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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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It's really good to see Sony taking their initiative on this, but it's only going to pay off if the launch goes fine. Publishers are complete cunts and if something doesn't sell as much as they hoped, the toys are thrown out of the pram and the console manufacturers are to blame, even though it usually boils down to customers not wanting their shitty products at launch prices.


Nintendo was showing signs of complacency last year once the 3DS found its legs and started doing laps around the globe at the fucking speed of light, and as companies usually do in times of success, push out whatever they want without giving a fuck about the content creators. What Sony's doing now could potentially be a good push for us all as a whole.

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All this dialogue between Sony and their developers is really promising. I think Nintendo could probably learn a thing of three million from this. Microsoft too, but who knows what they've done.


Yes, Nintendo should definitely have a headphone jack in their controller.

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No they shouldn't. The gamepad is enough of an option for voicechat if developers use it.


But seriously, people find any tiny thing to wank over, it's ridiculous. The new pad has a speaker and a headphone jack and a touchscreen... Listened to developers? Or just had a look at another controller? I don't think there's anything wrong with that, a good idea is a good idea. But lets not pretend its something amazing.

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Okay, it's not promising Sony are listening to developers. It's very un-promising.


No it is, I'm not saying that. In fairness I was semi joking with my headohone jack comment, but I do also think its a bit of a non article. I also think Nintendo do listen to developers (the nunchuk, changing the slide pads, the 360 rip off controller etc) and we have no idea if ms listen to developers or not as we don't know what they're doing so I think it's unfair to say they don't.


It sounds like the development of the console was borne out of making it better for developers and such so I'm sure they are, and that's a great thing. Just that article just saying it and mentioning a headphone jack and such... Just felt like a weird thing to get excited about.

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...Did you actually read the article? The article's main point isn't really about the controller, it's that "The guys who made [the system] are no longer in an ivory tower in Tokyo, it's shared with us and not just with us, but with Evolution, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, everybody and together we've built the machine." It's indicative of how Sony have approached the PS4 as a whole.

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Yeah, I guess we'll see how it all pans out, but like I say I hope it's true. I mean, Sony and it's second parties creating the console together is all good but the fruits of that is a controller which new features are from another controller, a new camera which is pretty much kinect and PC based architecture. I don't see anything wrong with that; but I don't see what's so amazing about it yet, and found fairly amusing that Nintendo and MS should listen too... They're too busy being the first ones to implement these features.

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Yeah, and I hope that's true. I guess this thread is full of bashes to Nintendo and MS at every time and truly bizarre praise at the slightest of things. Just weird fanboyism going on in here. Which is fine, but don't dress it up as anything else.


I'm actually quite excited about the PS4, I worry greatly for Sony this gen in all honesty, but I'd be surprised if it's not the machine I back out of Sony and MS.

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I don't see a touch pad on any other controller - it's a pretty different principle from a touch screen and has been around on laptops since God knows when. Also, why would you attribute the new camera to Kinect instead of the PS Eye which has been around much longer? Sure, Microsoft's focus on Kinect has made its inclusion more viable but it's not new. It's not even something many people are talking about.


I don't think anyone has claimed these features are brand spanking new but it obviously offers a unique unified set-up. It's exciting that Sony obviously get that they need to offer a whole system in the box, not patch it up with crap years after launch. Everything is there in the PS4 - that's great.


No one's really mentioned Nintendo or Microsoft in this thread (I just scanned through ith the search thread function). It's most definitely not 'full of bashes to Nintendo and MS'.

You sound strangely embittered.

Edited by Daft
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Sony didn't even show a use for the camera (other than a "more accurate move") or touchpad.


I wouldn't be surprised if the main reason for the camera was because some developers were interested in using the Kinect, and the camera allows for these developers to port the game to PS4 without sacrificing features or finding an alternate method.

Edited by Cube
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Well that's one of my concerns - it's thrown every idea into it but just for the sake of it, in case someone wants to use it. Just lacks some focus - okay so we'll add a touchscreen, the mic and jack; we'll develop out eye and turn it into kinnect, we'll use onlives streaming features and social aspects... Like I say, I'm not attacking, personally I'm pretty much certain to buy one at launch (if I bought the vita at launch then I'll obviously buy this); I just worry about its future. E3 will provide a much clearer picture, and you can never second guess the gaming public, but you can all have opinions.

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Surely the changes they've made to the camera are just a natural progression and advancement as technology continually improves. I don't see it as copying Kinect at all, in anything but the form factor having gone more that way, but then Nintendo started that form with the sensor bar. The EyeToy certainly came first and I just see this as an evolution.


It's funny, I wasn't sure what to make of the touchpad... until it suddenly dawned on me I was using one on my laptop as I was thinking this! :p It could be a nice addition, but I can't really imagine right now how you'll use it with the buttons/sticks, it seems a bit of an awkward placement.

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Daz, you're delusional. Nobody's bashing anything. The dialogue here concerns Sony's seemingly new approach to the console market, how they're actually listening to user feedback and how they're implementing the right things. I'm not sold on the line-up so far but I'd be an idiot if I was expecting to be. All that matters to me is their commitment to gaming, you can see it every facet of the PS4 - the games themselves, the hardware, the new features; the whole shebang. And why would I have any reason to doubt them after their performance this generation?

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Daz, you're delusional. Nobody's bashing anything. The dialogue here concerns Sony's seemingly new approach to the console market, how they're actually listening to user feedback and how they're implementing the right things. I'm not sold on the line-up so far but I'd be an idiot if I was expecting to be. All that matters to me is their commitment to gaming, you can see it every facet of the PS4 - the games themselves, the hardware, the new features; the whole shebang. And why would I have any reason to doubt them after their performance this generation?


I think most people, when thinking about the PS3, just think of the rocky start it had. If you look at where it started and then look at what it has become Sony did a hell of a job in getting back some of the market they lost. They invested heavily in new IPs and with a fair few games still to be released on the PS3 that momentum will help selling PS4 consoles.


The way Nintendo and to a certain extent Microsoft abandoned their consoles is baffling.

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I think the most important thing to consider is the number of options developers now have. They have the standard controller, but now they also have options to use the touch pad if they wish, or the camera if they have an idea of how to use it well. They won't be used in every game, I'm sure, but the options are there. It might look like they 'lack focus' right now, but I actually see this as a huge positive point. They're giving developers a number of new options if they wish to use them. In a couple of years we might look back and say 'well, the camera thing never really took off', but that's fine, it will just mean that developers couldn't think of a good way to use it. At least they had the option there if they had wanted it. Of course, we might be saying 'we use the camera and touchpad in literally every game, how did we ever game without them?'


For me, the most important point is that Sony is providing developers with choices. As long as the new features are of a high enough quality (touch pad is responsive, camera isn't shit) then I don't think it's a negative point at all.

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If the leaked 720 specs are real which they seem to be. Then the PS4 will be far and away the most expensive console.


While the 720 is right in the middle of the WiiU and Ps4 in power it can handle most next gen games as well as casual stuff the WiiU has. Should be interesting as normally most console tend to be very similar. This time all 3 are very different power wise.

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It's not going to be like that at all. If the specs are true it'll probably just mean the PS4 has the slight edge when it comes to maxed out first party games.


The difference is very big this time round. MS have made a deliberate choice with their hardware. Obviously these are based on the leaked specs but there could be changes still like the PS4 which was rumoured to be underpowered at first too. The price advantage will be big though if the specs follow through. Its literally an in the middle console.

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