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Someone experienced a bug and got to see the content of the two upcoming expansions.



3 strikes and 2 raids + a PvP event and only 4 new story missions.....

If that is really ALL there is for the addons...I'll trade in Destiny and sell the expansion pass that I have on ebay.


I'm beginning to think that Bungie doesn't actually have a good plan for Destiny...

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Someone experienced a bug and got to see the content of the two upcoming expansions.



3 strikes and 2 raids + a PvP event and only 4 new story missions.....

If that is really ALL there is for the addons...I'll trade in Destiny and sell the expansion pass that I have on ebay.


I'm beginning to think that Bungie doesn't actually have a good plan for Destiny...


The way I see it, at some point they're going to up the level cap, and add new weapons that are leagues above what we have now. There's no doubt it's going to get a bit repetitive, but it's that sort of addictive game that I can see myself playing in the future.

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The way I see it, at some point they're going to up the level cap, and add new weapons that are leagues above what we have now. There's no doubt it's going to get a bit repetitive, but it's that sort of addictive game that I can see myself playing in the future.


That's good for you :p


If all this stuff is spread out over two addons that cost 35€ in total...it's a rip off.

Don't get me wrong, I've had fun with the game, but it needs A LOT more content now.

Adding 3 strikes to higher level playlists is NOTHING. New subclasses and new gear won't change a thing.

Two raids, cool. But once you've done them twice, I guess that's it.


If the classes weren't so similar it would be fun to level up each (for example like in Diablo 3).


After 80 hours (for me) everything feels way too repetitive.


If the new patch for Diablo 3 is out on consoles I'll jump right back to that again :)


And as soon as Advanced Warfare is released it'll be my go-to shooter!

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There's no evidence that the map shows all the content from the expansions... it's a glitch for crying out loud, by it's very nature it is incomplete/inaccurate. It could only be showing missions with no prerequisites, or missions which have been available for internal alpha testing. It could be that it only shows new missions on existing planets, and the map hasn't actually updated (maybe hasn't even been made yet) to show other worlds.


One guy posts some glitches on youtube and the internet loses their collective marbles.

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It could be not everything.


But it also could be.


It's time Bungie reveals their plan. Give us more details. I need to know what I can expect from the expansion pass I have bought with my Collectors Edition.


To be honest though... you've got 80 hours from it. That's a lot more hours you've got from it than probably most games.


I know, and I'm not complaining about the time I've spent with the game.


However, the future appears to be a shitty one for Destiny...I'll gladly be proven wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.

Edited by drahkon
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The game has barely been out two weeks, not everyone will rinse through the content as fast as you! Hundreds of thousands will play through it slowly and hundreds of thousands more won't even have started yet.


They have no obligation to share their intentions just as you had no obligation to buy the expansions before you knew what they contained.

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SO that loot cave people used that got nerfed, was it any good? There is another loot cave, which i tried today and it seems like a pointless exploit, i spent 40 min shooting at a doorway and got 1 legendary engram (a mote of light) 3 blue and 10 green items? i can do a strike quicker and get the same if not better.......am i missing something? is this one just worse than the other? because if its not i really don't see the point other than being lazy


Anyway, i had some really good strikes this morning before the missus woke up and i had to relinquish the TV, got some decent rare(blue) weapons to replace the crap, and some better armour going from level 21 to 22.

Once i couldn't use the TV i used my vita for off TV play, can't do the crucible with it, too much input lag and too small a screen to be effective...well as effective as i can be.....

But Strikes/story missions its great for, played a few more strikes managed to upgrade all my armour and get to Level 24!


Couple of things though, i've had 6 legendary(purple) engrams now and out of them i've not got a single bit of Legendary bit of kit, only blue's and Motes of light....is loot always this infuriating? what compounded it more was in the strikes i played i was the top player and got blue items 90% of the time, or a legendary engram (which was lies) and on two occasions other players got actual Lgendary items as a reward.....couple of times i was almost rage quitting


is their a bug on the Queens Wrath bounties? i've had the devil walker bounty (kill 3) for days now, and i've personally killed 5 or 6 walkers now and only 1 has counted and i definitely got the killing blow on 2 of them, i even checked the inventory after killing one and it didn't increase....


I'm spent for the day though now

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@Blade has just kicked me out of his team in PVP because I was doing too well... I was on his team! You'd think he'd want someone decent on is team right? Oh no, not Blade. That's just nuts! It's my birthday today too... Blade, you just booted me on me birthday, that's just mean. So mean. Edited by Kav
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I am sure this setup pleases Bobby Kotick though. If you made a mistake. Its best to return or sell the game as as possible. Sell the season pass on ebay or something.


At this rate it might take afew years of content to make the game worth buying. Thats also depending on if you like the thin content, monotonous boring style of play coated by a AAA budget and marketing.

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So, it's pretty much been confirmed that the DLC is already on the disc. Wow Bungie... how the mighty have fallen.*


*No pun intended.


What? How is it confirmed in any way?


We don't even know if this was a server sided thing, and I very much doubt even if they had stored the names of the upcoming events on disk that the data is already there.

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What? How is it confirmed in any way?


We don't even know if this was a server sided thing, and I very much doubt even if they had stored the names of the upcoming events on disk that the data is already there.


Yeah, I may have actually jumped the gun a bit. It's just people have been getting into the locked-off DLC areas via glitches. However, that doesn't mean all the structure/assets/AI/etc are actually there.


I should really know better, especially considering I work in the games industry. :heh:

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Excited for the raid. @Shorty is Dan Dare still L26? I have heard that the end boss and enemies are all L28 and that a L26 will find it really tough and not do much damage.


I've also heard that void damage weapons are a must.




I cannot imagine heading into the Vault of Glass without foreknowledge. Read as many guides as you like before you go in, I say; it will help, but even knowing exactly what needs to be done, it’ll take you a while to nail the execution. Those brave souls who went in blind and just bent Bungie’s puzzles to their will are genuine heroes of gaming, and everyone who follows after owes them a debt of gratitude for their 14 hour slog.


I definitely recommend reading up to all. I can't imagine that going in blind will be a fun thing if we repeatedly get our asses handed to ourselves.

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You are second reserve behind me, don't even think of pushing in front of me! :mad:


I'll be ready to jump in if someone pulls out, gutted all the spots are taken.


Looks like we are not going to get involved as there is not enough people for a second group :(

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@kav82 @Hero\-of\-Time @Daft


Reminder, Raid in 24 hours! Try to be online by this time at the latest, charge your controllers/mics etc :p I'll invite all to Party Chat as well as the fireteam at the time.


Sheikah: Pretty sure Dan is lvl 27 now if not 28. We (Daft, Dan and myself, at least) will not be reading up on it. We just think it takes away from the experience a bit. If we struggle after one session, we can read up on it then. If we can't do it in one session, we'll all be well situated (in party chat) to arrange another time. Can't stop you if you want to read up on it but at least give us a chance to figure it out first.

Edited by Shorty
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