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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Hmm that looks pretty nice! The next evolution at least If not the final one. Slant is now smooth.


Still not sure what those two little boxes are... if they are Start/Select, being smooth and on the edge I feel like you'll kind of slip over them as you press, which is why I think, like you say @Daft they could be something else.

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All from IGN:


We finally have an actual picture of what the PlayStation 4 controller looks like, at least in prototype form (see the above "Important Update" for more on that). The picture comes by way of Destructoid, which posted the picture taken from an unknown source.




There’s a lot of familiar stuff on the controller along with a litany of new and interesting features. For starters, the directional pad (d-pad) on the left seems to feature meatier, bulkier buttons that are put closer together than on DualShock 3. The face buttons on the right side of the controller seem standard.


The analog sticks look to be a bit further apart, though they remain level, unlike the Xbox 360 controller's unevenly placed sticks. However, the sticks themselves are concave, like the Xbox 360’s. PlayStation 3’s controller includes convex analog sticks.


The much-rumored touch pad – a la the back of PlayStation Vita – appears at the center of the controller. There’s a small, mystery button to the left of the pad, above and to the right of the d-pad. Is this the rumored share button? Or is it a start or select button, both conspicuously absent from this version of the controller?


Meanwhile, there’s a glowing “something” on the top of the controller – most likely PlayStation Move-related – as well as a PlayStation button seemingly identical to the one on the PS3 controller. Above the PlayStation button appears to be a speaker, and what looks to be an audio jack is underneath the controller, perhaps used to plug in a headset.


Update: Another source has told IGN that the mysterious space in the middle of the controller can be pressed like a button, something Kotaku's source has also stated. Our separate source also indicates that the R2 and L2 buttons may actually be more in line with spring-loaded Xbox 360-like triggers and that the light atop the controller is indeed a PlayStation Move sensor.


Important Update: A trusted source has told IGN that this controller is real. However, our source notes that it's an early prototype. The controller, in other words, is likely to change between now and when the console launches.


Sony has responded to our inquiry to note that it "can't comment on rumors or speculation", its typical response. We'll almost certainly find out what the final controller looks like at the PlayStation event in NYC on February 20.


Digital Foundry has tweeted another picture of what purports to be the PlayStation 4 controller.


The new picture shows a headphone jack at the bottom of the controller, previously called the "mystery port". It also shows the touchpad on the front from a different angle, with one button on either side of it.




Image credit Digital Foundry:


It is clearly the same prototype controller that was pictured yesterday, which IGN sources have asserted as genuine.


It's widely expected that the PS4 will be officially unveiled next Wednesday at a Sony event in New York. You can watch it live on IGN.


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They do look more like they are there for debug/programming reasons than to be used as actual buttons. They could just quick ways to turn on/off the different functions like the move senser, touch pad, speaker etc or maybe they are just the start and select and they've been thrown up there until Sony determine exactly where they want them.


Those chunky looking handles look far nicer to grip onto than the flat DS ones.

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Supposedly a hoax. I have no idea what to think.


I do want Backwards compatibility though.


Who says it's a hoax?


I mean, I know that shot shows the Wii Dev kit in them (the black box sitting on the top mostly out of shot), but that doesn't mean the thing under neath, or the controller, isn't the real mccoy.


I actually think that this controller looks so hilariously cheap that I'm going to say that I find it laughable to even think that this might be the actual controller for the PS4. The proper Sony controller will look much better : peace:


I'm prepared to take the abuse if this is indeed "real", though..


But that isn't the final version - it's a prototype the devs have been using. The cheap looking mat plastic was to be expected. All dev kits and debug units tend to look crap. Once you see a swap to the glossy stuff they usually use, and maybe a few other tweaks, it will look a lot better.

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But that isn't the final version - it's a prototype the devs have been using. The cheap looking mat plastic was to be expected. All dev kits and debug units tend to look crap. Once you see a swap to the glossy stuff they usually use, and maybe a few other tweaks, it will look a lot better.


Yeh.. I actually deleted my post before this response came because I only wrote it based on seeing the picture and not actually reading more into it..



I have no qualms about it being a potential early prototype :smile: I just don't think it will be anywhere close to the final design.. but I'm sure most of us would agree on that anyway :heh:

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Yeh.. I actually deleted my post before this response came because I only wrote it based on seeing the picture and not actually reading more into it..



I have no qualms about it being a potential early prototype :smile: I just don't think it will be anywhere close to the final design.. but I'm sure most of us would agree on that anyway :heh:


I did wonder what happened to your post.


It does have a smidge of "third party knock off" about it but a good paint job would do wonders. Maybe make the touch pad and move sensor a bit more pleasing by giving them some semblance of shape. You can see they've tried to blend the touch pad into the that button array section but it still looks a bit iffy.

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It does have a smidge of "third party knock off"..


..probably more than a smidge ;)


Anyway.. as much of a Nintendo fan as I may be and as apathetic about the PS3 as I have been, it's always exciting to see that first glimpse of new hardware :bouncy:


Part of me wants this Sony event to be laughably bad just to see the internet reaction. GIFs have become one of the greatest things abotu E3 in recent years.. there's always something hilarious :grin: On the other hand, It'd also be great if Sony just unveiled something to knock my socks off and really make me take notice!

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..probably more than a smidge ;)


Anyway.. as much of a Nintendo fan as I may be and as apathetic about the PS3 as I have been, it's always exciting to see that first glimpse of new hardware :bouncy:


Part of me wants this Sony event to be laughably bad just to see the internet reaction. GIFs have become one of the greatest things abotu E3 in recent years.. there's always something hilarious :grin: On the other hand, It'd also be great if Sony just unveiled something to knock my socks off and really make me take notice!


I was trying to put it nicely but yeah, it is way more than a smidge :p


A peak of the future is always something special and more so when everyone is out of the loop and waiting in anticipation. Yeah, we already have an idea of system performance but we have no idea on physical designs for controllers or hardware until this cropped up.


I've been a Nintendo fan since I picked up that NES pad way too many moons ago, but I feel they've spurned my interest as of late and sold me out when they appear to be offering that olive branch. Consequently, their less than stellar performance has been quite amusing and a real eye opener for people expecting them to steam role this gen like the last one - something I never once expected.


Sony have paid their dues big time over the last gen with their handheld and console divisions. They fell so hard at the start of the PS3 era off the back of the PS2 but theyve turned it around and they've done it by being the best thing they can be for the gamers that brought them success with their prior two machines. MS smashed it out of the gate with the 360 but appear to be turning their back on the gamers who fuelled that early success at precisely the wrong time whereas Sony have played it really smartly in the second half of the generation from a customer loyality standpoint - hacking espisodes aside.

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Gaikai stuff revealed?


Sony Corp. 6758.TO -1.87% is planning to offer technology to stream games to its next videogame console, people familiar with the company's plans say, alongside other enhancements to bolster its position in the market.


The new technology, to be unveiled Wednesday along with the new console, will allow users to play games delivered over the Internet, these people said. The streaming service, they added, is designed to use current PlayStation 3 titles on the new console; the new device is also expected to play new games stored on optical discs.


Sony's plans come after it acquired Gaikai Inc. last year for $380 million. Though many companies now offer simple games over the Internet, Gaikai was one of several companies that offered online access to visually intense games, which ordinarily require specialized circuitry found on high-end personal computers and gaming consoles.


The streaming technology is one of the new features and enhancements expected to be offered with the new console, which Sony plans to unveil at an event in New York. Sony's new PlayStation, for example, may control the action with higher fidelity cameras for its "Move" motion-sensing technology and touch-sensing pads on new controllers, according to people who have seen and been briefed on the devices.




Still, Sony is pushing ahead and has been investing heavily to prepare Gaikai's service, people familiar with the matter say. Microsoft also has experimented with its own version of cloud gaming, people at the company have said, but has in the past questioned the costs associated with building a service large enough to reach all its customers.

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I wouldn't see an issue with the PS4 reading enough of the PS3 game to confirm what it is and then loading it up on Gaikai.


Might this be part of Plus? I suspect so.


Edit: Maybe all that assumed second-hand content lock out is meant for PS3 games on Gaikai.


I wonder if they'll announce it for Vita, too. That would be insane. Would murder the battery, too.

Edited by Daft
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Have to say it's a great feature to include for some, and to have on the console moving forward as the internet improves, but I can't see myself streaming games.


I presume you'll still be able to download PS3 games on PSN for the PS4? Guess I'll also have to hold on to my PS3/wont be able to trade it in towards it (bit annoying)... backwards compatibility would have been so good.

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Saw it coming a mile off. It's the only way they can do BC. Software emulation is out of the question, hardware emulation is not doable (since the hardware is of a completely different architecture) and including the original PS3 CPU/GPU would be far too costly.


No way will this be free either. Either they'll roll this into Playstation Plus and up the subscription price, or you'll have to pay a seperate subscription fee (Plus users will probably get a discount)


I wonder if they'll extend the service to Vita as well? Would be kinda cool to see the PS3 PSN games you've bought get streamed to the Vita (although I wouldn't expect the gameplay experience to be pleasant on either PS4 or Vita...)

Edited by Dcubed
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The article doesnt mention BC. We already knew Gakai will be used for PS3 games.


For BC hardware is ideal but Gakai is a decent backup solution. I would argue Gakai costs more than software/hardware BC. I wouldn't mind paying extra for a hardware BC unit like the early PS4 :grin:


Gakai in general has me excited. Sony should put it on everything and use it for everything on PS3/4. Why stop at PS3 games? They could thrown in PC stuff. Games not previously possible on hardware. Non game stuff? Sure. IMO the possibilities are huge. That is the part i am most interested about PS4 in general.

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Gakai in general has me excited. Sony should put it on everything and use it for everything on PS3/4. Why stop at PS3 games? They could thrown in PC stuff. Games not previously possible on hardware. Non game stuff? Sure. IMO the possibilities are huge. That is the part i am most interested about PS4 in general.


It's nowhere near good enough to be a big feature. It's a viable alternative for playing older games so they can give us that ability without including vastly different hardware, but good enough internet connections (combined with unlimited packages) are nowhere near common enough for cloud gaming to be an important feature of a games console.


There's huge possibilities, but the technology isn't ready just yet.

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It's nowhere near good enough to be a big feature. It's a viable alternative for playing older games so they can give us that ability without including vastly different hardware, but good enough internet connections (combined with unlimited packages) are nowhere near common enough for cloud gaming to be an important feature of a games console.


There's huge possibilities, but the technology isn't ready just yet.


What do you mean its not good enough and then go on to say its fine for playing older games? Old/new doesn't make much difference. There will be lag of course. Especially initially and for those with lower speeds. If its for BC its an expensive solution. They might as well make a premium model with BC. IMO I dont see Gakai working well with disks as it will be a service.


Cloud gaming will only grow. Sure, not everyone has the connection for it but its a big feature for those that do. It has to start somewhere. Here in europe speeds will go up given that there are government initiatives to push forward better speeds. The only worry is the divide between people who are able to get speeds and afford them and those who dont/cant.

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