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Xbox One Console Discussion


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Has no one mentioned the production issues? Apparently MS has severely gimped the hardware again. There's issues with eSRAM and the GPU needs to be underclocked leaving the PS4's now around x2 more powerful.


Apparently quite a major boob up that's too late to remedy. Confirmed by various sources all with the same information.


MS will not talk about the GPU at E3 now and will instead take Nintendo's lead in, not, talking, about.. .. it!


Yup, read that too. If buttocks says it's TRUTHFACT, then it's true ;)


On the bright side, if devs are going to continue to support both PS4 and Xbone, designing their games around the lowest common denominator, at least it'll almost guarantee 1080p and/or 60FPS in the PS4 versions of games! :)

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On the bright side, if devs are going to continue to support both PS4 and Xbone, designing their games around the lowest common denominator, at least it'll almost guarantee 1080p and/or 60FPS in the PS4 versions of games! :)


And awesome PC versions.


@Daft, I'll sign an NDA from you for realsies. Wouldn't tell nobody...maybe.

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The same trustworthy sources are now saying MS are attempting to moneyhat pubs to get them to only allow XBone versions of multiplats be shown at E3 or playable on the show floor!


Is there a source/link for this?

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Is there a source/link for this?


Yep, as said just inside people on NeoGAF with good records for good inside info.


There's another rumour they are in talks with Sky to distribute the XB to Sky subscribers for what might be a monthly fee instead of an outright payment.


From what little research I've done, Sky boxes would appear to be compatible with the Xbone's HDMI-HCH requirement.

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Yep, as said just inside people on NeoGAF with good records for good inside info.


There's another rumour they are in talks with Sky to distribute the XB to Sky subscribers for what might be a monthly fee instead of an outright payment.


From what little research I've done, Sky boxes would appear to be compatible with the Xbone's HDMI-HCH requirement.


hmmm :blank:


that slightly tempted me for a small amount of time, then i remembered all the PR disaster...e3 would need to be spectacular for me to consider it

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Us "gamers" are a small portion of the market. I get the impression that Microsoft simply don't give a rat's arse about us. They're going full swing at the casual market and don't care how many dedicated fans they piss off.


The mass media at E3 will lap everything up and it will be an astounding success for Microsoft (even if all gaming forums will state Microsoft's conference as a massive failure).

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thats the unfortunate truth isn't it?


but it will hopefully take some heat off Nintendo if MicroSoft are aiming for the casuals and stupid motion controls, i'd be happy to see them go and it be a race between sony and Nintendo, as the two complement each other like Sega and Nintendo did, and the market would be a whole lot better if it were like those days

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Microsoft aren't going after any particular demographic. They're going after absolutely everyone. They'll be the jack of all trades, master of none. If they played it right, it could work...but their messaging is awful at the moment.


There will be games for the hardcore.

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I'm not saying here won't be hardcore games. They just don't care how much they piss off hardcore fans. Then again, I think they know that the majority of hardcore fans will give in anyway.

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I'm not saying here won't be hardcore games. They just don't care how much they piss off hardcore fans. Then again, I think they know that the majority of hardcore fans will give in anyway.


I don't think it's that they don't care, I think they're naive enough to think they can have it all.

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Old N-Europer Jordan put this online earlier concerning the DRM for the Xbone. For those unsure, maybe this will decide you


It's like... Microsoft just don't want you to buy their new console. Rules just came out about their DRM policies, they're fucking nuts.


1. Xbone requires a internet connection. If you don't check in within 24 hours, your system is essentially locked.


2. You can not borrow or rent games.


3. You CAN trade your games to friends but they must be on your friends list and once you trade it, it gets tied to their account. You can only trade the game ONE time.


4. Publishers will have the ability to block you from selling/trading the game.


Just because they worded it differently doesn't make it better.




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