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The Good Place Season 1...

Great comedy with awesome twists. But that ending? I don't like it. Seems like a case of: "oh, the show is very successful, let's keep it going for at least another season" and then they came up with it in 30 minutes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to Season 2 and hope the comedy remains on the high level from the first season but still...Season 1's ending left with me a sour taste in my mouth.

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On 7/22/2019 at 4:58 PM, drahkon said:

Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to Season 2 and hope the comedy remains on the high level from the first season but still...Season 1's ending left with me a sour taste in my mouth.

Well, they redeemed themselves. Season 2 was spectacular. Great premise, awesome writing, absolutely hilarious :D And Season 3 seems to be even better. Love this show. Easily one of my favourites.

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If it 'helps' the first season was shot before it even aired so the twist wasn't based on trying to extend it. In fact, there are a few hints dropped along the way. 


In the very first episode Eleanor says she bets her parents are being used to torture each other in hell. 

Plus little things like Ted Danson is never dressed in red and never has a scene alone.

Season four is the last because they felt like it would be a natural end. 

Actually just realised they start filming the finale tomorrow 😭

Speaking of season four of Kristen Bell shows... I could say a lot about Veronica Mars which was released a week early last Friday but I don't think anyone here cares. Needless to say though I was super happy. 

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Saw a teaser for this a couple of weeks back and it's now got an official date:

Love the look of it, always nice to see rotoscope being used and always interesting to see the interesting ways they'll use it. The show looks like it could be interesting so I'm hopeful for something good from it.

The final season of Mr Robot finally finished filming the other week so it's slowly getting closer. I'm really eager to see it go out with a bang as it's been one of my favourite shows and I'm currently rewatching it while I wait for season 4. Such a great show that I'll be sad to see the end of.

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On 7/29/2019 at 2:10 PM, drahkon said:

Started watching Happy! Well...episode 1 was weird.

Yeeeaaahhhh, episode 1 is nothing to what follows :laughing: 

Great show. Batshit insane, hilarious and surprisingly intriguing. Season 2 should be a banger.

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  • 1 month later...

Mr. Robot finally comes back in a few weeks, October 6th on the USA Network in North America so I suspect it'll hit Amazon Prime the next day and do that weekly for the 12 episode run as that's how it was done for the 3rd season.

It's been a long time coming, especially with Esmail off doing Homecoming and Malik off doing film work, but it's almost time for it to end and I'm so excited. I recently rewatched all the previous seasons in preparation for this coming and I was reminded how amazing season 3 is and just how much I love the look of the show. It'll be sad to see it end but I'm glad they've given Esmail and co a solid 12 episodes to bring it all together because calm is there not a lot to wrap up, especially with the ending of season 3.

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Coronation Street has this evening once again shown why it is miles better than any other soap. It might not always hit such a high bar, there are the occasional bum notes and meandering storylines, but the depth of the characters and the decades of lore they have to draw on bring an emotional connection that no other soap can match. It will always be looked on as the lesser artform, compared unfavourably against the shorter runs and higher budgets of 'proper' TV drama but I think it absolutely deserves to be considered among the likes of 'The Soprano's', 'Mad Men' & 'Breaking Bad'. 

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Started a free trial of Disney+. I have very little interest in it, but since I'm interested in new media developments in general, and since it's free.. doesn't hurt to try. See some stuff that used to be available on Netflix, few things I've never could officially watch before (can now watch Agents of Shields for example), and lots of stuff I'm not interested in (Star Wars, because Star Wars is shit, and Marvel films, because I see those in cinema).

Not going to watch anything now, but I think I'll start off with Steamboat Willie later. That seems appropriate.

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I started watching Undone on Amazon Prime last night and ended up binging the whole thing and absolutely loved it. Beyond the rotoscoped visuals, which were fantastically done, the whole thing was really well written and really well acted by both Odenkirk and especially Salazar. I thought it was a thought provoking take on mental health issues and dealing with trauma through every day life and loved how they messed with you're perception if how it all pieced together. Sure there are times where it feels a little confusing but it all comes around and coalesces together in the end in a meaningful and natural way.

Easily one of the best things I've watched all year and one of the best things I've watched on Amazon Prime full stop. Definitely recommend giving it a watch as it really is fantastic.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Recently watched both The Boys on Amazon and The Politician on Netflix. Both were ok, although I enjoyed The Boys more. One thing that annoyed me about both, which seems to be happening more and more, is the way that many shows seem to spend more time setting up season 2 than they do actually creating a satisfying season 1.

I'm all for a bit of a cliffhanger to pique interest, but The Boys basically wrapped nothing up - it was almost like a mid-season finale than a end of season one.

The Politician actually could have finished at episode 7, but spent the whole of episode 8 seeing up the next season, which just ruined the whole pacing of the show.

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5 hours ago, bob said:

The Politician actually could have finished at episode 7, but spent the whole of episode 8 seeing up the next season, which just ruined the whole pacing of the show.

This drove me absolutely bonkers on True Blood. At the end of every season, all of the season's storylines would wrap up within the first twenty minutes of the finale, and the next thirty minutes would be spent setting up the main storylines of the following season.

I assume it was meant to make you want to tune in next season, but it just felt like reading the first chapter of a book, putting it down, and picking it up again six months later. Who does that!?

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On 08/10/2019 at 8:10 AM, Dog-amoto said:

Wow. What an opener for Mr Robot s4. Tense, brilliantly written TV. 

Finally got a chance to watch the opener this evening and yeah, wow what a great episode and a fantastic continuation of where season 3 went. Was not expecting it to go so heavy out of the gate but it was just great.

The transitional work, especially from the Previously On recap was so well done. I've always loved the camera work in the show but they did some really incredible shots in this episode, mixing up styles to match with the characters and where they're at. I particularly loved how they did this whole scene in this gif (wish I could offload like he does in that scene and have someone else come and take over):


Likewise, the use of music, both Mac Quayle's original stuff and the licensed songs, has always been perfectly matched to the scenes, writing and characters.

Just great to be back in that world with these characters. Shame it's going to end but I think Esmail's got it in the bag to produce a great ending with the series. Can't wait for more.

Edited by Ganepark32
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Will wait until Mr Robot is further along before starting the fourth season but I'm really looking forward to it.

I've been making my way through a bunch of series the last few weeks, taking full advantage of all the free time I've got, and just watched the final episode of Halt and Catch Fire. What a wonderful series, it's such a shame that it didn't catch on with audiences as well as it should have. It's also criminal that none of the cast or creatives were ever nominated for any Emmy's or Golden Globe's for their work, Toby Huss in particular is so underrated and Susanna Skaggs deserves a lot of praise for her portrayal of Haley. It was funny how many of my favourite songs they featured in Season 4 too, was a trip hearing Rid of Me by PJ Harvey at the end of one of the episodes.

Last week I watched through The Dark Crystal: The Age of Resistance on Netflix. Growing up I had always intended to watch the original film but didn't get around to it until a couple of months ago and although I found the tone of it a bit too dry the character design and the sheer audacity of the puppetry was enough to pull me through. The series definitely retains the beautiful ugliness of the world and character design but the plot and the characters are much more palatable while still keeping the dark tone intact. I think a lot of the improvement comes down to the wider cast of characters, the original was so limited on that front and having multiple protagonists makes the world seem more alive. It was a really good call by Netflix to release a making of documentary alongside the series too, it's fascinating seeing all the work that went into making all the sets and the characters. Jim Henson would surely be proud to see his character brought to life again, especially with several of the key people from the original films production working on the series.

Chernobyl though is the best series I've seen in a long time. Purely in terms of production value it is practically perfect, the visuals are stunning and the music is incredible - it would be so beautiful if it wasn't so traumatic. 

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Watched Deadwood about ten years ago. Such a shame it got cancelled after three series. I’ve been holding off watching the long overdue movie which was released a couple of months ago as I’d mostly forgotten what had happened on the tv show, so I’ve been giving it a rewatch. 

Still one of the finest pieces of television ever made, and it’s even better the second time through. The characters, writing, setting, costumes are all done so well, and I’ve forgotten how funny it can be. The dialogue and extensive vocabularies of the characters is superb, I wish that people still talked that way. :D

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On 10/10/2019 at 1:50 AM, killthenet said:

I've been making my way through a bunch of series the last few weeks, taking full advantage of all the free time I've got, and just watched the final episode of Halt and Catch Fire. What a wonderful series, it's such a shame that it didn't catch on with audiences as well as it should have. It's also criminal that none of the cast or creatives were ever nominated for any Emmy's or Golden Globe's for their work, Toby Huss in particular is so underrated and Susanna Skaggs deserves a lot of praise for her portrayal of Haley. It was funny how many of my favourite songs they featured in Season 4 too, was a trip hearing Rid of Me by PJ Harvey at the end of one of the episodes.

I love this show. That storyline in the last few episodes was devastating but so well played. Plus the handling of Hayley was fantastic. 

I have the season four soundtrack downloaded and occasionally play it. We Belong is a low key banger (also shout out for them mirroring the pilot but switching the characters with that scene).

Friend convinced me to watch Elite and it's trashy but basically a horny mix or Gossip Girl and Veronica Mars but in Spanish. Found myself enjoying it. And again, decent soundtrack. 

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Started watching Mr. Robot and just finished episode 4 of season 1. It's kind of slow but very intriguing. I am 95% convinced that...


...Mr. Robot is a hallucination. The way the scenes with him are shot and how it's only Elliot that is actually conversing with him...suspicious :D 


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On 20.10.2019 at 1:12 PM, drahkon said:

Started watching Mr. Robot and just finished episode 4 of season 1. It's kind of slow but very intriguing. I am 95% convinced that...

  One of my theories from what I've seen so far (Reveal hidden contents)

...Mr. Robot is a hallucination. The way the scenes with him are shot and how it's only Elliot that is actually conversing with him...suspicious :D 


I knew it :D 

Season 1 done. Spectacular show. Can't wait to see where it goes and whether it can keep up the quality.

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