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Okay this question will probably be lost in the I HAVE A PS4 posts. but i'll ask anyways...



Does anyone know what NBA2k14 is not available in many stores for PS4? Supermarkets dont seem to have it, GAME is indicating it's out of stock, and the likes of Curry's / PC World don't have it either.


I could order online yes, but i'd really like it today.


They had a few copies in GAME Cardiff when i was there around half 9, don't know if they'll have any further copies. I got mine from Shopto, which happens to have them out of stock now unfortunately.

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Given that it's £53.71 on Amazon I'm guessing it's got a limited release this side of the pond?

Yeah guess not. In HMV they only had NBA Live, and GAME had 2 copies of NBA2k14 which weren't even in the top 10 / launch games display. Just buried on the bottom shelf with the coming soon games.


I got it from GAME in the end for £47. It was £55 but I used my reward points to drop it.



I checked earlier at my local argos and they had it in quite a few. You tried them?


Didn't think about them to be honest dude.


They had a few copies in GAME Cardiff when i was there around half 9, don't know if they'll have any further copies. I got mine from Shopto, which happens to have them out of stock now unfortunately.



I got it from GAME in the end for £47. It was £55 but I used my reward points to drop it.

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PSN seems to be going up and down at present, i can't sign myself back in on the console. Probably due to the sheer number of people signing on.


And @Murr, once i get upto speed with NBA fancy some matches?


Gladly dude, but i'll need to sign up to PSN+ which i'm probably not going to be able to do till new year. But Gives us time to get to grips with the game ;)

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Right well I'm now home now and everything I ordered arrived at work as planned. The only thing that didn't arrive was Need for Speed: Rivals from GAME which was to be delivered to my home address. It better come tomorrow or I'll not be happy.


Anyway going to install the new 1tb hard drive first then install the system software from the usb stick then I'll be good to go!


If your up for some Killzone or Battlefield then give me a holler later tonight!


Gladly dude, but i'll need to sign up to PSN+ which i'm probably not going to be able to do till new year. But Gives us time to get to grips with the game ;)


Sign up for it you know you want to.

Edited by Cookyman
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Gladly dude, but i'll need to sign up to PSN+ which i'm probably not going to be able to do till new year. But Gives us time to get to grips with the game ;)


Indeed so, i got PS+ for £30 with the console. I'm having so much fun Pirating at present, will give some b-ball a play. Heard it looks fantastic as they used a new engine to generate the graphics.

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With regards to PS store, just keep trying, I did and now I'm playing Resogun which is fantastic so it's worth persevering with the store - unless the volume of errors has increased since earlier - only took me a few tries, then once you have Resogun you'll need to 'activate as main PS4' console, or something to that effect, it should prompt you if you try to go back to the store after downloading but it can be found in the menu's as well somewhere. :)


Might install Killzone later but I think I might take a break for a bit after I finish the arcade mode on Resogun. :D


Loving the console so far though. : peace:

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Single player. Only played the first mission and I'm loving the OWL and the optional objectives and turning my gun into a sniper, changing it up and literally blowing Helghast off their feet.


I'll definitely betraying out multiplayer at some point this weekend.

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I haven't got so far as to actually put Killzone in the disc drive yet! :D


Resogun... is just glorious. :love:


Anyway it has been an excellent launch day but for now, I'll let my new PS4 sleep for I'm sure I'll be waking it up early tomorrow for just 'one more go' on my new favourite arcade shooter. ;)


I might finally try out Killzone tomorrow, we'll see. :)

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My friends managed to get a PS4, mind you they pre-ordered back in May. I headed over there with a few mates to try it out. Thought I'd post initial impressions for those without a PS4 yet...


It's definitely a solid system, found no flaws with it whilst playing. Was amazed at how quick the new UI is too, especially when accessing it during a game. The pad was as comfortable as I remember, and the triggers are very nice indeed. The touch pad felt completely natural too, I see great things in the future for this feature. Oh, and the console itself looks really sexy when you're face-to-face with it.


Went on Resogun first, and it was an absolute blast! Loved the amount of stuff going on at once, and the particle effects were stunning. A nice throwback to retro gaming.


Had a quick go on Playroom next, and had tons of fun with it. The little robots are adorable, plus the air-hockey is a fun little mini-game.


Tried a bit of Killzone Shadow Fall too, which looked absolutely spectacular, but it felt a tad boring and generic. Maybe we needed to be properly immersed in it, but it terms of gameplay, it felt bland.


Overall, all I can say is, I really can't wait to get one. Bring on 2014! :grin:

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Had a couple of hours on the PS4 after work, thoroughly enjoyed it.


The controller feels lovely, a subtle enough change on the DS3 to make a fairly drastic improvement. The UI is nice, although i hope for some customisable aspects to come our way!


Most of all I'm impressed by just how dam pretty Killzone looks. Maybe I had lowered my expectations too much but there is a significant leap over current gen with this and we're only on the first wave of games. It'll be interesting to see what developers can do with the system a couple of years down the line.


So yeah, pretty happy with it so far. Fifa 14 arriving later today, I'll already have 4 games to play :D Haven't had a console on launch day since the original DS - feels nice to have the whole launch day hype going on. even if the servers are dying atm

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Loving everything so far, native 1080p is so nice to finally have in games. Text and images look so sharp. One thing I have to say is the Dualshock 4's battery is terrible. Under 10 hours is pretty poor my when my PS3 controller got about 30.

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