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My Mask I made either to go see CSS, or to go to a fancy dress party AS the entire of CSS's Debut album. The mask Art Bitch written on it, and I had a t-shirt with all the other songs depicted on it.


I liekd how the hand Im using ot hold it on (the strap just broke), I look like some criminal mastermind.

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I seeee now about the whole FLink Eenuh thing, I think. I think it's cool and actually quite sweet, good on you guys!

Seeing as we're rolling with this mask thing though, behold...a dark and handsome stranger! Whoever could it be, behind that ever so disguising mask?




We's gonna save you rrrright up!


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I say we mix the mask theme and the topless theme, to create...


Masked Topless People!




EDIT: Holy shit big pic O_o


It's scary how well that mask suits you in that pic. I mean, the hair fits, and if the skin were more lumpy and darker, or whatever, I'd assume you were some transgendered witch or something.

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I don't get what that pose is meant to be.


While they don't look bad as I thought they would, I still might have to gather my thoughts on them. They are a brave fashion statement, but then it might be one step too far, John.


I mean, Maria Brimelow's (FUNNY IF THIS COMES UP ON GOOGLE) bag was one thing, but this is redeckolus.

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What the fuck is going on there? Jesus Christ.





Love them chairdriver ^_^


Also loving the pose XD


I wasn't posing, I was just in that position when it took. (Maybe I stand like that all the time? - I've not noticed...)


Yikes Chair, eat something yeah.


(Not a bad look though...just to clarify)


Yeah, I could be intrepreted as too thin, but I eat normal amounts of food, and I never go hungry, so I'm over it.

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