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What are you buying the Wii U for?


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Looking through the topics and seeing the discussions going on made me wonder why I am interested in the console, the Wii U. When it came down to it, it was the exclusives along with the people that I would play said exclusives with. Others have very different reasons, for example the possibility of fresh experiences, new ways of playing beloved franchises, or games to play with the whole family.


Makes me wonder if I am buying it for the right reasons but only time will tell, but when I look back into the past to understand my previous reasons to buy consoles, it's pretty much the exclusives that will be available.


So my question to you guys is:

1. Why are you buying the console?

2. Has this differed from previous console generations?

3. Do you expect your attachment rate (how many games you buy for the machine IIRC correctly) to be high?

4. Do you plan on getting one of the future iterations of the other consoles?

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1. For Nintendo games.

2. Nope.

3. Not sure, it depends if Nintendo start making stuff like F-Zero and Wave Race again. My Wii library is significantly smaller than my Gamecube library.

4. At this point not very likely. My gaming PC gets pretty much every game I'd be interested in on the other consoles now.

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1. Primarily for the exciting range of launch titles, for new local multi and co-op features and for the already very promising-sounding download services.


2. Yes, usually I have maybe one or two big titles I'm interested in; with the Wii it was the controller. The WiiU is attracting me more with its variety and embracing of all game types and control methods. So really it's a "more than the sum of its parts" thing rather than any one "killer app".


3. Yes, it's rather worrying tbh. I already have more launch titles pre-ordered than I ever have in the past and several eshop games look essential. Beyond the immediate launch I'm keen on The Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Lego City, Rayman Legends and Dragon Quest. If the expected Nintendo big hitters begin to appear in 2013 (which of course they will, and in style) and third parties begin to respond to a successful launch then I don't know how I'll have the time to play them all!


4. Quite possibly, but it all depends on the price and the games. If the rumours of monster 4k powerhouses turn out to be true I'm sure I won't be able to justify the expense.

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So my question to you guys is:

1. Why are you buying the console?

2. Has this differed from previous console generations?

3. Do you expect your attachment rate (how many games you buy for the machine IIRC correctly) to be high?

4. Do you plan on getting one of the future iterations of the other consoles?


  1. I am purchasing Wii U primarily for Nintendo's games, but also to be entertained by third party games.
  2. It is slightly different this generation. I expect the usual high quality games from Nintendo. But I have bigger faith in third parties publishing games on Wii U than they did on Wii. I have especially large faith in small developers.
  3. I expect I will buy 3-5 games per year on disc, based on my previous purchase pattern for Nintendo consoles. I have no purchase forecast on downloadable games.
  4. I do not plan to buy Sony's or Microsoft's next machines, because I am tired of incomplete games with frame rate lower than 30 fps (my latest unpleasant experience).

Edited by are1981
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1. Why are you buying the console?


For the launch lineup and it's future promises (both 1st and 3rd party)


2. Has this differed from previous console generations?


Not at all (though the market has changed considerably and my opinion of 3rd parties has changed significantly - but that's a different, yet related, matter)


3. Do you expect your attachment rate (how many games you buy for the machine IIRC correctly) to be high?


It's very dependant on a few games I'm on the fence with (namely ZombiU, Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed, Scribblenauts Unlimited and Ninja Gaiden 3 RE). If those games turn out to be good (ZombiU is very promising, while NG3RE requires a miracle - but with Nintendo staff helping out, you never know!) then it'll be joint first as the highest launch day attach rate for me (current record holder is the PAL GCN launch, with a whopping 6 games on launch day alone!) - if not, it'll still be a match for past Nintendo consoles.


Of course, if you add on downloadable eShop games too (which you should!), then suddenly it blows all the other launch day attach rates out of the water! (making for a total of 9 - assuming that the games that I want and am expecting to hit on launch day actually do so)


4. Do you plan on getting one of the future iterations of the other consoles?


Not at launch, but probably eventually when their prices drop and some of the 3rd parties I actually care about inevitably end up ignoring the Wii U and release their games on every other platform.


I'm not actually expecting them to offer anything interesting in terms of gameplay functionality. Just better graphics, more services and TV features and a bog-standard & boring controller (none of which I really want or care about). I will probably end up buying them reluctantly for the few titles I'll want on them :(

Edited by Dcubed
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Well, I'm not sure I'm getting one, but this is what I'm thinking at the moment:


1. If I buy a Wii U, it'll be because that'll be the only way to play Zelda. Metroid would provide a secondary reason; 3D Mario, not so much. But I do like Nintendo games in general, so the short answer is "Nintendo exclusives".


2. It's different from SNES, N64 and GameCube (plus Game Boy, DS and 3DS) because they definitely had games I really wanted - and if they weren't available at launch, there was plenty of solid evidence they were on their way and what they'd be like (eg. early footage of Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker...) It is similar to the Wii (with the exception of Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3), in that I had to buy it on faith and, with hindsight, I could have done without it. With the Wii U, I'll have to see what happens. If Zelda uses motion control and is like Skyward Sword, I'm not interested.


3. Attachment rate would probably be pretty high. I buy a lot of games for any console, just to try out the "gems".


4. I don't plan on getting an Xbox 3 or PS4. It would entirely depend on what software there was. Unfortunately, Japanese games haven't been at their best this generation (look at how the PS2 had ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, yet the 3rd game still isn't here). If Level-5 made a single-player Dragon Quest for any of the three consoles, I couldn't buy one quick enough.

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Looking through the topics and seeing the discussions going on made me wonder why I am interested in the console, the Wii U. When it came down to it, it was the exclusives along with the people that I would play said exclusives with. Others have very different reasons, for example the possibility of fresh experiences, new ways of playing beloved franchises, or games to play with the whole family.


Makes me wonder if I am buying it for the right reasons but only time will tell, but when I look back into the past to understand my previous reasons to buy consoles, it's pretty much the exclusives that will be available.


So my question to you guys is:

1. Why are you buying the console?

2. Has this differed from previous console generations?

3. Do you expect your attachment rate (how many games you buy for the machine IIRC correctly) to be high?

4. Do you plan on getting one of the future iterations of the other consoles?


1. Because I like video games. oO

2. Not really, no.

3. It will depend on how much I like the controller. If I preffer to the 360 controller then it'll become my "main" console from the moment I purchase it onwards. If not then it'll be for good exclusives only (kind of like my PS3).

4. Yes, all of them, actually. It's what I do. I also never buy anything at launch (I'm a bargain hunter and usually by waiting 2 or so years I end up buying 3 used consoles for the price of 1 new console, so... yeah) so I'll probably only get my hands on a WiiU 2 years from now, which means I shouldn't even be answering this lol.

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1. Why are you buying the console?


Right now, I am not. For two reasons. Firstly, there isn't a game aside from ZombiU that has really captured my interest. Secondly, it looks like it'll be pricey. I will be buying one in the future as I was a massive, massive fan of the Wii and they've already secured my purchase at some point as a result of this. However, I will be waiting for some kind of killer game to appear before then.


2. Has this differed from previous console generations?


Yes, it has differed, as I bought the Wii and Gamecube relatively close to launch, and I was massively hyped for both. I don't feel anything for the WiiU at the moment.


3. Do you expect your attachment rate (how many games you buy for the machine IIRC correctly) to be high?


Along with Ine's collection of Wii games, we have around 60/70 combined, which is very high. I had around 25-30 or so GameCube games, myself. When I buy a console, I usually only have that one, so I want to play everything that is worth playing on that system.


4. Do you plan on getting one of the future iterations of the other consoles?


In all honesty, no. I tried having more than one home console (in a generation) before and it didn't work for me. I'm a Nintendo fan, so my priority will be to go for their games first. If I'm in the mood for a cover shooter, I'll pick up one from this generation. :laughing:

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1. Haven't bought a home console since 2006 (Wii Launch). Plus i'm usually day 1 on all Nintendo hardware,

2. Not really, but I've always been a bit of a Nintendo fan boy

3. Not initially I'll probably buy about 3-5 games during launch window. I'm going to be pretty busy next year. End of next year i'll probably be catching up on games I've missed

4. Nope. I've never owned a Nontendo console (besides the PS2 my parents bought to act as a cheap DVD player). Frankly if this generation is any indicator I won't have the time nor the money to invest in multiple home consoles. If anything I'll eventually build a new PC in a year or two.

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1. Why are you buying the console?


I'm not. However, when I do it will be for the games.


2. Has this differed from previous console generations?


I got the GameCube and Wii on launch day, so this is different. With the Wii U, I already have two consoles from this generation so until I see enough games I want I don't need a third,


3. Do you expect your attachment rate (how many games you buy for the machine IIRC correctly) to be high?


When I get one, it probably will be.


4. Do you plan on getting one of the future iterations of the other consoles?


Sony have lots of great franchises, so I'll likely get the next PlayStation. Microsoft have been lacking recently, but if they finally decide to pull that big "Rare" card and do something good with their franchises, I'll have to get the next Xbox, too.

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To put it simply....MONSTER HUNTER! :bowdown::bouncy:


Now you've jinxed it.


Watch as Capcom makes three versions of the game.


A game without the online component and without monsters, released for WiiU next year in Europe, tomorrow in Japan.

A game with online, without monsters, released 2014 Europe for Wii, February for Japan.

A game containing all of the things that we want. Released on the SEGA Dreamcast. 2016 everywhere.

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1. Primarily because I'm a Nintendo fan and I love their consoles and software. But I'm also looking forward to seeing the non-gaming software on offer. Wii U looks like it will satisfy my need for a tablet, for browsing, drawing, watching tv shows in bed.


2. I got the Wii on launch day and imported a Jap Cube not long after release.


3. I bought over 100 wii games, not sure whether I'll have the time for that many on Wii U!


4. Probably not. Depends on the games and the price of the consoles, and Nintendo tick all the right boxes for me anyway so I probably won't need another console.

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1. Why are you buying the console?


I'm a huge Nintendo fan and I have owned (and still do) every single Nintendo home console. I love Nintendo exclusives but I also love playing online with N-E clan and they'll all be playing COD and other online games on the Wii U.


2. Has this differed from previous console generations?


Nope, I've always owned Nintendo consoles.


3. Do you expect your attachment rate (how many games you buy for the machine IIRC correctly) to be high?


I have around 60 games for the Wii and expect to purchase around the same number for the Wii U.


4. Do you plan on getting one of the future iterations of the other consoles?



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1. Why are you buying the console?


I'm a Nintendo Fanboy, I have no choice!


2. Has this differed from previous console generations?


No, whether it be me or my brother, I've always had Nintendo's latest console around launch to play on.


3. Do you expect your attachment rate (how many games you buy for the machine IIRC correctly) to be high?


Yes, I've had around 40 games on the Wii and bought a 360 in 2009 due to certain types of games not being available to play on the Wii.

4. Do you plan on getting one of the future iterations of the other consoles?


No, not this time.

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1. Why are you buying the console?

I've been a big Nintendo fan since the N64 days. I love the experiences that Nintendo used to give and keep giving.


2. Has this differed from previous console generations?

Fort he first time, I'm not entirely convinced that "OMG! This is going to be AWESOME". This very much due to the lackluster roster of the Wii.


3. Do you expect your attachment rate (how many games you buy for the machine IIRC correctly) to be high?

It better be much higher than on the Wii, that's for sure. I traditionally buy 20+ games per generation, so I hope that it'll follow that pattern.


4. Do you plan on getting one of the future iterations of the other consoles?

Currently I hope that I won't have to buy a second console. But it entirely depends on whether there'll be sufficiently many interresting games for the Wii U.

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1. Why are you buying the console?

I'm not entirely sure i will. Certainly not while it is full price i wouldn't have thought, and probably not until there is a game that i definitely can't do without.


2. Has this differed from previous console generations?

Well i bought the Gamecube and Wii at launch, mainly because i thought they looked amazing and couldn't wait to play some of the games available with friends and family. The Wii U just doesn't have much of an amazing line-up to begin with...also, with the Wii, i bought it mainly for the multiplayer aspect. I barely played it on my own at all; while the Xbox 360 i play on my own all the time. I can see the Wii U not getting played much at all, like my Wii in the latter stages of its life.


3. Do you expect your attachment rate (how many games you buy for the machine IIRC correctly) to be high?

No, and that's the reason why i probably won't buy one straight away, as any games i do buy will probably not get played...


4. Do you plan on getting one of the future iterations of the other consoles?

It depends on what they are like. I'm very happy with my Xbox right now, as i can stream to it, play iplayer, etc, and use it as my main multimedia device. I can't see how the next generation can better it in terms of doing stuff like that. The only thing i wish my xbox could do that it can't is play blurays.


However, if it launches with some awesome games, then maybe.....who knows.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Why are you buying the console?

Same as most people here, I've always loved Nintendo games.


2. Has this differed from previous console generations?

I bought the Wii day one, that was the first console I had from launch, but I have all Nintendo platforms except the Virtual Boy so launch day purchase is slightly different, buying it was inevitable :D


3. Do you expect your attachment rate (how many games you buy for the machine IIRC correctly) to be high?

Yes and no, I want to buy every game that interests me, but I do not have the time to play games as I used to anymore, and also over the next year I will be needing to buy a new car and save up for my first house (not to mention the outgoings that come once I have one) so I may not be able to afford the games I'd usually buy.


4. Do you plan on getting one of the future iterations of the other consoles?

I'm not planning on it, I have enjoyed the Xbox 360 this generation up until about a year or so ago when it became apparent that Microsoft are much more interested in the multimedia centre aspect of their business model than the games, the last 2 E3 press conferences have spent increasing amounts of time on things like TV services, internet browsing etc and the only games they seem to push are CoD and lots of Kinect shovelware (to be fair, I like Kinect in theory but the application just doesn't work as well as the idea). Nintendo are a games company and I have faith that they will stick with games first and foremost, the other stuff makes a nice extra but I buy a console to play games, not watch TV!

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Quite simply, I buy all Nintendo's consoles at some point. I was a little late to the Gamecube (no money, poor student) and Wii (big life changes), but have been very psyched for the 3DS and the WiiU. Not going to turn the launch down. Buying for Nintendo's exclusive 1st and 2nd party games, hopefully with some excellent gems from 3rd parties along the way.

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