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Pokemon X & Y


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Just for clarification on my side: Both these games don't include every 3billion Pokemon, right?

Just the new ones, and a couple of older ones?


I'd actually prefer to have them all in there. I hate it when there are pokemon that are actually un-obtainable within game (apart from version specific ones)


1. You cannot use your old favourites unless you have every copy of the game ever made and have done the poke-transfer thingy.

2. Those scenarios where you have to go into GAME to download an event Pokemon are kind of embarrassing, like telling your doctor you have erectile disfunction.

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2. Those scenarios where you have to go into GAME to download an event Pokemon are kind of embarrassing, like telling your doctor you have erectile disfunction.


HAHAH yes YES! it so is, i go in with my 3DS ready to search for downloads, open in a bag and a sneakily put my hand in to push A when needed so nobody sees! its akin to buying a top shelf magazine or your first pack of condoms

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I didn't realise there was that much of a stigma attached to downloading Pokemon at Game, I usually just walk right up to the desk and say...




'Hi, are you still doing the Pokemon download?'


'You know, the one for 'insert legendary PkMn here'




'Yeah, give me a sec...'


'Ok it should be ready to download now'





*downloads Pokemon*




'Have you pre...'




'...ordered Pokemon X & Y? Why yes I have' (on ShopTo trolololol)




Never had any problems. :D

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Are you actually being serious???


This isn't the first time I have seen this, and I don't get it.


I know you might think I was being a bit sarcastic or trolling, but no this is how I feel. The 3DS is 3D compatible, but I'm not saying that all games should include it automatically. It's just that I am one of the minority that actually thinks that the S3D of the console is amazing. I play with on all the time. Without it I now miss it. I was playing The Wonderful 101 earlier in the day (Operation 002A) and trying to make a jump for a Heart Piece. After a few attempts I realised that I could only reach it by using the glider, and then after a few attempts with the glider actually collected it. It felt impossible to tell how far or high the collectible was, until I collected it. All the problems of 3D platforming are relegated to history by the inclusion of S3D. I would quite happily buy 3D glasses to use on my Wii U if there were an option for it.


I hate 3D in movies, but for games it has now become a no brainer for me. Without it, and this a Nintendo franchise (well Game Freak) it seems so lazy. This is Nintendo's system and they should at least give us the option to turn it on or off for ourselves and not force us to their 2D viewpoint on this. The lack of 3D makes me feel, meh! One step backward.

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HAHAH yes YES! it so is, i go in with my 3DS ready to search for downloads, open in a bag and a sneakily put my hand in to push A when needed so nobody sees! its akin to buying a top shelf magazine or your first pack of condoms


Is it even more embarassing than asking if it's possible to download a Police Hat to my Animal Crossing game?

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You guys really have an issue with going into GAME and downloading Pokemon? I never understood this. Is it because you're embarrassed to do something you enjoy? Just walk in there, download it and walk out. If you're grown up enough to be embarrassed about something like that, you should be grown up enough to know nobody gives a crap what you do.

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Surely nearly everyone working at GAME is there because they like games? It's like going into an apple store and being scared to ask about the latest i-whatever.


Kind of lost my enthusiasm for this new release but I'm still going to be buying... X I think? - whichever one gives me the non-flying legendary. It'd be nice to get a fresh experience from a Pokémon game.

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Surely nearly everyone working at GAME is there because they like games?


I'm not sure about that, some may be their for money, others may be casual/core gamers (depending on definition read as cod/fifa only gamers), because i have heard some amazingly inaccurate information given out by GAME staff in the leeds white rose branch, so much so i think they haven't the first clue.


last one i heard that was amazing; was one guy recomending people pre-order the xbone over the ps4 as it has COD....(so insinuating no cod on ps4), then discussing the WiiU and saying its Nintendo's last console and the games will be on Xbox and Playstation next year, this is either because he had no clue or a deliberate atempt to sell a product!


I've heard them claim to people Kinect is required for Xbox and all sorts of other massively inaccurate things.


I suppose the store could be filled with raging xbox fanboys (as now i think about it most of the storie were xbox related), but they aren't exactly going to be enthusiastic about a nintendo game are they? or so i assume.


My personal biggest problem though with retrieving pokemon at GAME or even being in there for extended periods is because its like a clothing store, where sales people jump on you offering help, constantly! you tell one your fine and another comes up, its uncomfortable to have this feeling you are being watched like a hawk so you can be pounced on again.......I miss the old Gamestaton



As a side note the castleford store seems to have pokefans working there and its generally a good atmosphere, almost like a gamestation

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The next batch of CoroCoro information has been posted to Japanese forums and this batch showcases more information on the upcoming games Pokémon X & Y. We have the cover that showcases a new Mega Evolution of Mewtwo as well as Mega Garchomp

-From Serebii.net


Revelation about Mewtwo's Mega Evolution? I wonder if this will be when they reveal the other form which was in the original PokeBeach leaks which an astonishing amount of which turned out to be true..


PokeBeach leaks on the mark yet again!

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Speaking of this; I'm sure I remember an episode were Brock is talking about Ash's Pikachu's level.


When they go to a Pokemon School in the first season, they talk about levels and the girl student had a Graveler that was such a high level that water attacks didn't hurt it that much.

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