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Xbox One Console Discussion


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How much live TV do we really watch these days? I was always under the impression that we were slowly drifting towards using on-demand like Netflix & LoveFilm in addition to catch-up like iPlayer. Sure, social media has reignited some of the popularity in watching broadcast television but the vast majority of my viewing is now recorded to watch when it suits me on a PVR/Sky+. The only TV I watch live are sports.


The only live TV I watch is football, anything else is Netflixed or torrented.


For all the bashing Xbox One is getting on forums, it's getting a lot of praise in the media. This is exactly the same as Apple products, people who know about tech don't like them because they can get what they perceive as a better product elsewhere (whether it is better or not is irrelevant). We're all very 'up' in the games industry. The average Joe doesn't know, or care, about most of the stuff we're talking about.


Xbox One will be increidbly popular and they've in no way shot themselves in the foot.

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How much live TV do we really watch these days? I was always under the impression that we were slowly drifting towards using on-demand like Netflix & LoveFilm in addition to catch-up like iPlayer. Sure, social media has reignited some of the popularity in watching broadcast television but the vast majority of my viewing is now recorded to watch when it suits me on a PVR/Sky+. The only TV I watch live are sports.


So with Microsoft including HDMI-In on X1, are they hoping we step back a few years to a time when we cared what was on the guide right now and predominantly only watched TV as it aired? I would have thought Microsoft would offer a subscription package which not only provided Xbox Live, but also television content on demand over the internet such as subsidsized Netflix, HBO, Sky etc and would hence be all in one. Therefore removing the need for our separate cable/satellite subscriptions. My guess that the content providers are not playing ball and feel they don't need to split their profits with Microsoft as they're getting enough revenue as it is - which is something that Apple is struggling with now for their Apple television.

I watch a lot of live TV, though I do record a lot and watch it at my own convenience.


While Netflix, Lovefilm etc. are good, they're pretty behind on the shows. I can't watch the latest Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, NCIS etc. on it, but I can with live TV

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The only live TV I watch is football, anything else is Netflixed or torrented.


For all the bashing Xbox One is getting on forums, it's getting a lot of praise in the media. This is exactly the same as Apple products, people who know about tech don't like them because they can get what they perceive as a better product elsewhere (whether it is better or not is irrelevant). We're all very 'up' in the games industry. The average Joe doesn't know, or care, about most of the stuff we're talking about.


Xbox One will be increidbly popular and they've in no way shot themselves in the foot.


I understand they paid for it to trend on twitter, do you think it could be possible they're swaying some of the media as well? Or do you think they're genuinely positive reactions? I haven't seen any of it myself so far so I can't quite judge.

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How much live TV do we really watch these days?


I watch Doctor Who. I'll probably watch Sherlock season 3 when that starts.


Not exactly much. Plus, the Xbox TV thing won't work for it anyway.


I can't watch the latest Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, NCIS etc. on it, but I can with live TV


Apart from BBC shows, "I can't watch the latest" is exactly why I watch so little live TV. Too many shows are way behind, some never even finishing over here (I don't think we ever got season 4 of Chuck).

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I understand they paid for it to trend on twitter, do you think it could be possible they're swaying some of the media as well? Or do you think they're genuinely positive reactions? I haven't seen any of it myself so far so I can't quite judge.


Well I think that the majority of the media have been given access to the console and the new Kinect itself. I reckon that if you see the Kinect 2 technology in person then it would 'wow' you and you'd want to write a good review of it. From what I've read, Kinect is a big part of what is being spoken about in the mainstream media.




Here's another point that works for both the Wii and Kinect. Do you think we were lied to when the original Wiimote and Kinect came out? All the stuff they claimed it could do... It couldn't really which is why Nintendo brought out Motion Plus and Microsoft with Kinect 2. The original Wiimote was pretty cranky, no where near to what we were expecting from it. Kinect... slightly different as I haven't really used it but from my understand it was meant to be far better than it was.

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Here's another point that works for both the Wii and Kinect. Do you think we were lied to when the original Wiimote and Kinect came out? All the stuff they claimed it could do... It couldn't really which is why Nintendo brought out Motion Plus and Microsoft with Kinect 2. The original Wiimote was pretty cranky, no where near to what we were expecting from it. Kinect... slightly different as I haven't really used it but from my understand it was meant to be far better than it was.


Definitely. It starts to sell the idea and draws commitments, then given the wait for the console release we get hyped and the decision grows on us - by time we find out it isn't quite that we've decided on so many other counts that we let it go. They also grab you with the promise of it being improved later down the line, without it just being a gimmick, with all the potential uses by devs etc. They never materialise, but you've already bought the console.


I have no regrets of my Wii though, Smash Bros alone gave me a lot of time with my mates. There were plenty other gems along the way, including Xenoblade which is one of the best games I've played in a long time, but yeah...that's getting off the point.


What actually sold me on the Wii U was when I got my hands on one and saw the TV to pad speed, the tv remote function, the miiverse etc. Would def agree hands on helps to sell the console much more.

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What actually sold me on the Wii U was when I got my hands on one and saw the TV to pad speed, the tv remote function, the miiverse etc. Would def agree hands on helps to sell the console much more.


I've still never even see a Wii U out in the wild (or in a shop, come to think of it). Families are still happy with the Wii.

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I've still never even see a Wii U out in the wild (or in a shop, come to think of it). Families are still happy with the Wii.


Quite true, I had to see it around someone's house.


I had a go on the Wii U in game the other day, first time I'd even seen one. There were 2 Wii remotes and a NSMB demo set up, but only one person could play, and only using the Wii remote -_-


That's pretty embarrassing, where was it?


Bard and I played the Wii U at Ashley's. Was old school in all the worst of ways.


What were you playing?

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That's pretty embarrassing, where was it?


At the front of GAME. It wasn't that the controllers weren't working, both handsets synced and I used the game pad to get around the menu, but 2-player was greyed out and once I started playing it told me to pick up the remote.


Not that the game wasn't fun or anything, it was, I just wanted to try out that pad a bit more!

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At the front of GAME. It wasn't that the controllers weren't working, both handsets synced and I used the game pad to get around the menu, but 2-player was greyed out and once I started playing it told me to pick up the remote.


Not that the game wasn't fun or anything, it was, I just wanted to try out that pad a bit more!


Its GAME what do you expect? They are also going to be one of the exclusive places that can sell 'approved' second hand games.


Clearly the manufacturer's, devlopers and publishers have not learnt a thing. This reminds me of the music industry.

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Its GAME what do you expect? They are also going to be one of the exclusive places that can sell 'approved' second hand games.



Whats this now? MS are doing deals with stores for the 2nd hand game thing are they?

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What were you playing?


We played Nintendo Land, New Super Mario Bros U and ZombiiU. Basically everything Ashley had, don't think there was anything else.


They were all for for about 10 minutes. We ended up playing Smash Bros for the Wii.

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We played Nintendo Land, New Super Mario Bros U and ZombiiU. Basically everything Ashley had, don't think there was anything else.


They were all for for about 10 minutes. We ended up playing Smash Bros for the Wii.


There was Sonic et al Racing as well. Plus Chasing Aurora.



If true, that's been designed solely for the benefit of Microsoft at the expense of the consumers and retailers. It's awful.

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So under that system the minimum you could expect to pay for a pre-owned game would be £35 that's like 41euro.... that's not much off a brand new game at 50-55euro :heh:


So if that were all true it would mean increasing the cost of pre-owned games (reducing the appeal of it to the consumer...no doubt designed to encourage people to buy new...but even if they don't MS still get their cut) and with the reduced profit the retailer would see this could still result in putting game stores on even more shakey ground :(




I was actually in GameStop yesterday and asked the one guy there what he thought bout it and he said HQ had emailed them saying not to worry bout it, but didn't give them any extra details...wonder if this is what they meant

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