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if they have a slow E3 I will not be complaining. :heh:


Be sure to avoid then Nintendo boards then...


"lol Sony sucks"

"no games on PS4"

"Nintendo wins"


"No exclusives on PS4"





I expect a God of War 4 announcement. Especially after that sneaky teaser at the end of the GoW 3 Remaster - Hades Fight trailer.


Other than that I won't get my hopes up. I'm happy with the shit ton of games I already have. : peace:

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I wonder if it means we'll have a slow E3 from them or we'll get some good annoucements but they just wont be out this year


I think it'll be the latter. Stuff that will be announced for the future, with third parties filling in for the rest of the year.


Not really all that bothered if that turns out to be the case. I bought the machine predominantly to get the third party stuff.

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Off the top of my head they will have God War 3, Tearaway, Uncharted Trilogy and Until Dawn all hitting this year. You will then have 3rd party stuff like Batman, MGSV and Battlefront to fill in the gaps. These games alone will do me nicely.


I'm so hyped for Battlefront. Dat Star Wars goodness.:yay:

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Well it makes sense that they've gone with marketing deals for what's pretty much the biggest 3rd party games of the year in Arkham Knight, Battlefront and MGSV.


It's rumoured they're in a marketing deal with Ubisoft and Activision for AC:Syndicate and Blops3 this year too.


If that's the case they've covered the major 3rd party games there.




Is it true Witcher 3 was in a marketing deal with Microsoft / XboxOne, cause if that's the case the 63% Witcher sales for PS4 is outstanding.

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Is it true Witcher 3 was in a marketing deal with Microsoft / XboxOne, cause if that's the case the 63% Witcher sales for PS4 is outstanding.


Yep, that's true. Kinda funny that they secured the rights and paid for advertising and it sold better on the competitor console.

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It's been a petty great year already; Bloodborne, Helldivers, Witcher 3, House of Wolves. Batman is out soon, then MGS V, then Mad Max, then the next big Destiny update.


I seem to play fewer games at the moment, but for much longer.

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At least they are admitting it. It may be a rough E3 for them.


Yep doesnt sound good. First party wise, its probably everything thats been delayed and given the level of sponsorships it will be mostly 3rd party games at e3 this year.


They are somewhat lucky that Nintendo and MS are bigger messes on all fronts software wise. There's just more games coming on the PS4 all round. I'd rather the games were polished though. Insert Miyamoto quote here.


But I am worried about stuff like the SF4 port which has been botched so far. Normally Sony studios are polished with this stuff.

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Battlefront and PGA is all I need.

Any news on an Alien sequel would be nice.


I'm not sure what I'd do if there was an Alien sequel.


Think I'd have to change my underwear instantly.


No idea how they'd go about it, though. Not sure if they could cover the "one Alien on a ship" scenario again and pull it off. Who knows?

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They could have more than one and call it "Aliens".


Yep more aliens this time, you can kill them now but only get limited ammo to retain the suspense, but at least we get to kill a few of the blighters this time. Said it before but that engine using the jurassic park franchise would be brilliant.

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They could have more than one and call it "Aliens".


Yep more aliens this time, you can kill them now but only get limited ammo to retain the suspense, but at least we get to kill a few of the blighters this time. Said it before but that engine using the jurassic park franchise would be brilliant.


Imo, it would be very difficult to keep up the suspense in the game with more than one of the creature. Even the film Aliens shows this. There's more of the creatures, so it becomes a different type of terror. You never had the impression that each individual Alien in Aliens was as terrifying or indestructible as the one solitary Alien in the original.


What made Isolation so good to play was that it felt like you had one adversary that was out to destroy you. It felt very personal. At least for the vast majority of the game.

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More than one could work...


When I was in the nest there was more than one. Some people on youtube have managed to spawn three.



More of the same could work though. They have a lot of story to draw on and also mess with in a clever way. Maybe Amanda went to LV426 before they properly colonised it. The Company lies about everything so almost anything is possible.

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More than one could work...


When I was in the nest there was more than one. Some people on youtube have managed to spawn three.



More of the same could work though. They have a lot of story to draw on and also mess with in a clever way. Maybe Amanda went to LV426 before they properly colonised it. The Company lies about everything so almost anything is possible.


Yeah, there are some sections where there are more than one, but it's never more than two or three (usually two for me) and it only happens about two (maybe three) times in the entire game. There's a difference between having, say, two Aliens and twenty Aliens. It would change the feel of the game completely.



I'd definitely be up for a sequel but I would be devastated if this became a full on action game, which is what it would have to become if you ended up with moaaaar Aliens and guns and shit. Colonial Marines was meant to be that.

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Had £3 odd sitting in my wallet on the PSN store and had a look the other day to see if there were any new digital deals that would help get rid of that amount and lo and behold there were so I decided to pick up Fez and so glad I did.


Had considered getting it so many times on the 360 but never ended up bothering but after sitting playing it for most of my spare time on Saturday, have to say I can't believe I waited this long. It's just a brilliant little game with some nifty little puzzles thanks to the whole changing perspective thing.


Have unlocked the last door but trying to collect all the cubes but trying to solve some of the secrets is tricky (found an area where it's a massive cube with doors on all 4 sides and I'm guessing you have to go through a certain set of doors in the right order but haven't the foggiest how to do it). But I shall persevere.


Looked at my library of games on my PS4 and just the number of downloadable titles that I've not only got through PS+ but also bought is quite staggering. Think it's safe to say that buying the PS4 last September for Destiny has reignited the gamer inside of me :grin:


Just a shame the rubber on my control sticks is properly starting to come away, more so on the left stick than on the right. Keeping my eyes peeled for a deal on the controllers as I think it's time to put this one to rest for a bit, or minimise its use. Even though the rubber was a little rubbed when I got the console, with it being second hand, still shows just how much I've got out of it that it is actually coming away properly now.

Edited by Ganepark32
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