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So why were you dressed as pikachu?


just 'cause. cosplay is random fun-ness ^^ that was the london expo earlier this year ^^ i got into neo magazine for that ^__^ haha... :indeed:


and haden you say i look different in my pictures O_o lol.

yeeeah mock all you want :yay: why else would i dress like that?? ehe



thats the cutest picture EVER!! how long have you two been together?? :wink:

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just 'cause. cosplay is random fun-ness ^^ that was the london expo earlier this year ^^ i got into neo magazine for that ^__^ haha... :indeed:


and haden you say i look different in my pictures O_o lol.

yeeeah mock all you want :yay: why else would i dress like that?? ehe



thats the cutest picture EVER!! how long have you two been together?? :wink:


Ok this is literally completley his fault i didnt even know this pic was being taken and my friend dived in and made us look like a couple on a pride march or something.

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Are you calling me an idiot(doesn't help that I just spelt idiot wrong like)?


Sorry that wasn't very clear. I wasn't calling you an idiot I just mean in general its a good idea if you think someone is being annoying or something its best to ignore them. I'd hardly call you an idiot cos your awesome!


Sorry for the misunderstanding! : peace:

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Guest dynastygal
tbh when girls have come to NE in the past theyve basically got eraped. That was a scapegoat reason covering a grudge.


I never said anyone would get banned for sexual jokes, but for harassing they may get a slapped wrist.


Your proving my point right their.


Just laugh at it, yes they where trying to generate humour at your expense, but so what it's forums, it happens in real life.


Laugh at it, their are two ways to approach comments.


Your going at it the wrong way.


Maybe I'm being abit ignorant and saying you surely couldn't of been THAT offended by the comments.


Also about the Muslim point, who knows? Should religion matter, Should they be more offended than a Christian?


Horses for courses


It's clear you are a great lass with great knowledge and are very self concious, but as I said, a Sense of Humour and a different approach to humour at your expense will go a long way.


Everyone gets offended one way or another on a forum, I lost count the amount of times I have, but you laugh at it, or ignore it, not rise to the bait, which people will laugh even more if you do ;)


I used muslims as an example. I could've used anyone as an example. But the point is that I find that sorta attitude (even jokes) incredibly offensive towards women, as I am very into feminist stuff and women's rights and all that. And I hear these sort comments "in the kitchen" said and such like from idiots around me in RL that it just makes my blood boil reading such things. If you feel for a cause as strongly as I and others feel it is incredibly hard not to be offended by certain things.


Girls are people to lads.

I wont like any girls to be mistreated in anyway shape or form.

But I dont think that was the reason Hobb got banned.


I didn't say this was the reason he got banned.


NO I was making a joke which seems to have made people laugh and why you can't laugh along I don't know.


Because I'm a girl, clearly. The majority laughing clearly are not. I'm a feminist, the majority clearly are not.


If you were part of a suppressed group and the opposite group willingly made jokes at your expense and about the suffering and oppression that previous people of your group had to endure I think you'd be a tad offended. Especially as it is incredibly hard to tell jokes on the internet unless clearly stated - increasingly so as the attitude expressed in the jokes mentioned, is a common attitude of many men in RL who honestly do think women 'belong in the kitchen' and our theirs to own, etc.


Overall, I think people need to be polite and consider the feelings of others and clearly state that they are joking before hand/post in a topic dedicated to that sort of thing (offensive jokes that has appropriate warnings and so on).


And yes, this was incredibly slow reply. I was in the middle of typing of it when something occured.


Edit: cute picture bluey. Pikachu rocks.

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... DG I'll apologise for the mess of a forum you've walked into :P Currently there's a dozen or so users who are in the crosshair of a bunch of other users for a crapload of different reasons, and each time an 'incident' occurs, everyone quickly pounces in and, as I am now, gives their opinion immediately of who is 'right' and who is 'wrong', constantly bearing a heavy grudge over how the target poster behaved in a different thread, and thus the arguments are very much like mine were in the last few months of my relationship - superficially over not much at all, but on the subterranean level there's a whole lotta molten grief making everyone forget that THIS IS JUST A FUCKING FORUM SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


Including me. But my excuse is I've missed the cider shop by 27 minutes because I read this thread. DAMN YOU ALL!

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Oh go on, I've been experimenting with electroplay recently.


hmm i'm marginally afraid to ask... but go on, edumakate me... is "electroplay" a real thing?! :blank:

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I apologise if I offended you, dynastygal. It was intended as a bit of light hearted banter. If I knew you were so sensitive I would not have said anything. I'm a nice person really, and I hate seeing people get upset, so if that is the case I am deeply sorry.


By the way, you look really cute in those pictures, definately way more than a 5/10 ;)

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To be fair the "5/10" comment as a whole was childish, anyway.


Joke or not, still makes the user (I can't even remember what user it was now) look like an idiot.


Thats what forums are all about


When it all falls down to it mind...Best just to laugh at it, If I took everything to heart on this forum which alot of stuff have deeply offended me I would be crying in my sleep cursing Motion for his hatred of Football and turning it Personal, or teetering on the line of. (Despite me :heart: the guy now)

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can't you twits go in a single thread without arguing amongst yourselves? I wish you'd just arrange to meet up somewhere and battle to the death so that there was in fact only one of you left, or by some happy stroke of luck, none of you.


Back to self-pic posting and self-pic flamelessly commenting please. If you want to post 'tits or gtfo', please go and join your collective /b/tards outside the fringes of acceptable human behaviour, and leave us in peace.

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Guest dynastygal


can't you twits go in a single thread without arguing amongst yourselves? I wish you'd just arrange to meet up somewhere and battle to the death so that there was in fact only one of you left, or by some happy stroke of luck, none of you.


Back to self-pic posting and self-pic flamelessly commenting please. If you want to post 'tits or gtfo', please go and join your collective /b/tards outside the fringes of acceptable human behaviour, and leave us in peace.


I wouldn't call this arguing. Most of it was civil enough. I'd class arguing as insults being thrown about, including ad hominems, and smileys being hurled across the interweb at other users.


I apologise if I offended you, dynastygal. It was intended as a bit of light hearted banter. If I knew you were so sensitive I would not have said anything. I'm a nice person really, and I hate seeing people get upset, so if that is the case I am deeply sorry.


By the way, you look really cute in those pictures, definately way more than a 5/10 ;)


Apology accepted even if it wasn't entirely sincere, and that I do not mind....the cute comment....it sounds so much nicer and less chavvy (even if you're not meaning it).


Cute, beautiful, sexy, pretty, handsome I find are much nicer words to use towards the opposite sex (either gender).


Anyways, nout wrong with sorting out differences in a mature manner. :heart:

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