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Well my ps3 died stiff it was backwards comparable IOU ld have certainly just got a ps4 waited, but it isn't, so ordered the gta v last of us deal, sell gta v sealed for 35 (hopefully) meaning I get the ps3 for 150. Not bad.


Just wondered if there was any great incentive to get a ps4 at launch (it'll be weird not getting it at launch). My presumption is all the multiplatform game will just be shiny version of last gen, and the knack and kill zone are the only exclusives and knack looks average and kill zone will be as average as the others. These are presumptions as I haven't been keeping up to date, but there doesn't seem to be hands on and such and wondered what people's thoughts were.

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Samurai Gunn is another PS4 indie to get excited about - Kurosawa and pixel-art meet in a duel to the death.


Thought it looked a bit blah but after reading the article, it sounds like fun. Probably won't pick it up unless the price is right. I can imagine it'd be a lot of fun with PS3/Vita/PSVTV LAN play.













Edited by Daft
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Yeah, although that stuff is supposed to come to the US next year but Europe will be taking a lot longer because of our slower broadband speeds.


See this makes little sense to me large parts if the states have piss poor internet its like they only think of the people in the major cities.

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I think it's more to do with server allocation across country boarders. The US is one big country, the EU is a clusterfuck of different regulations.


Gaikai will be very niche anyhow. Definately more suited to PS3 games than PS4. Sending a 1080p video is much tougher.

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Shortages incoming?


The PlayStation UK team is in crucial talks to secure more PS4 consoles, after admitting it had underestimated how popular it would be.


Sources close to the platform holder have told MCV that the current number of units expected in the UK is unlikely to satisfy demand. The machine could be in short supply for up to four months after launch.


Pre-orders have already surpassed the firm’s original predictions, and the company has had to turn off day one orders in an effort not to disappoint any eager gamers still wanting to get a machine on launch.


But Sony is worried that if potential customers cannot buy a PS4, then they may choose Xbox One instead.

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That Amazon France bundle that was leaked a while back is heading to the UK.


Sony will release the eye-catching PlayStation 4 bundle leaked on Amazon last month in the UK, Eurogamer can exclusively reveal.


In August Amazon France listed a PS4 bundle that includes a number of extra items for the same price as Xbox One in Europe.


The bundle costs €499 - the same as Microsoft's European Xbox One price - which translates to around £427. In the UK the Xbox One costs £429.


Included in the box is a copy of PS4-exclusive launch title Killzone Shadow Fall, two DualShock 4 controllers and the PlayStation Camera. Internally Sony calls this the "mega bundle".


That's compared to Microsoft's offering, which includes FIFA 14 when you pre-order the bundle, Kinect and an Xbox One controller.


Bought separately, the bundle's contents would cost £503 when purchased together from Amazon at time of publication (£349 for the PS4 console, £55 for the PlayStation Camera, £54 for a second DualShock 4 and £45 for Killzone: Shadow Fall). That's roughly a £70 saving.


"I can officially confirm that the answer is yes [sony will bring the bundle to the UK]," Sony UK boss Fergal Gara told Eurogamer today at the Eurogamer Expo.


"It'll be similarly benchmarked in euro equivalent. PlayStation 4 is £349 and €399, so it will be the same equivalent.


"It will be no more than a tenner either way [of the Xbox One £429 UK price] depending on what conversation rate we use on the given day."


Sony will announce several new PS4 bundles tomorrow, Eurogamer understands. The company has told UK retailers to alert those who have pre-ordered PS4 that they now have the option to upgrade to one of these.


"It [the mega bundle] is in limited volume, and therefore it is probably going to go mainly to current pre-order customers, then follow-up volume may well be post-Christmas," Gara added.


"But there are other bundles that also represent incredibly good value. It's not just about having a good base price. We want to offer value in every way we can.


"Starting yesterday, our retail partners are contacting their pre-order customers in order, so starting with the first, working up to when they run out of that special bundle, saying, we now have clarity on exactly what PlayStation 4 bundles we have to offer for day one. Would you like option A, B, C or D?


"Everybody who has pre-ordered in the expectation they're getting just the PS4, including the DualShock 4 and the headset - the basic configuration. But as we've worked through the details and worked through the options we've come up with some great bundle offers. And it is only fair the first people in the queue get first chance to get that.


"It's a brilliant thing to do for the gamer. In theory there could be some free on day one, but I think it's unlikely, because the people in that queue are going to say yes please.

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"Everybody who has pre-ordered in the expectation they're getting just the PS4, including the DualShock 4 and the headset - the basic configuration. But as we've worked through the details and worked through the options we've come up with some great bundle offers. And it is only fair the first people in the queue get first chance to get that.


Hope that means I can upgrade my current pre-order to this bundle and still get it on the release day.


Let's see how Amazon.de will handle this.

Not getting my hopes up, though :blank:

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Played the PS4 at Eurogamer today. The control felt nice and natural. Not really much more that I can say than that, but yeah...good! Although only played a few games and obviously didn't get to try out the full benefits (touch pad, share etc), but it felt smoother than the DS3.


Annoyingly (although unsurprisingly) they only let you play two games; one indie title and one mainstream one. Although after you leave the area, some of the indie ones are there (so if you're going, play Resogun on the inside as its not outside). Still, Knack was pretty good. The guy in front of me seemed to find it more difficult than I did...or it helped that I watched him go through it.


Also played Octodad!




It was wibbly-wobbly fun!

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