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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Having used two types of thumbstick cover now, the concave ones are definitely better for grip, in my opinion. I had to switch from the concave ones to the kind that is convex/flat with lots of grip dots and found I lost a lot of control. Basically, if it's something you want to buy, shape >>>> grip.

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Had my PS4 just over a month now. Glad I didn't wait until November, had a fantastic first month with it.


Looking at the Wii U / 3DS release schedule, none of the big 3 releases on Wii U this year interest me, probably be March before I purchase another game on a Nintendo Platform (MH4 on 3DS).


What the hell would I be playing till then if I didn't have a PS4.

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Had my PS4 just over a month now. Glad I didn't wait until November, had a fantastic first month with it.


Looking at the Wii U / 3DS release schedule, none of the big 3 releases on Wii U this year interest me, probably be March before I purchase another game on a Nintendo Platform (MH4 on 3DS).


What the hell would I be playing till then if I didn't have a PS4.


Yeah, I agree. I don't regret my purchase one bit.


I'm also not as excited for Smash Bros as I thought I would be. In terms of what I'm looking forward to over the coming months, FIFA (because of the amount of people getting it here), Alien and Drive Club are probably higher on my list of priorities than Smash. All three will be out before Smash, too.

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Ok I'm obviously a massive Nintendo fan, had every console since the NES etc. The only non Nintendo I've bought is the original Playstation, a Game Gear and a Lynx, BUT I'm starting to consider getting a PS4. I know I'll get one eventually for No Man's Sky, Tearaway and Ryme (my kind of games) so now seems as a good a time as any.


I'm not really into shooters (Mass Effect a huge exception), but Destiny sort of intrigues me and I want to play it now that people are starting out rather than a few months when everyone will be amazing.


The Wii U release schedule is pretty barren for the next few months, especially with Captain Toad pushed to next year. Might be a good time. Hmmm, so tempting....

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I don't have any kind of knowledge or information, but I'd be surprised if theres any kind of price drop imminent.


About that, has there been a price drop over the summer? I thought I bought mine at sale, but two months later a lot of stores over here seem to have lowered it by 40£ permantly.

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Ok I'm obviously a massive Nintendo fan, had every console since the NES etc. The only non Nintendo I've bought is the original Playstation, a Game Gear and a Lynx, BUT I'm starting to consider getting a PS4. I know I'll get one eventually for No Man's Sky, Tearaway and Ryme (my kind of games) so now seems as a good a time as any.


I'm not really into shooters (Mass Effect a huge exception), but Destiny sort of intrigues me and I want to play it now that people are starting out rather than a few months when everyone will be amazin

The Wii U release schedule is pretty barren for the next few months, especially with Captain Toad pushed to next year. Might be a good time. Hmmm, so tempting....


It's a tricky one, if you haven't played stuff like last of us and tomb raider it's probably worth it. But I think the opposite of some here,I think the games on the ps4 is borderline awful. Or maybe borderline awful for me. I Already have last of us and tomb raider on the PS3. Infamous was good fun, but not great by any stretch. Destiny seems okay.... The only game on the system ive loved is resogun. Obviously the games will come, but this year I'm just looking forward to fifa and hoping alien is as good as it looks. That's it.


I think this generation is the most disappointing gaming generation there's been. Technologically it's incredibly disappointing. Do games look a generation leap ahead of last, not even close. Other than some nice services, I've not ONCE felt like I'm playing next gen. No ones fault, think it's the way technology has gone. It says a lot when peoples best games, or most exciting games are small indies that dont need the tech at all.

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Ok I'm obviously a massive Nintendo fan, had every console since the NES etc. The only non Nintendo I've bought is the original Playstation, a Game Gear and a Lynx, BUT I'm starting to consider getting a PS4. I know I'll get one eventually for No Man's Sky, Tearaway and Ryme (my kind of games) so now seems as a good a time as any.


Great games out there.


InFAMOUS: Second Son/First Light


AC IV (if you haven't played it yet)

The Last of Us (even if you've played it already)

Diablo 3 (also on PC, but the console versions are awesome for couch co-op)

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (if you're into the MGS series and are looking for amazing graphics)

Watch Dogs (there are mixed opinions, I loved it)

Tomb Raider (awesome, AWESOME Definite Edition)

Battlefield 4 (for some massive multiplayer action)

Destiny (for that great game that it already is)


And then there are many indies/PSN games (Transistor, Resogun, Child of Light, Towerfall Ascension, Strider, Don't Starve, Trials Fusion)


If there's anything that you find interested in, I'd say: Go for it.


If there isn't, wait until the games you want are out.



What everyone here will tell you (except dazzy :p): PS4 has been an amazing journey so far.

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I'm not into shooters much though so that cuts out what feels like two thirds of PS4's "must play" list. Destiny I'm willing to give it a go though because it seems fairly interesting (for a shooter). I'm also really hoping Bioware do a remastered Mass Effect trilogy as I've never played 1 and 2 (but am desperate to do so). That's the shooter exception as it's a little different.


I've not played any Tomb Raiders, AC's or Uncharted's. Keen to play Journey. Watch Dogs and Tomb Raider maybe. Transistor I definitely want to play, as well as the upcoming No Man's Sky, Tearaway, Ryse and Inside (Limbo 2). I'm much more of a platformer/adventure kind of gamer I think.

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I'm not into shooters much though so that cuts out what feels like two thirds of PS4's "must play" list. Destiny I'm willing to give it a go though because it seems fairly interesting (for a shooter). I'm also really hoping Bioware do a remastered Mass Effect trilogy as I've never played 1 and 2 (but am desperate to do so). That's the shooter exception as it's a little different.


I've not played any Tomb Raiders, AC's or Uncharted's. Keen to play Journey. Watch Dogs and Tomb Raider maybe. Transistor I definitely want to play, as well as the upcoming No Man's Sky, Tearaway, Ryse and Inside (Limbo 2). I'm much more of a platformer/adventure kind of gamer I think.


I was in a similar boat to you because I've been Nintendo only for most of my life (except for the SEGA systems bar the Saturn and I also had the original Xbox...which I never touched really) and fancied something different. Only ever played the first two Tomb Raiders and didn't love them. Never played Assassin's Creed, never played The Last of Us. Kind of out of the loop if I'm honest.


So far, I own Tomb Raider, Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed IV, Battlefield 4, The Last of Us and Destiny. Tomb Raider and The Last of Us are two of the very best games that I've played in the last five or so years on any system. I plunged so much time into Watch Dogs, Ine is addicted to Assassin's Creed and I enjoy the multiplayer on Battlefield and Destiny.


There's also a fair few downloadable games that we have acquired. Resogun is great, as is Strider. Transistor hasn't been touched yet but I hear it's good. You'll build up a stockpile of quite a few games because of PS+. Fl0W, Flower and Journey are games that I am looking forward to playing at some point.


Is there a reason you're not considering shooters? I'm not huge on them, but Metro Redux looks really, really good to me. As does Alien Isolation which is my most anticipated title of the year. There's quite a lot of variety in the genre, probably more so than you'd expect.


Either way, if you didn't have a PS3 or 360 last gen, the incentive to jump on it now is pretty good, imo. It's only going to get better, too. I'm not sure just how long the WiiU is going to be about but I feel safe in knowing that the PS4 has tons of mileage in it.

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I was in a similar boat to you because I've been Nintendo only for most of my life (except for the SEGA systems bar the Saturn and I also had the original Xbox...which I never touched really) and fancied something different. Only ever played the first two Tomb Raiders and didn't love them. Never played Assassin's Creed, never played The Last of Us. Kind of out of the loop if I'm honest.


So far, I own Tomb Raider, Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed IV, Battlefield 4, The Last of Us and Destiny. Tomb Raider and The Last of Us are two of the very best games that I've played in the last five or so years on any system. I plunged so much time into Watch Dogs, Ine is addicted to Assassin's Creed and I enjoy the multiplayer on Battlefield and Destiny.


There's also a fair few downloadable games that we have acquired. Resogun is great, as is Strider. Transistor hasn't been touched yet but I hear it's good. You'll build up a stockpile of quite a few games because of PS+. Fl0W, Flower and Journey are games that I am looking forward to playing at some point.


Is there a reason you're not considering shooters? I'm not huge on them, but Metro Redux looks really, really good to me. As does Alien Isolation which is my most anticipated title of the year. There's quite a lot of variety in the genre, probably more so than you'd expect.


Either way, if you didn't have a PS3 or 360 last gen, the incentive to jump on it now is pretty good, imo. It's only going to get better, too. I'm not sure just how long the WiiU is going to be about but I feel safe in knowing that the PS4 has tons of mileage in it.


Sounds like I'm in the same boat as you were.


I have a bit of a problem with first person shooters, it's hard to explain really, I just don't like the FP viewpoint, it's always weirded me out quite a bit. Conversely I adored the third person combat in Mass Effect 3. I'm much more of a adventure/platformer/puzzle kind of gamer, hence my love of Nintendo. I guess maybe Uncharted and Tomb Raider would suit. I wish Destiny was getting rave reviews for its RPG/adventuring/storyline, but it seems the only great thing about it is the combat.

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I've always had a Nintendo console accompanied in more recent times by 360 last gen and PS2 before that.


I'm toying with the idea of a white PS4 mainly for FIFA and Tiger Woods and Minecraft for my boy.

Does Tiger have a release date yet?

I can just about justify the purchase for these games and will no doubt get some other games like Alien, F1 and any really good games that are not being released on Wii U, but the PS+ subscription is the deal breaker for me at the moment, i have a real problem paying Sony to use the internet when I already pay BT the equivalent of Greece's national debt for this privelage.

Also is Football Manager on PS4?

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well that's the thing I wasn't. I got a gold subscription when i bought the console, but never renewed it as I didn't really use the console other than for FIFA nights with my mates a few times a year.


If you dont want to pay for PS+ then dont. If you want to play online then get it and enjoy the free games that come with it. There isnt much else you can do.

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My PS4 had been dispatched for delivery tomorrow!


Amazon also sent me a £10 off voucher for Watch Dogs, which I always going to get at some point. So snapped that up for £23 with free next day Sunday delivery - Amazon you have outdone yourself!


Why did you get a voucher and I didn't? :(


Also, why didn't I remember I already have a £5 voucher for Amazon :(


Mine is arriving todaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.


PSN name is ashleytwo!




Ooooooooooooor not arriving today because Amazon Logistics are fucking useless dicks.

Edited by Ashley
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