dD_Daz Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 OK on Halloween me and a couple of mates are basically gonna watch loads of horror/thriller type films around a friend's house. While I did have a few ideas, I suddenly realised that most of you are into your films and all, so you could probably recommend some which would make perfect Halloween viewing. Many people would say to watch The Exorcist or The Shining but are either remotely scary (?) as I often hear of people finding them more funny that scary, despite their reputation. I know that most films will have a personal response so this may seem a bit pointless as what some find scary others will not, but what would YOU personally watch if you were doing a similar thing? So yeah if you could recommend some films that would be great. You could also talk about your Halloween plans (if you have any yet! :eer: ) as it would be cool to hear what the rest of R-E will be up to....if anything.
Mr. Bananagrabber Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 Herbie. I mean, a car with a mind of its own loose on the streets?!
Athriller Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 I personally found The Exorcist amusing, but if watched under the right cicrumstances, The Shining can be pretty creepy. I recommend watching it alone in the midst of the night with a clown hovering a knife over your head.
dD_Daz Posted September 19, 2005 Author Posted September 19, 2005 Athriller said: I personally found The Exorcist amusing, but if watched under the right cicrumstances, The Shining can be pretty creepy. I recommend watching it alone in the midst of the night with a clown hovering a knife over your head. *Note to self get a clown* 1
RE_volver Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 Depends on just what you find disturbing? A couple of not that well known but great(imo) horrors are Deathwatch (set in a WWI bunker) and The Bunker (similar to Deathwatch). other good horrors are the ORIGINAL japanese version of The Ring and a good gory one is The Descent. No idea what I will be doing on Halloween yet. I might dig out Project Zero 1 and 2 (if you havent played these and own a PS2 then these are sure to make you jump at least once while playing them, if they dont - check to make sure you have a pulse lol) or Silent Hill 2, 3 and 4. BTW nice Donnie Darko sig Daz
Blackfox Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 The Omen is a great film. Not especially scary (as in jumpy) but it played mind games with me when i tried sleeping... Sleepy Hollow is a good (if not humourous) film, my brother had nightmares last night becuase fo it.
Meik Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 Steven King's IT, that film still shits me up. Failing that, the original Japanese version of The Ring watched by yourself at night can be pretty creepy. I also used to be terrified of ET as a kid, but I doubt that will satiate your horror film urges.
dD_Daz Posted September 19, 2005 Author Posted September 19, 2005 Meik said: Steven King's IT, that film still shits me up. Failing that, the original Japanese version of The Ring watched by yourself at night can be pretty creepy. I also used to be terrified of ET as a kid, but I doubt that will satiate your horror film urges. How weird I recently bought Stephen King's IT on DVD and my friend bought me the Japanese Ring... weird. Thanks for all the feedback guys, I'll have to look into some of these - I've never heard of Deathwatch or The Bunker but they do sound cool indeed.
dukkadukka Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 nightmare on elm street is hilarious! 'It' is quite scary too, but also hilariously naff
dD_Daz Posted September 19, 2005 Author Posted September 19, 2005 dukkadukka said: nightmare on elm street is hilarious! 'It' is quite scary too, but also hilariously naff Yeah I didn't find IT scary at all, I happened to see it on the Sci-Fi channel when I was out in America last and liked it for it's story really. Pennywise was cool though, I can understand how some people get freaked out by it as my friend hates clowns so much! Anyway I recently decided to buy it on DVD, mainly for the fact it has Emily Perkins in (from Ginger Snaps Trilogy), and I'm a fan of hers. Which leads me on to say I would highly recommend the GS films (at least see the first one) for a cool werewolf film. :yes:
Meik Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 dukkadukka said: nightmare on elm street is hilarious! 'It' is quite scary too, but also hilariously naff If I watched it for the first time right now I would probably laugh at it too, but when you watched it as a 5-year-old it still leaves a "this film is terrifying" mark in your head.
Shorty Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 Devil's Advocate was the first film to scare me.
dukkadukka Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 Meik said: If I watched it for the first time right now I would probably laugh at it too, but when you watched it as a 5-year-old it still leaves a "this film is terrifying" mark in your head. i can imagine. when i was five, even the violence in the power rangers was frightening. still haven't seen the exorcist though, is it as great as people make it out to be?
kyletherobot Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 the definitive halloween movie has to be halloween! michael myers is the king of slasher movies. hes so ridiculously hard, he is the man, and his goal is to kill jamie lee curtis, which as you all know, is everyones life long dream. all hail michael myers (not mike myers, as hes a big fat dickhead) :bow:
ThePigMarcher Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 Best movie for Halloween IMO has got to be Candyman. I have always loved that movie and it is one of the few movies that can still terrify me . There is something about the soundtrack and Tony Todds performance that really is menacing , definately worth checking out. As for the Excorcist , I wouldn't really bother. It is very slow to get going and is not in the slightest bit scary , although once it gets moving you will hear some of the funniest lines ever in a movie.
Platty Posted September 20, 2005 Posted September 20, 2005 the exorcist is just plain funny, dont watch that. watch something like IT! now that film proper shits me up! well it used to havent seen it for ages! get a good ol black and white horror aswell, thats some crazy scary stuff.
Bowser.Vs.FWNT Posted September 20, 2005 Posted September 20, 2005 Yeah IT i watched it when i was like 8 scared the shit out of me haven't watched it again since then but i think it will still be scary.
Noodleman Posted September 20, 2005 Posted September 20, 2005 Not scary but the evil dead trilogy > anything thats been mentioned
Jack Posted September 20, 2005 Posted September 20, 2005 I find it disgusting no-one's mentioned The Thing yet.
Solo Posted September 20, 2005 Posted September 20, 2005 You could pop to the cinema and see Saw II, I think thats out on halloween.
faz99 Posted September 20, 2005 Posted September 20, 2005 Dark Water Japanese. Maybe Audition, also Japanese, but i never seen it, looks scary. I have the trailor for it on the Ring Japanese DVD. The Shining by yourserlf. Oh yes. Just like Athriller, i found The Exorcist amusing, but i wasn't watching it by myself, i don't get full effect unless alone. I know everyone is good tut when i say this... But... Have you seen The Blair Witch Project? If you have then thats that spoilt, as you probably watched it with all your friends and had a good laugh. And with other people in broad daylight, it is quite funny. But by yourself at 4am with no lights (Erm me). OMFG. Scared the fucking shit into me. Just a question: Has anyone actually liked the blair witch? Or found it scary? I loved it. Everyone hates it.
Fierce_LiNk Posted September 20, 2005 Posted September 20, 2005 Whoever told you that you should watch the Exorcist was probably joking with you, as i found the Exorcist quite amusing. It's just not scary in any way. It's more funny than it is scary. The Omen and the Omen 2. Both of these are great films. Ring and Ring2, and maybe Ring 0 if you can get hold of it. Alien. It might not seem so shocking anymore in this day and age, but it's a good sci-fi horror nevertheless.
dD_Daz Posted September 20, 2005 Author Posted September 20, 2005 faz99 said: Just a question: Has anyone actually liked the blair witch? Or found it scary? I loved it. Everyone hates it. I realy love The Blair Witch Project, it's true that once you've seen it once it totally loses it's scare value, but when I first watched it I was so drawn into eerything that was happening and the way the characters were afraid of what we couldn't see was fantastic. Ultimately it was an original film with an even more original technique of filming. I understand why many people would find it boring but you really do have to watch it under the right circumstances. One of the things I really loved about the Blair Witch Project was the way that the film got a fan base way before it hit cinemas and claimed to be real footage etc. So many people were fooled which only accentuated the film's effect on people. Anyway just thought I'd say thanks for more suggestions, many of you have listed some classic films (Alien, TBWP, The Thing etc) which would make good halloween viewing! Cheers!!
faz99 Posted September 21, 2005 Posted September 21, 2005 And the second blair witch, whatever happened to that? Must have been shit. I think i seen one trailor on tv and thats it. Nothing. No cinema adverts or nothing..
Bowser.Vs.FWNT Posted September 21, 2005 Posted September 21, 2005 My friend was so Freaked out about the blair witch project he wouldn't keep the tape in his house he put it in his garage.
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