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I'd Picard this if I didn't relate so much. I never know whether to be teasingly misogynistic or genuinely sweet when complimenting women. Can't strike a balance and always judge it wrong!

Exactly! Someone who understands how I feel! Though it doesn't really help my case that I'm a hopeless romantic and end up spurting out embarrassing compliments and clichés. :heh:

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Edit: I'm surprised no one commented on how smarmy I look! :P


Tiny amounts of smarm compared to. . . . .(TBC)


Why does his stain have an ear?


LOL! Brilliant.



You know you're all feeling it.


Shit... yeah... Just our secret. :kiss:


Even more brilliance.


I think I've had my ability to thank peoples posts removed....


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I think it's that pic to be honest, I look my age in real life.


Although it could be good for more than just vanity: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8411329.stm


Edit: I'm surprised no one commented on how smarmy I look! :P


That articles a load of bollocks. Not only did they only do it with twins, therefore you're more likely to pick a healthier looking one, the twins were already in their 70s, 80s and 90s. Well it's pretty obvious that somebody at that age who looks like they're on death's door is likely to dies before somebody who looks healthier and younger.

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Spawn saying something risky (judging from my reaction. I have no recollection)






Whats that thing called when you shake/lip/flubber your face in someones boobs? I don't want to brag but....about 10 seconds after this photo...






The start of the hero-warmening-group-hug.




And I love this one. Me snapping happy dancer, and Chamber receiving oral stimulation from Susan Storm/Richards.



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Awww very sweet. Jealous of your clear happiness!


Our happiness is off-white, not clear!



You know you're all feeling it.


Shit... yeah... Just our secret. :kiss:


Mwah! And Mrs Iun says thank you all for the kind compliments, it brightened up her day, the vain thing that she is.


She seemed a bit confused with the above picture: "Is it a hint? You want that for Christmas? I already bought you something different... I'll take it back! You want that thing your friend likes?"


The other day was a classic one, there was some programme about the climate change meetings and people were holding up big banners with vote-button.jpg



Written on them.


She turned to me with a confused look on her face and said: "Vote? What's that mean?"


Communist Dictatorship FTW.

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^^^ Thats awesome. :bouncy:


Link to all the albums!



You lot do that sort of thing often? Because I'd love to come join you for a hero gathering.


Give Sportacus love from me.


We do really.


Shindig 1 = July 2007

Shindig 2:The Sequel = April 2008

Shindig 3:The Third in the Trilogy = September 2008

Shindig 4:Shindig Harder = December 2009.


So the shortest time between ho-downs was 5 months, longest was the most recent of 15 months. I believe the next one is planned a lot sooner. And you are of course welcome to join us.

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^^^ Thats awesome.

So the shortest time between ho-downs was 5 months, longest was the most recent of 15 months. I believe the next one is planned a lot sooner. And you are of course welcome to join us.

Fuck yeah!


I'll start growing my hair for Ghost Rider again, or something.


What was with the blue Superman?

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Thread Round-up


Don't really need to comment. Obviously hawt. You do look pretty young though. I look younger than my age (23) too and as a guy it is NOT a good thing, I don't get taken seriously by anyone over the age of 15, especially chicks. Not that I chat up 15 year olds... <_<


Same as. Im 18 and look probably 15. Very restricting for a fresher at uni.


Also: Molly is hawt ect, Iun those photos are lurvely


Bonus hat picture



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