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Sony details the workings of the new PlayStation Eye




Sony's Shuhei Yoshida has detailed to Engadget how the new PlayStation 4 Eye will work.


The new PS Eye comes with a pair of 1,280 x 800 cameras, four microphones and an 85-degree field of view. The two lenses are designed to be used in a variety of ways, including triangulating 3D space, gesture recognition, body tracking, or in conjunction with accessories such as the Wonderbook or DualShock controller.


Describing how this could work, Yoshida says that, for example, one camera will concentrate on capturing the action and ensuring good picture quality, while the other is dedicated to motion tracking. The fact that Move is now incorporated into the controller will also allow the camera to track the DualShock and know where you're sitting in relation to the TV. Apparently you'll also be able to use the camera to take 3D pictures and video and store them on your TV.

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They already mentioned that they'll have a Gaikai streaming solution for retail games. The fact that you can't transfer PSN games over means that they won't be included in the streaming service however.


This is a nightmare scenario really It means that we now have to rely on hackers finally breaking the PS3 encryption open if we want to see these games properly archived. If they can't manage it before the PS3 PSN service is shut down, a lot of the games and content on the PSN service may be lost to time forever; just like what happened to the original Xbox


PSN will still exist. Sony can let it continue to run on PS3 too, but they don't have to keep developing the PS3 side of PSN. They can, and should, still offer downloads of game updates and purchased downloadable games.

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I've seen some gameplay trailers, and I'm not exactly sold yet. It looks damn promising though!


However, I missed the conference last night, as I have to get up stupidly early for work every day. Is there anywhere I can watch it from the start? All the sites I've visited so far go to the Ustream feed, which starts part-way in... :/

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I've seen some gameplay trailers, and I'm not exactly sold yet. It looks damn promising though!


However, I missed the conference last night, as I have to get up stupidly early for work every day. Is there anywhere I can watch it from the start? All the sites I've visited so far go to the Ustream feed, which starts part-way in... :/

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I find it odd that the same people who were vocally saying "yeah the wii U isn;t graphically awesome? SO WHAT!" are now saying "The PS4 graphics aren't good enough!"


It's not due to hit shelves 'til xmas time, right? Combining the number of companies backing the PS4 I'm sure we'll se a larger list of great games for release date. And basically, any 3rd-party Wii U game we see this year will be a PS4 contender, too.


It's also pointless people going "to me the social aspect of teh PS4 is useless, because I have no friends, tehrefore the console is shit."

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It's disappointing but not surprising given the architecture that PS3 games won't be directly compatible on the PS4 but in all honesty for myself personally once I get a new console I very rarely play the older games. I do however hope/expect that Gaikai streaming of such titles will be free (or at the very least part of PS+) for those that have a digital copy of the game.

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I find it odd that the same people who were vocally saying "yeah the wii U isn;t graphically awesome? SO WHAT!" are now saying "The PS4 graphics aren't good enough!"


It's not due to hit shelves 'til xmas time, right? Combining the number of companies backing the PS4 I'm sure we'll se a larger list of great games for release date. And basically, any 3rd-party Wii U game we see this year will be a PS4 contender, too.


It's also pointless people going "to me the social aspect of teh PS4 is useless, because I have no friends, tehrefore the console is shit."


Post-purchase rationalization at its finest my friend.

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I find it odd that the same people who were vocally saying "yeah the wii U isn;t graphically awesome? SO WHAT!" are now saying "The PS4 graphics aren't good enough!"


*Raises hand as someone who thought PS4's graphics were more than good enough and has always wished the Wii U could handle 1080p across the board.


Part of the reason for some of those responses (and I don't think it is always "the same people") is that the graphics/horsepower has been the focus of the PS4 hype and conference and it never was with the Wii U - other than "thank god it's finally HD". I think comments (and endless internet opinion pieces) that bang on about the Wii U's graphics not being "all that" are missing the point even further.

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I think comments (and endless internet opinion pieces) that bang on about the Wii U's graphics not being "all that" are missing the point even further.


I don't think that's quite true. It all comes down to the games: the Wii missed out on a massive amount of third party titles, which was largely due to the power of the consoles.


Based on this, it's logical to think that a power difference again could lead to the same situation (when we have to clarify if "all platforms" includes the Wii U, you can see it's already starting).


With the PS4 and (almost certainly) the next Xbox both running on x86 architecture, it's only going to make building games on both platforms (and PC/Max/Linux) even easier, and less appealing to port it to the Wii U.


So I do think there is reason to be concerned about the Wii U's graphical capabilities.

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The situation seems to have improved on that score recently with Criterion's enthusiasm for the platform's capabilities (and saying all future titles from them will be released simultaneously) and the announcement of Watchdogs. The biggest factor will simply be whether the Wii U sells or not. And third parties don't need excuses beyond that not to support Nintendo platforms!


Of course you're right though, and it does seem incredibly naive of Nintendo to think parity-plus-a-bit-extra with 6/7 year old hardware will ensure support into the future. It'll be interesting to see how Destiny turns out.


It's the first and second party content that drives Nintendo platforms though, and I wanted to point out the difference of emphasis causing some of the mixed reactions. It's as simple as, if you hype something to hell and back some people will be disappointed ::shrug:


I was pretty impressed by the footage shown and if it does release at sub-£399 then it's a bit of a bargain!

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I've just been catching up today, to be honest taking into account they have to save some stuff for E3 I thought the event was pretty much flawless. It's everything I wanted. I feel like Sony have just simply listened to the fans this time around and done exactly what they should to please everyone, I don't know what else to say really. Little disappointed they didn't show the console but whatever.


If I was Nintendo I would be very, very worried right now.

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Forgot about the half dozen friends on my Facebook who worked play-tested shit at Studio Liverpool but are still with Sony.


Basically, long story short, joking about how they're now allowed to say what the controller looks like but not what it feels like due to their NDA's.

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