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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Is there really no way of checking how long you've played a particular game? Seems like a bit of an oversight to me. The Wii U gets a lot of shit for being backwards but the PS4 seems to be missing fundamental things like the above and even something as basic as folders or organisation on the home screen. Having said that the UI is growing on me a little.


I really like the easy screen capture button on the controller, it's super useful, although I wish the quality was better. Shame it won't let you save uncompressed PNGs. I don't suppose there's any way of publishing screenshots (Miiverse style) to your wall with a comment or is it just for your own viewing benefit.


I've never felt a need to know how long I've played a game for but sure it might be nice to have parity across consoles in that case (as I know Steam does it too).


And as I've previously mentioned I have no need for folders on anything other than my PC. I kind of like how the home screen is self-organising based on your activity.


The screenshot feature is designed to be used with existing social media as there's not really a wall on the PS4. When you do share it it does get included in your recent activity.

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Sometimes stuff pops up on the feed. Trophies definately do with screenshots. Unless hidden trophies. I see people's screenies here and there.


I do think some stuff like folders and sorting would be awesome. The UI is way ahead of the one and U though. More importantly its very much out of the way.

Edited by Choze
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Personally I don't see any issues with the UI. All the games you're currently playing or have been playing recently are right there. And it takes about a second to get to the main library.


As others said you can share photos/videos straight to Facebook or Youtube - or you can dump them all on a USB stick and do it that way.


Some games have in-game counters that tell you how long you've played for. Never really checked myself.

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One cool thing which I like is that you can send photos to other friends using the messaging system. @dan\-likes\-trees and I were doing it when playing The Witcher 3.


I would quite like the game time log actually. It's pretty much the only thing I'd really fancy, but I can also live without it. Although, they can sometimes be weird...my Wii log actually missed out on loads of games that I knew for a fact I played but they weren't included. Notably, my Fifa08 time wasn't included. Not sure why or if there's some sort of reason behind that.

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Not being able to delete stuff has no real impact as stuff you don't play just ends up tucked away in your library. The good thing about the PS4's UI is that it is designed first and foremost for the needs of the many and not the few. The vast majority of people will play a few games at most in a given period rather than, say, 20 games in a month. Designing a UI that lists games in order of most recently played/installed makes the most sense and will ultimately be the most time efficient system, for most people. Things like folders actually make you waste time sorting things out.


Honestly have no idea what people are smoking when they say the Wii U UI is better than the PS4s. The Wii U's UI is a dinosaur, much like the rest of the system really.

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After spending a little more time playing on my Xbox One recently due to Rare Replay I can honestly say that I now don't have a problem with using any of the current console UI's, while none of them are perfect they all allow access to the games I want to play while letting me go back to the UI at the touch of a button; so ultimately all is good. ::shrug:


If I had to improve certain elements though...


Wii U - No issues with the layout, it works, it has folders, that's about it... needs speeding up, that won't happen until the next console so nevermind; still perfectly usable.

PS4 - Plenty of functionality, does everything quckly but it sorely needs more customisation options, while having the most recently played items there is fine, it would be nice if the Library was more prominent with more options.

Xbox One - Has enough functionality but the layout takes a bit of getting used to, I love how easy it is to take a picture and then it's there in your activity feed which is very helpful.


So long as you can load up a the game you're currently playing within moments of turning the console on - which you can do on all three machines - I really don't have any real issues. : peace:


I have more problems finding the time to play all of the excellent games which have come out, let alone fretting over the UI... sometimes I miss the days of having a console where you could just put a cartridge in and play, no such thing as fancy User Interfaces for consoles in them days. :heh:

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So, I've just discovered Sound Shapes and am watching @Eenuh play through it right now.


Why didn't you bitches tell me about this sooner?! It's amazing! It's got a fucking level editor, too. Plus, Beck and Deadmau5 provided music for it...





Please tell me that there was a massive buzz around this when it was released? It's brilliant.

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Just finished the HD remake of Abe's Odyssey. Crazy to think how old this game is, I remember loving it back in the day. Just such a clever and fun game, loved it from start to finish. It was included in Plus a while back so if anyone else is sitting on it, I recommend giving it a go. Such a great game.

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Not sure how I missed this, maybe everyone else knows about it but has anyone played The Fall??



It's on PSN for about £7 and it's really good. It's like a point and click puzzle game with minor shooting bits.


I cannot recommend it enough. Just watch the trailer.

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Not sure how I missed this, maybe everyone else knows about it but has anyone played The Fall??



It's on PSN for about £7 and it's really good. It's like a point and click puzzle game with minor shooting bits.


I cannot recommend it enough. Just watch the trailer.


:blank: I made a thread two or three weeks ago...

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I figured it would be a nice palate cleanser after a heavy Order session, nice to jump in for 20 minutes and play a couple of levels. Pretty hard to get all the humans though, mostly because it wasn't always easy seeing where the keepers appeared from.


I also think I'm going to pull my hair out in frustration at all those less than 100% trophy bars that are stacking up.

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I also think I'm going to pull my hair out in frustration at all those less than 100% trophy bars that are stacking up.


Haha. I love'em. Even as a kid I was always trying to get my moneys worth out of games and finishing them all 100%. I just see trophies and achievements as unlockables for a game and can really add some longevity to your any games you're playing.

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@Ashley, when was the last time you actually just completed a game?



Currently sitting on 15 Platinums. I only go after ones I really want and are not ridiculously hard...unless I really love the game.


Having to complete a game multiple times is often a big turn off with Platinums (or missable trophies that require whole play-throughs to get). Sometimes it isn't a big deal like in the case of Infamous but yeah...most the time it's a no.


Basically, when it comes to trophies, I play it by ear.

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