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Did the thread name just change or is it the moody lightening that strikes on a thunder guitar blowing apart all pieces and shaping an entirely controlled universe with seven liveable planets and eight meteorites? Or is it just me?


All questions that require answers...


It seems so!


Needed a change too, Arab Freak isn't worth a thread named after him! (love u really haha)




Elii and Me up Merry Hill, River Island, trying the smexi sunglasses on.


And oh my gosh, my forehead looks massive :/

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It seems so!


Needed a change too, Arab Freak isn't worth a thread named after him! (love u really haha)




Elii and Me up Merry Hill, River Island, trying the smexi sunglasses on.


And oh my gosh, my forehead looks massive :/


Is that lipstick?!

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Hm. I'm going woops on this. No, guys are nbot my taste. Now you mention it - Ashley is used as a male name in the british islands, too. Or is it?

Ashley is way more common as a boy's name here than a girls.


And I know who changed the thread title... but I dunno why :blank: teh mystery!

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Oh the thread title: me.


Got bored of bigging up AF. This thread is for everyone!


Sorry to go against you there, but honestly, what the hell does that make of a difference? Arab Freak was our nice, gently host for quite a while. Who's hosting now? Is it you, Blackfox? Oh crap, it is him.


And, er, Ashley is not as comen here as a boys name so sorry if it caused confusion. I just thought - no wait, let's not make it worse, shalln't I?

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Sorry to go against you there, but honestly, what the hell does that make of a difference? Arab Freak was our nice, gently host for quite a while. Who's hosting now? Is it you, Blackfox? Oh crap, it is him.


Woah, calm down. I originally changed it to the Arab Freak image gallery after he posted about 50 photos (exaggeration) in a row. I meant to change it back to the original name within a few days but never did.. thought I might do now.


Its a thread title..jeesh.

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It used to be called "User Image Gallery" when I first posted it. Apparently BlackFox thought it would be witty to change it to "arab_freak Image Gallery" for a while, and denied my request to have it changed back. Now it's called Image Gallery, which just makes this thread look like a place for anyone to post any image they please.


There WAS an Image Gallery in the Creative Gallery forum, but it wasn't as successful as this one.


So please, change this thread's name back to User Image Gallery.

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So please, change this thread's name back to User Image Gallery.



I believe I have already made a point like this.


Glad to see you agree with me a_f. User Image Gallery or User Gallery or NE-Users Gallery would make so much more sense.


Edit: Well done Flinky.

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