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Re Driveclub wait till you get far into the game. The club feature is quite basic and flawed too.


Played it since launch, as have a few others from here. You're up against as the majority of people who have played it have enjoyed it. It's awesome now that the weather, challenges and photo mode are all there.

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I guess your in the minority with that opinion.




Respectfully disagree. DriveClub has mixed opinions. Many do like it, many dont like it. Handling wise i put this in the NFS Shift type of handling category. Its easily the most next gen racer so far tech wise but gameplay wise it could be better. A messy game design wise. I wanted to like it so much but couldnt. The handling, the ai, the online etc. are not fun enough to me.

Edited by Choze
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This year I'm looking forward to more PS4 games than WiiU games, which to me just says how Nintendo are losing the gamer.


The Witcher 3 WH

Batman AK

No Mans Sky




These are those I'm looking forward to for the PS4.


On the WiiU in only looking forward to Zelda and Xenoblade CX of what's announced, granted I'm looking forward to these two more than any other games but still, only 2... unless Nintendo put voice-chat in Splatoon during the online gameplay, then this would be in there too.


Nintendo have lost me with multiplayer gaming, all thanks to their attitude toward online and voice-chat. My favourite game on the PS4 is Battlefield 4, I bloody love that!

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I disagree with your reasoning as to why Nintendo lost the "gamer". Nintendo hasn't lost the gamer because you are not wanting to buy their games anymore.


They have never really had the "gamer" this generation to be honest. More and more people are wanting to buy what the PS4 or One has to offer.


I personally enjoy my Wii U and am looking forward to what Nintendo releases in the future. I'm feeling the same about the PS4 too. Good job I have both consoles eh?

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I disagree with your reasoning as to why Nintendo lost the "gamer". Nintendo hasn't lost the gamer because you are not wanting to buy their games anymore.


They have never really had the "gamer" this generation to be honest. More and more people are wanting to buy what the PS4 or One has to offer.


I personally enjoy my Wii U and am looking forward to what Nintendo releases in the future. I'm feeling the same about the PS4 too. Good job I have both consoles eh?


I think the Nintendo stuff no longer carries the same value. Even the one is pretty much on life support outside of the UK and US. Both pretty much had this coming. Both at least have their fans on board this year i guess? Next year onwards it only gets tougher.

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I disagree with your reasoning as to why Nintendo lost the "gamer". Nintendo hasn't lost the gamer because you are not wanting to buy their games anymore.


They have never really had the "gamer" this generation to be honest. More and more people are wanting to buy what the PS4 or One has to offer.


I personally enjoy my Wii U and am looking forward to what Nintendo releases in the future. I'm feeling the same about the PS4 too. Good job I have both consoles eh?


Same here, i tend to buy what's exclusive for Nintendo's consoles (WiiU/3DS). And it's a mixture of exclusives and multiformat for the PS4/Vita. Both companies have some great games coming this year, and i'm looking forward to playing as many as i can.

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I disagree with your reasoning as to why Nintendo lost the "gamer". Nintendo hasn't lost the gamer because you are not wanting to buy their games anymore.


They have never really had the "gamer" this generation to be honest. More and more people are wanting to buy what the PS4 or One has to offer.


I personally enjoy my Wii U and am looking forward to what Nintendo releases in the future. I'm feeling the same about the PS4 too. Good job I have both consoles eh?


Well I'm a gamer and I'm considering not getting their next console. I'll definitely not get it on release or at full price that's for sure. So they are losing gamers, it'll not just be me.

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Well I'm a gamer and I'm considering not getting their next console. I'll definitely not get it on release or at full price that's for sure. So they are losing gamers, it'll not just be me.


But that's one. To be honest I'm seriously considering whether I want the next sony with how I feel this gen - all gamed out bar Nintendo. And indies. And fifa. Are sony losing gamers?


I sort of tease, as I feel nintendo have fucked up royally with things. But I think each generation resets. If nintendo announce an ultra powerful console with party chat and a brand new spunking mario and has 3rd party support then you'll buy it. Other people will buy it.

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I kid i kid. Its a strange situation, i cant believe how much im enjoying the PS4 considering the last 2 Gens have been Xbox's for me really. I just havent found anything on the Xbone that interests me yet (Titanfall did and was great while my Xbone survived) and dont get me started on the Wii U. I bought one and loved and i mean LOVED lego city, but the games dried up really really quickly and i am not a fan of the controller. I wasnt a fan of the Wii at all either and i honestly think that the Mario games have been poor since the N64 with the exception of NSMB. I dont know what it is with ninty but the magic seems to have gone......


The PS4 has so much to play for me at the minute, not exclusives maybe but still... loads to do.

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I suspect from the 18.5 million PS4s sold that a lot more people are thinking kav's way than yours. That could be pretty damaging for Nintendo's future in the long run, tbh.


This right here, the evidence is in the numbers.


The Wii sold well because of casuals, yes, but I'd wager that more gamers bought the Wii than what'll end up buying the WiiU. It was the perfect price bracket and experience for a secondary console and an impulse buy, the WiiU isn't so less gamers will be attracted to it.

Edited by Kav
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I suspect from the 18.5 million PS4s sold that a lot more people are thinking kav's way than yours. That could be pretty damaging for Nintendo's future in the long run, tbh.


I don't doubt it, but like I say I feel anything can happen with each generation, and ultimately what does being NUMBER ONE really mean?!


The only thing damaging Nintendo's future is nintendo. They sort their problems it'll be fine.




I kid i kid. Its a strange situation, i cant believe how much im enjoying the PS4 considering the last 2 Gens have been Xbox's for me really. I just havent found anything on the Xbone that interests me yet (Titanfall did and was great while my Xbone survived) and dont get me started on the Wii U. I bought one and loved and i mean LOVED lego city, but the games dried up really really quickly and i am not a fan of the controller. I wasnt a fan of the Wii at all either and i honestly think that the Mario games have been poor since the N64 with the exception of NSMB. I dont know what it is with ninty but the magic seems to have gone......


The PS4 has so much to play for me at the minute, not exclusives maybe but still... loads to do.


Haha, I presume your first line was a headline for your post :)


That's fair enough, for me the best games are ps3 upgrades for now, and cod, far cry, drive club, mordor, battlefield, destiny etc I just don't have interest in those kinds of games.


Surely most of the games you play now you could've played on the Xbox One? And still play titan fall? Though PS4 will have better exclusives moving forward easily.


But I didn't mind to start this decision, I guess I was just implying one person's situation doesn't mean much.


This right here, the evidence is in the numbers.


The Wii sold well because of casuals, yes, but I'd wager that more gamers bought the Wii than what'll end up buying the WiiU. It was the perfect price bracket and experience for a secondary console and an impulse buy, the WiiU isn't so less gamers will be attracted to it.


Evidence of what? I agree I think more gamers will buy Wii than wii u.


I said I think Nintendo have fucked up and don't understand what people want. Wash just being contrary but feel like things have moved beyond that now:)


I still don't understand how any self-professed gamer wouldn't want the Wii U. It has way too many great games. For me it's like a film fan not being interested in a few genres... don't get it. If you love/games/films then irrespective of genre or whatever you'd want to play/watch it. But that's another matter entirely :)

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The only thing damaging Nintendo's future is nintendo. They sort their problems it'll be fine.



You're implying that Nintendo will fix their problems or that the problems aren't that big to begin with. They've actually got tons and tons of issues and the list is growing.


1. Third parties are disappearing and this is a trend that has been going on for numerous generations. They didn't get as much support for the N64 as the Playstation and the trend has continued to today. The Wii in particular missed out on so many franchises and games because it couldn't cope with it technically. Nintendo haven't rectified this problem with the WiiU and I think it's even worse now that they've lost EA.


2. Your typical teenage gamer who plays COD and Fifa won't go anywhere near a Nintendo machine. They've lost this particular audience and I can't see how they're going to attract them.


3. Nintendo don't give you particularly good value for money for the console as an entertainment system. I use the PS4 to also watch my films now, making my 3D Blu-ray player redundant. It happened with the Gamecube and it carried on with the Wii. It's an advantage when buying the system and comparing them. Look at the price of the WiiU and look at the price of the PS4 and One. Subtract the cost of a 3D Blu-ray player and when you add in the fact that the One and PS4 are much more powerful than the WiiU, you can see just how poor value for money the WiiU is.


4. Nintendo have problems creating new IPs and are too heavily reliant on their older names to attract the older crowd. Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong. Kirby can now be added to that list.


5. They're burning gamers who just want to play games by being so focused on the input method rather than the end product; the games themselves. Gamers want to play new games, they don't necessarily want to learn a new input method and it doesn't necessarily mean the finished product will be any better for it. How many gamers were turned off by motion controls with the Wii and how many dislike the WiiU's controller?


6. They have an image problem and are seen as the "quirky" games company. They're seen as child-ish and as a result they have a hard time attracting more mature content for the WiiU. Did the Walking Dead games (the great ones) appear on the system? Why not?


7. They're not embracing online and look for reasons not to include it. When games have it, there's usually some sort of catch. Last gen it was friend codes, this time it's no voice chat. Online isn't seen as a standard on the system but rather as a very optional extra that is sometimes offered.


There's more, but my coffee has now gone cold.


They've got massive problems and I fear for them. I've gone from loving the Wii to hating the WiiU and I won't be getting the next system at launch out of principle. Not sure if I'll even bother at all because , imo, they're not doing enough to attract me to them.


Just want to state that this is all my personal feeling and I'm not stating it as the facts, but rather how I see things.

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You said that you were looking forward to more playstation games than Wii U ones and because of that Nintendo are losing the gamer. I disagreed. You are a single gamer. I'm a gamer yet as of today Nintedo hasn't lost me.


What cannot be denied is that the PS4 has a wide appeal and is attracting gamers in their droves.

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I think saying "anything could happen" regarding Nintendo and the competition is a bit of a crude way of looking at things and possibly even ignoring the way things really are. Really, if you look at those game-changing moments throughout the generations there's always a strong (and fairly unique) reason behind the shifts in power between console developers. Sony's rise was mainly the result of adopting technology that Nintendo didn't, making it easy to develop games and much cheaper for the customer. Microsoft were already a giant who appeared at the right time and brought with them a very good understanding of networking (although, at the end of the day, the PS3 still did better overall; adopting Blu Ray made it hella expensive to begin with but was a really good decision in the long run).


The 'shifts' in power usually either occur because of an exciting new technology (only rarely though, but that happened with the Wii and somewhat with the PS1) or by making a machine simultaneously affordable for both developers/customers and also ticking all the boxes for gamers. At least recently, the former example (new technology) is the thing Nintendo excelled at with the Wii, while the latter (machine that ticks all the right boxes for customers/devs) is what the PS4 and (to a lesser extent) X1 are excelling at.


The problem with this is that the exciting new technology is the only front that Nintendo seem able to win on. They can't pluck online from air, or entice the developers back. And creating an incredibly 'must-have' exciting technology to buffer this situation seems such an incredibly unlikely event; in the past several Nintendo generations, only the Wii managed to do it.

Edited by Sheikah
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Thing is Nintendo's games aren't really going in the direction I'd personally like them to. To me that's more of an issue than the fact they messed up with the Wii U.


That's a good point. If you don't like their games anymore then you dont get their consoles. It's pretty simple and something that I cannot disagree with. At present I still enjoy their games. My tastes may change in the future.

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