.

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Next-gen Kinect specs reportedly detailed


The technical specifications of the next-generation Kinect sensor have reportedly been leaked.


According to VGLeaks, the same site which previously claimed to have revealed the Xbox Durango specs, the device will come with every next-gen Xbox console.

It is rumoured to reduce latency by a third, vastly improve skeletal recognition and be capable of tracking six players simultaneously. Among the improvements over the current Kinect sensor, the site lists:


Improved field of view results in much larger play space.

RGB stream is higher quality and higher resolution.

Depth stream is much higher resolution and able to resolve much smaller objects.

Higher depth stream accuracy enables separating objects in close depth proximity.

Higher depth stream accuracy captures depth curvature around edges better.

Active infrared (IR) stream permits lighting independent processing and feature recognition.

End to end pipeline latency is improved by 33 ms.

VGLeaks also offers the following feature comparisons:


Feature - Xbox 360 Kinect Sensor / Durango Sensor


Field of View (FOV) - 57.5˚ horizontal by 43.5˚ vertical / 70˚ horizontal by 60˚ vertical

Resolvable Depth - 0.8 m -> 4.0 m / 0.8 m -> 4.0 m

Color Stream - 640 x 480 x 24 bpp 4:3 RGB @ 30fps640 x 480 x 16 bpp 4:3 YUV @ 15fps / 1920 x 1080 x 16 bpp 16:9 YUY2 @ 30 fps

Depth Stream - 320 x 240 16 bpp, 13-bit depth / 512 x 424 x 16 bpp, 13-bit depth

Infrared (IR) Stream - No IR stream / 512 x 424, 11-bit dynamic range

Registration - Color <-> depth / Color <-> depth and active IR

Audio Capture - 4-mic array returning 48 Hz audio / 4-mic array returning 48K Hz audio

Data Path - USB 2.0 / USB 3.0

Latency - ~90 ms with processing / ~60 ms with processing

Tilt Motor - Vertical only / No tilt motor

Microsoft said earlier this month that lifetime Xbox 360 sales stand at 76 million and Kinect sales at 24 million units.


More boring Kinect stuff.

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I'm planning on only getting 1 console for the next generation (minus the 3DS i already own). As for what, i'll decide after Microsoft have revealed what they are offering. The rumours for Sony are tempting me for the PS4, but i'l wait until Microsoft have revealed all.


If it's not backwards compatible, either by allowing us to download owned titles to play again on the H/SDD or by playing disks then that is a selling point for me and i won't investigate further.


The Kinect with every Xbox, won't phase me. Unless i'm forced to use it in every game, then there will be issues.

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I'm not sure Xbox can match what I saw for the PS4. I have this horrible feeling they'll focus on shitty on-rails kinect games and bring out some RnB star to promote Just Dance 6 or whatever.


The only way Xbox could salvage this is if they really go all in focussing on the games. They say that sharing video footage etc is in there as par for the course and don't even make a deal about it, show the interface and make it insanely fast and redesigned from scratch, clutter-free. But what games could they couple with an announcement that are up there with Killzone? Their biggest exclusives are Gears and Halo and they're all tapped out for now.... Voice control, Kinect and backlight-projectors are not going to win many people over this time :/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Couple of bits of news...




RARE hiring for 'jaw dropping' Kinect game


It seems Kinect is still a thing if new ads which have popped on RARE's website are anything to go by.


OXM has found a few ads, the first of which calls for a senior programmer to become, "part of a pioneering team dedicated to the next jaw-dropping, never-been-done-before Rare project." The same ad also asks for "experience of motion gaming, especially Kinect technology."


Another ad calls for a technical engineer who has experience with cloud-bases technologies, while the final ad asks for an experienced physics programmer.


So what are RARE up to then? You can bet it's not Kameo 2 or Perfect Dark (well unless they are adding motion support to these titles).


Braid Dev: New Xbox 'Not Strictly About Games'


Jonathan Blow, the independent game developer behind Braid, revealed his new game The Witness at Sony’s PlayStation 4 reveal. And while it’s not a PlayStation 4 exclusive, it will be on Sony’s platform first.


Speaking with Edge Online, Blow notes that the new, still-unknown Xbox 360 successor is “not strictly about games,” leading him to PlayStation 4 as a result.


“To me[,] they talk about a console that is not strictly about games. It’s trying to be the

of the living room device, which is fine and maybe it’s the right thing for Microsoft to do, business-wise. I don’t know; I actually don’t think it is, but they’ve certainly thought about it more than me!”


Blow then goes into his previous working relationship with Microsoft. “I’ve had a bad time working with Microsoft in the past. Maybe not super bad, but a moderately bad time in terms of business relationships. Other developers who are friends of mine have had a horrible time, so the idea of signing up again with Microsoft isn’t something I’d have ruled out, but there’s a certain amount of dread I have about doing that again.”


He notes that he doesn’t “have that [feeling] with Sony.” But he goes on to say, “Who knows, maybe it’ll turn out to be just as bad at the end! But I don’t think so.”


Do you think RARE have to describe it as 'jaw-dropping' to at least try and get people to consider the job! :p

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720 is my bet for best selling console. It should capture casuals because of kinect and has good enough specs to at least get the stuff PS4 gets. For the first time in a whole we have 3 very different consoles. The leaked stuff also points to a sub WiiU price.

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I can't wait for this. I've had so much fun with my xbox the last 2 years, which is crazy considering the console came out in 2005. I'm really excited to see what they have in store.


I haven't got Kinect, but I love all the Mii type games on Wii, so if there's a big Rare Kinect game for launch, I'll be the only person on the internet who isn't fuming :p

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I can't wait for this. I've had so much fun with my xbox the last 2 years, which is crazy considering the console came out in 2005. I'm really excited to see what they have in store.


I haven't got Kinect, but I love all the Mii type games on Wii, so if there's a big Rare Kinect game for launch, I'll be the only person on the internet who isn't fuming :p


I got given a Kinect as a present, and i'm quite impressed with it. It does have some problems with it, and it didn't quite live up to the hype (especially since it didn't have any good games) but the potential of it makes me pretty exciting about what Kinect 2.0 might have up it's sleevies.


(I know this isn't a Kinect, and uses weird, body tracking armoury bits, bit it's still cool)

Imagine what this could be like!

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I got given a Kinect as a present, and i'm quite impressed with it. It does have some problems with it, and it didn't quite live up to the hype (especially since it didn't have any good games) but the potential of it makes me pretty exciting about what Kinect 2.0 might have up it's sleevies.


(I know this isn't a Kinect, and uses weird, body tracking armoury bits, bit it's still cool)

Imagine what this could be like!


Here's the thing Bob. Kinect has been out two and a half years, and we haven't seen a single thing anywhere near as good as the above.


What makes you think the next foray will be anything but dance games and fitness games? It just doesn't make sense to developers to take a risk trying to develop a whole new control system for an established action/adventure game when the controller is a much, much safer bet for return on all your hard work and investment.

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Yeah i know that stuff like that isn't possible with the current Kinect, and might not be possible with the next one (or developers just won't try) but i like to think that it's a nice direction to be heading in. Especially with the VR headset/Oculus Rift thing as well, it just gets me very excited about the future of stuff like this.


I'll be very disappointed if in 20 years we're still just using controllers on flat screens with updated graphics. :hmm:

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It also gets much, much more complicated when you try to add stuff you can actually interact with. And even more so when things change the position of your character. And how can you do natural-feeling walking without having to purchase a full size football field?


Then again, I'm not fond of stuff like Oculus Rift. Sure, I like to be immersed in my games, but I also like to be aware of my surrounding. Blocking my sight and hearing doesn't sound very appealing.

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New/old rumours.






- Always on, Always connected

- Low powered mode

- Kinect sold with every console, wider FOV, no motors, better tracking

- Kinect is required to be plugged in

- Low latency controller with "improved ergonomics", simplified interaction with console OS

- Bluray drive

- All games must be installed on HDD [you can start playing few secs after installation starts], game data streaming from optical disc not supported

- Only digital audio out

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Kinect working in smaller spaces is a good one for me, as the required 6' in the current Kinect meant I couldn't have had one if I'd wanted it (even if I didn't).


I've realised the best thing the new Xbox could do for me is greatly improving its content delivery. Take some pages from Steam's book, concentrate heavily on downloadable games, implement a greenlight-style system that can carry Indie games over to the Arcade. Updates need to be much, much easier and cheaper for developers to integrate.


The creators of Dungeon Defenders, my favourite downloadable co-op game this generation, aren't bringing their sequel to the current gen consoles because updating frequently is too expensive and too difficult. We're talking $40,000 to patch a game. It sucks, but hopefully if more developers drop the PS3/360 for this reason, they'll get the message.

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I've realised the best thing the new Xbox could do for me is greatly improving its content delivery. Take some pages from Steam's book, concentrate heavily on downloadable games, implement a greenlight-style system that can carry Indie games over to the Arcade. Updates need to be much, much easier and cheaper for developers to integrate.


So, they need to do what Sony are?

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