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Me at Halloween :)




Me and the Missus.


We ran out of time to get proper costumes so I just got a crazy wig and put some make up on to make me look deadish and wore some crazy clothes. My back story was that I am a Dead mad teacher/professor/computer geek and got killed by sticking my fingers in a plug socket! My girlfriend kinda went as Marilyn Monroe but we didnt have time to find a white dress so she really just went as herself dolled up hah.


Good night overall!

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I'd say it was an Orca that lost most of its dorsal fin to a whaling ship's propeller whilst showing off to its mates. If that isn't too elaborate.


That actually is exactly what is looks like. Wow. I've actually forgotten that Ine is in the picture now, haha. (joking. Please don't kill me.)


Daneyboy-the-Dann: That theory should be made into a Blockbuster trilogy. In the climax of the trilogy, King Vee could travel to the tree city, to make peace with the trees, after having carved up one of their own. The trees could revolt, and throw him into the waters of Isenguard.



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