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Happy New Baktun!


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Surprised there's no thread here for the "End of the World"


well I guess that is cause ye were all confident that I would prevent the

:heh:self promotion FTW


I know people here were smart enough to not panic over the "end of the world".... but did anyone have any expereinces with some people, friends or family who did get a slight (or more) worried over the whole thing and Nostradamus and all the crap?


I had a cousin who is usually pretty level headed, but when it came to this no matter how much I told him the calender just starts again like any other calender he'd then go "but Nostradamus predicted it too....and he predicted Hitler and World Wars...etc etc"





Anyway, I wish you all a Happy New Baktun as the Mayan Calender ticks over to on this the first day of the 14th Baktun.



...I kinda want to start using the Mayan Calender now....I think after all the crap over the "End of the World" in the lead up to this we should respect the Mayans better and start using their calender :heh:

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Even though I wasn't expecting much, I read a nice article on Yahoo yesterday about how dumbfucks are stockpiling candles and stuff (http://uk.news.yahoo.com/mayan-apocalypse-2012--how-the-world-s-believers-are-preparing-for-the-end-135520325.html)


But one thing I took note of what that other Mayan calendars exist which extend beyond todays apparent apocalypse. Why many chose to disregard those tablets of stone* and believe this one I'll never know.



Plus, Busted went to the year 3000. So that's conclusive proof right there.







*May actually be on paper or something. I don't care.

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I just had a thought...


In the way the Mayans count days, months, years, etc.


A day was k'in. Twenty of these k'ins are known as a winal or uinal. Eighteen winals make one tun. Twenty tuns are known as a k'atun. Twenty k'atuns make a b'ak'tun.


As they were a base-20 kind of people everything was done in 20's as you see above...with the exception of the "tun" which is equal to 18 "winals"... (not sure why that is but if I'm reading things right it is equal to 360 days...not far off an actual year there, well done Mayans)


So we are currently at the start of the 14th Baktun or


What happens at the end of the 20th Baktun? As far as I can find out they don't have a "number/name" for 20 Baktuns... is there a (where that first 0 is the Baktuns being reset)...or is that actually the END OF THE MAYAN CALENDER!!!!!!!!!!!!



*tosses petrol on the fire*


Of course we're still 6 Baktuns away from that, which is about 2365.56 years from now (1 Baktun is 394.26 years from what I'm reading)

so that would be what? Summer Solstice in the year 4377... we is DOOOOOMMMMMEED :heh:

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What happens at the end of the 20th Baktun? As far as I can find out they don't have a "number/name" for 20 Baktuns... is there a (where that first 0 is the Baktuns being reset)...or is that actually the END OF THE MAYAN CALENDER!!!!!!!!!!!! Piktun Kalabtun K'inchiltun Alautun


When the 20th Alautun ends in the year 1261621052, then we have to worry.

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When the 20th Alautun ends in the year 1261621052, then we have to worry.


I'm out of thanks for the day.... so thanks :D


Those crafty Mayans, making me think they only planned for 20 Baktuns...but they planned even further ahead than I thought they would have bothered.


Its a shame this well thought out calender is being wasted...we should start using it as standard...at least untill 1,261,621,052 :heh:

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I do think that this highlights one of the big problems with the media: this should have been seen as a dawn of a new era - a new cycle, as what was originally intended. With the excuse for parties and celebrations. Not the "End of the World".


But as the "End of the World" sells more newspapers, that's the stance that was chosen.

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Decided to read up on the Mayans as I was bored/interested and I stumbled upon some of their symbols which apparently symbolise the end of the world/calender. Found this one which apparently is of a crocodile spewing up water over human kind and thus flooding the earth bringing on Doomsday. (No idea who interprets this shit).




*looks out window*


Rain and floods. Oh wait.....



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