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The big thing that strikes me is when the largest cheer of E3 is for the announcement that you will actually own the discs you purchased and can do with them as you please it shows what a state we are in. Things like that really shouldn't raise a cheer at all, in fact they shouldn't even need to be talked about - they should be taken for granted.


Completely agree. Although having said that, I think the cheer was more of a sigh of relief. People were afraid/uncertain about the direction that this industry was headed and it was nice to see Sony pull away from Microsoft and show that they're not going down that route. Hopefully this forces MS into a tight spot where they will have to answer those burning questions or just stop this stupidity.

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Still buzzing.:bouncy: Barely slept.:grin: £349 is a great price. Going to need a lot of self control to hold out until Infamous but we'll see.


Any news on HDD size? USB Ports? Optical port? Dolby?




Yeah that is surprising. Kaz made a brief comment when he was on CNBC about the yen being weak to the Euro at the moment so it makes sense at the very least that Europe is getting it this year.


500gb HDD (and it's expandible). Will have 6 USB 3.0 ports, the specs are currently up on Gamespot/Shopto etc. Can't link it, systems in work prevent this.


This is getting better and better, £349 with better specs. I'm tempted to put my deposit down later today, very tempted. So long Microsoft, nice knowing you (greedy b**t**ds)

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Well you see that as a positive, I wasn't interested in any of those Indie games and never cared about Drive Club :heh: Those indie games will go in my game collection the same way all the Humble Bundle games do on Steam, into a big list of games I'll never play....


Alls I'm saying is making PS+ mandatory for online (which I'm surprised hasn't caused a ruckus considering how many people flipped their shit at me in an argument about Xbox Live Gold barely a week ago) is going to be a kind of market saturation for the service. If everyone has it, there's no need to make it quite so appealing. There must be instances where games were given away to sell PS+, not just to benefit the developer, and that won't be necessary anymore....


Ah, okay. I get what you're saying. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.


I like how everyone is so pleased with the cost, yet UK and EU are still getting a ridiculous exchange rate of price conversion.


Taking a pessimistic exchange rate of 1.5 makes it is £266.


Yeah, but wages/SOL are higher here than in America.




It's weird how everyone simplifies the economics so much.

Edited by Daft
Automerged Doublepost
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I like how everyone is so pleased with the cost, yet UK and EU are still getting a ridiculous exchange rate of price conversion.


Taking a pessimistic exchange rate of 1.5 makes it is £266.

Mostly pleased because when the Xbox One price was announced, a lot of people were thinking "if the PS4 is slightly more powerful, is it going to be around the same price? Maybe more?" Fortunately not :)


Same as everyone cheering about their stance on used games. It's not amazing, it's just great that there's a better option than what MS is offering.

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There's a huge amount of hypocrisy in this industry. People have been complaining about the need for a Gold account for years - now Sony do it, everyone's cool about it. Go figure.


However I can see why people are letting that go, because when the console is $100 cheaper, there's no DRM, no 24 hour check-ins and you can lend and play used games the positives outweigh the negatives.


The big thing that strikes me is when the largest cheer of E3 is for the announcement that you will actually own the discs you purchased and can do with them as you please it shows what a state we are in. Things like that really shouldn't raise a cheer at all, in fact they shouldn't even need to be talked about - they should be taken for granted.


Have we forgotten, for one smidgeon of a minute, that you pay for Gold solely for the ability to play online, while Plus has been a service that many gamers have signed up to willingly on account of how awesome it is?


No one is saying that it doesn't suck that you are now obligated to join Plus. It does suck for many people.


The fact remains however that on this forum when we learn we must join Plus, a service many of us had no intention of leaving anyway, we're hardly going to be outraged by it. It will make no difference to us on a personal level.

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Actually, with Gold to pay to be online. You need it for services like Netflix and YouTube. Goddamn YouTube.


I understand the rational for making multiplayer premium. It's a shame, but that's business. And there are so man upsides, it's actually kind of hard to complain.

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Ah, okay. I get what you're saying. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.




Yeah, but wages/SOL are higher here than in America.




It's weird how everyone simplifies the economics so much.


Please explain your highly complex economics to us stupid folk then Daft. Your wages and SOL doesn't make up for such a bad rate to me.


Although if Cube is right and that's the price post tax in uk and pre tax in US, that would make more sense.


I know it is obviously a good thing that the price is lower, but objectively if Xbox price was not considered, I'm sure more would be annoyed at the price compared to US. Has it always been like that for previous consoles?

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Please explain your highly complex economics to us stupid folk then Daft. Your wages and SOL doesn't make up for such a bad rate to me.


Does that picture not explain it well enough? I didn't say it was complex, nor did I call you stupid - tempted to now, though - I was just saying it's not as simple as converting one currency to another. You're missing the whole socio-economic aspect to goods exchange.

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Superb. All of it superb.


Only the DRM issue leaves me baffled (in comparion to the Xbox One), I'm genuinely surprised Sony were not apparently press ganged into it to maintain relationships with major publishers like Microsoft claim they were. I'd love to see the meeting minutes that resulted in both of those decisions.

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Although if Cube is right and that's the price post tax in uk and pre tax in US, that would make more sense.


I know it is obviously a good thing that the price is lower, but objectively if Xbox price was not considered, I'm sure more would be annoyed at the price compared to US. Has it always been like that for previous consoles?


Different US states have different taxes. Showing prices with tax simply isn't done in the US. The UK prices are with VAT.


For the last few generations at least, consoles have been more expensive in Europe. There's different import taxes involved, plus distributing to different counties likely adds to the cost. There's lots of little differences.

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I'm currently playing catch up on news as I too tired to stay up to watch conference.


The having to get plus made me lol to play online a bit because of all the stick Microsoft have got from Sony fanboys over the years for that very thing.


Although I do appreciate that Plus has offered a much better service in 'free' games etc and not hiding other basic services behind a premium price.


I think the only reason I never got plus is because I paid for xbox live and didn't want to pay for two services. I think I got gold last year for £25 for 12 months, I'm not even sure how much plus costs.

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I think the only reason I never got plus is because I paid for xbox live and didn't want to pay for two services. I think I got gold last year for £25 for 12 months, I'm not even sure how much plus costs.


Standard price is £40 a year. I picked two years up a few months ago for £20 a year.

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Different US states have different taxes. Showing prices with tax simply isn't done in the US. The UK prices are with VAT.


For the last few generations at least, consoles have been more expensive in Europe. There's different import taxes involved, plus distributing to different counties likely adds to the cost. There's lots of little differences.


Yeah, when you think about the cost involved with transporting to different countries with different laws and customs, as well as translation requirements then it's not difficult to see why Europe pays more than USA. Luckily though, we generally earn more!

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I just believe they are charging extra in UK because they can bump it up and demand will not fall as i think its probably quite inelastic.


Also the tax element makes me less confused at their pricing strategy for other currencies. Thanks Cube.


I will be buying a ps4 but I was almost certainly going to based on final fantasy and kingdom hearts exclusivity. Loved the KH3 reveal, was not expecting that.

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Back to this:


- Purchasing, downloading and joining a game while the current one is playing.

- Group messaging.

- Cross-game chat, will probably be tied in with the group messaging thing.

- Messages and the store on your phone. The PS4 will probably be in a "standby" mode that can respond to this purchase and start downloading.

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must say I am very tempted by PS4 now. In part because Microsoft are making it look such a good console, a bit like when Wii U sales shot up after Xbox1 announcement. I really don't want to pay for online but if EA do a good version of Tiger Woods with move controls, then I could be tempted.


And this is coming from somebody with no interest in PS4 or Xbox1, so it just shows how 3rd party publishers abandoning the Wii U is damaging.

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It was a good conference, but I feel some balance and sense has been lost


- the first hour was nothing short of awful. Token Vita and ps3 and way too long on TV/Music etc

- the console itself is pretty ugly (I have not seen proper shots, just woken up from seeing it at the conference), it looks weirdly like the xbox, smaller, but probably not quite as nicely designed

- paying for online if disgusting, people have been absolutely slating microsoft for year about this and how amazing sony are, sony start chanrging and everyone suddenly pulls out ms fans arguments - the services do cost a lot of money to run blah blah blah For me it's still not good enough, you're bringing the cloud in? Then let this only be used with plus, let all the additional services be chargeable; but the basic right to play online SHOULD ALWAYS BE FREE!!!!

- there wasn't loads of new games. I expected much more to be honest, I though it'd be crazy. There is also a personal slant on this, I don't care for Final Fantasy any more, Kingdom Hearts is nice though. The thing that got me most excited in the whole conference was that indie game section, and I don't think they were even exclusive

- the DRM, price etc etc YES it was amaizng to hear, but ONLY because of microsoft and people feared sony would follow suit. £350 is about right, not great, just right. The DRM issue shouldn't be celebrated, it should just be the way it is. Actually think it being region free is bigger news!!


Saying all that. Great that plus is continuing and in such style giving a launch game day one. It is a decent price etc and I will 100% get a ps4, it looks to be a great console, and even though yesterdyas conferences show me more and more that Nintendo really are the company for me, there are a lot of games I do want to play, and I'll only do that on ps4/xb1, and in that fight it really isn't even a competition

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- paying for online if disgusting, people have been absolutely slating microsoft for year about this and how amazing sony are, sony start chanrging and everyone suddenly pulls out ms fans arguments


I've seen a ton of complaints about the pay to online thing. I never had much of a problem with Gold, and I was already committed to carrying on with Plus.

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Dazzy is right. But I'm finding it hard to complain about multiplayer being put behind something I need absolutely no convincing to buy in the first place. Hell, I feel it should cost more.


At least you can still watch Netflix without Plus.

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I've seen a ton of complaints about the pay to online thing. I never had much of a problem with Gold, and I was already committed to carrying on with Plus.


I have plus paid up to end of 2014, it's an amazing service; it's the principle of it, the business practice of it that Microsoft have been so lambasted for, Sony do it it's suddenly okay.

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