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Is it worth getting an original 3DS in a post XL world?


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I really want a 3DS more and more my gaming time is getting taken away from the TV. I originally preordered an XL but then cancelled it due to lack of funds. Now I'm up and working I'm considering picking up one...Here comes my issue...


I'm still trying to save money etc...for wedding moving out so as purchase $199.99 + tax for a 3DS XL is a pretty big investment. I can get a second hand original 3DS for just $99.99. Lightly used so basically brand new condition. Then there is my weighing up about the screen am I going to be disappointed long term (I have loved the screen when I've used it in stores)


What disadvantages are there to a preowned system? I can see previous friends being on the list for example. Can all the streetpass shit be reset?

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Hmmm. I love the XL, and I wouldn't change it at all. But then the 3DS has a shaper image (it's weird looking at my girlfriends now) and is still an awesome machine. How much does a larger screen appeal to you? You can't go wrong either way, so if the doubled price seems a little much then it probably is.

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Trust me, flameboy, as one of the people who was a little bit disappointed with the XL when I first got it, there's no way I'd want to go back to the smaller one now. Your first instinct was to get an XL, so I'd stick with that. Besides, it's only the launch day 3DSes that were particularly good (as far as I'm aware) - just getting a smaller one doesn't guarantee it'll have the best type of screen.


As for how much you can afford - sorry, I just can't advise about that. :heh:

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The main thing that's annoying about the original 3DS is the black mirror around the screen. The XL's anti-glare and matte surround really makes it more immersive and easy to use in daylight.


I wouldn't go back either, with the greater comfort, bigger screens and better buttons... but the graphics do have a more "cute" look on the original (I wouldn't call it "sharper" as such). The visuals almost across the board are more robust on the XL - it's made me marvel anew at even things as simple as the streetpass plaza!

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If you want an actually portable console, get the original 3DS.


If you don't plan on taking it out much, get the 3DSxl.


Simple :)


But, but, but.. it fits in my pocket fine and I can see the games rather than the bus windows on my journey home!! :grin:


Honestly I think you'll be happy with either. They both have pluses and minuses.

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XL is better. The bigger screens are much better, easier to see. I find it more comfortable to hold despite being bigger, the original dug into my hand. DS games look better. Slightly longer battery life. Better hinge and no issues with circle pad marking the top screen. Can't go back to the original now, feels too small.


Could always get the original for now and upgrade later, but my vote goes to the XL!

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I'd never thought about the shiny finish beside the screen on the original 3DS but it is fucking horrendous...my other thing is it is primarily for use in the house, when the TV is in use by the missus (hey if I could a afford it I'm sure there is a home console that would be just perfect) so maybe a XL makes more sense....maybe I should just hold out and save up.

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I'd never thought about the shiny finish beside the screen on the original 3DS but it is fucking horrendous...my other thing is it is primarily for use in the house, when the TV is in use by the missus (hey if I could a afford it I'm sure there is a home console that would be just perfect) so maybe a XL makes more sense....maybe I should just hold out and save up.


I'd hold out even longer and buy that

home console that would be just perfect
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3DS XL beats 3DS in almost every single aspect.


  • Better Battery
  • Bigger Screens
  • Top screen is less reflective
  • More comfortable
  • Hinge is more sturdier
  • Matte finish prevents smudges
  • The 3D slider now can be 'switced off' completely by pushing the slider down until it clicks.
  • Pikachu 3DS XL will be arriving soon.

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If they were the same price, I'd get the normal 3DS over the XL.


home console that would be just perfect


I'd hold out to see how useful that turns out, as it will only be compatible with games that don't make good usage of the screen or tablet.

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Why's that, @Cube? I'm tempted by the XL, but funds just don't justify it as I'd buy from scratch rather than upgrade. Could put that towards a Wii U instead or something really. Would love to have a second one so I don't mash up my zelda one more(suffered some dings from drops and i dont know what) but it seems not likely atm.

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3DS XL beats 3DS in almost every single aspect.


  • Better Battery
  • Bigger Screens
  • Top screen is less reflective
  • More comfortable
  • Hinge is more sturdier
  • Matte finish prevents smudges
  • The 3D slider now can be 'switced off' completely by pushing the slider down until it clicks.
  • Pikachu 3DS XL will be arriving soon.

I agree will all of those, especially the anti-glare top screen. icon14.gif

Not sure about the hinge though. :hmm: Well, I agree that it's sturdier, but I find the hinge on the XL so annoying because of that additional click before reaching the standard screen angle! :mad: Every time you open/close the system it's there... being pointless and annoying. :heh:



Because it's smaller.
You don't want to carry around a brick.

This is another negative aspect to the XL (mainly if you're really into StreetPass), I mean there's no doubt that the original 3DS is much more suitable to carry around.

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I've decided I'm going to pick up an original later this week for $99.99 in all. The extra money from that to $199.99 plus tax will go on games. Planning on picking up Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 3D Land from the off set.


Solid choices. The OoT remake is quite nice with the updated graphics and the 3D was good to have on it too at the big moments. It's obviously the same old game but somehow STILL the water temple stumped me. Mario 3D land has had the best 3D of any game I've played so far on the 3DS, and it's just a brilliant game with a nice amount of content and challenge imo, you'll love it - feels like old 2D in some ways.

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I've decided I'm going to pick up an original later this week for $99.99 in all. The extra money from that to $199.99 plus tax will go on games. Planning on picking up Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 3D Land from the off set.

Good price and both top notch games. Which colour are you going for? There are so many now.


Without going into spoilers, I'd advise working through as much of 3D Land as possible - it only gets better and better ;)

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Solid choices. The OoT remake is quite nice with the updated graphics and the 3D was good to have on it too at the big moments. It's obviously the same old game but somehow STILL the water temple stumped me. Mario 3D land has had the best 3D of any game I've played so far on the 3DS, and it's just a brilliant game with a nice amount of content and challenge imo, you'll love it - feels like old 2D in some ways.


Yeah I've heard they do have the best 3D plus I love the updated art style in OoT. Why the hell is the water temple the spawn of the devil?!!! lol


Good price and both top notch games. Which colour are you going for? There are so many now.


Without going into spoilers, I'd advise working through as much of 3D Land as possible - it only gets better and better ;)


I think the store I'm buying from has black and the blue. I've heard from Giant Bomb's podcast that something happens at a certain point. They sort of discussed round it too.

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