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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (March 22nd)


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The only reason they are putting the online into is because they want to make the series successful in the West and without online play it's never going to happen.


Indeed, and props to Capcom for doing that, even if by late fixes.


10 days!

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Nintendo consoles have never championed online, so it's not hard to see that the lack of online focus in the game it's meant to be ported over from is having a knock on effect here.


Really the point here is that rather than blaming the developer, I would blame Nintendo for leaving it up to the developer and not having an integrated online infrastructure.


Anyway, not a huge deal I guess if you can still play online, just weird/annoying for such a big title. Oh and @dazzybee; I couldn't care less what you have to say, and can honestly say I probably never will.


Another grossly uninformed and biased post. It's not up to Nintendo what features are put in games made by third party developers.


If Nintendo were that against online they wouldn't be running all the servers in the west and for FREE. So it is actually Nintendo who has integrated the online and they are also the ones paying for it.


I don't see Microsoft or Sony putting up free online servers for COD, Battlefield or other popular third party games on their respective systems. Nintendo have done a huge amount to champion MH games in the West and broaden the appeal of the series to audiences outside of Japan.

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Another grossly uninformed and biased post. It's not up to Nintendo what features are put in games made by third party developers.


If Nintendo were that against online they wouldn't be running all the servers in the west and for FREE. So it is actually Nintendo who has integrated the online and they are also the ones paying for it.


I don't see Microsoft or Sony putting up free online servers for COD, Battlefield or other popular third party games on their respective systems. Nintendo have done a huge amount to champion MH games in the West and broaden the appeal of the series to audiences outside of Japan.


Not just in the west either. The Japanese servers are also run by Nintendo themselves and offer free online play (MH3G HD is the first MH game to ever offer free online play in Japan BTW!)

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Preorder complete, hopefully it arrives a day earlier ; D Should it not arrive at all, I still have the local shops to check. And if that fails, then there's the download version. In other words, triple back-up system xD

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Another grossly uninformed and biased post. It's not up to Nintendo what features are put in games made by third party developers.


If Nintendo were that against online they wouldn't be running all the servers in the west and for FREE. So it is actually Nintendo who has integrated the online and they are also the ones paying for it.


I don't see Microsoft or Sony putting up free online servers for COD, Battlefield or other popular third party games on their respective systems. Nintendo have done a huge amount to champion MH games in the West and broaden the appeal of the series to audiences outside of Japan.


No, no. People are misunderstanding what I'm saying.


I'm not saying it's not a good thing that they aren't hosting free servers/doing their bit. Obviously they are trying.


I'm saying that if Nintendo opted for an integrated universal online account (as Sony have now done with the Vita and PS3) there would be no requirement for developers to do their part and occasionally deliver less-than-stellar online modes. Online would just be a standard, non-gimped service across all games on the unit.

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No, no. People are misunderstanding what I'm saying.


I'm not saying it's not a good thing that they aren't hosting free servers/doing their bit. Obviously they are trying.


I'm saying that if Nintendo opted for an integrated universal online account (as Sony have now done with the Vita and PS3) there would be no requirement for developers to do their part and occasionally deliver less-than-stellar online modes. Online would just be a standard, non-gimped service across all games on the unit.


Are you incapable of accepting facts and reading other posts?


To officially play the PSP versions of MH you had to have a PS3 and have it connected via an ethernet cable. Of course you could faff on with the unofficial way via the PC. Either way, none of the PSP versions were able to be played online with just the PSP on it's own.


Regardless of universal accounts, or anything that Sony offer, if a developer doesn't want to put an online mode into a game and only allow for local play that is up to them. And as already stated, the PSP versions do not have online, they have the same system the 3DS will use.

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Are you incapable of accepting facts and reading other posts?


I'm just wondering, Zechs; how were you able to keep a straight face while asking that question to somebody else?


Regardless of universal accounts, or anything that Sony offer, if a developer doesn't want to put an online mode into a game and only allow for local play that is up to them. And as already stated, the PSP versions do not have online, they have the same system the 3DS will use.


PSP pre-dated a universal online account (a la PSN). As the 3DS is apparently next/current generation, my comments are a criticism that Nintendo is behind in this sense.


Also you may want to do your homework as a number of games on the PS3 have had private hosted servers.

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No, no. People are misunderstanding what I'm saying.


I'm not saying it's not a good thing that they aren't hosting free servers/doing their bit. Obviously they are trying.


I'm saying that if Nintendo opted for an integrated universal online account (as Sony have now done with the Vita and PS3) there would be no requirement for developers to do their part and occasionally deliver less-than-stellar online modes. Online would just be a standard, non-gimped service across all games on the unit.


Nintendo have had a unified service that runs the backend of every single online DS and Wii game since 2005 (with a few exceptions like EA's games, Monster Hunter 3, the COD Wii games and Dragon Quest X where the developers chose to run their own servers instead of using the standard Nintendo ones for matchmaking); that's why almost all Wii and DS games use the same friend code system, the same online ranking system and practically identical matchmaking interfaces across nearly every online game. The PSP never had a unified online backend, nor any sort of standard APIs for online play (which is probably why online play was much more common on the DS): The 3DS and Wii U online servers are separate from those old ones though.


The decision to eschew online play on the 3DS is not because of Nintendo's online network being lacking, but rather because Capcom wanted it out in time for Xmas in Japan and deemed online play to not be worth the trouble (considering that local multiplayer is much more popular over there).

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I'm just wondering, Zechs; how were you able to keep a straight face while asking that question to somebody else?


PSP pre-dated a universal online account (a la PSN). As the 3DS is apparently next/current generation, my comments are a criticism that Nintendo is behind in this sense.


Also you may want to do your homework as a number of games on the PS3 have had private hosted servers.


Look, you're doing exactly what you did in that PS4 thread. You make an assertion, (in that case it was that MS are essentially finished, no one buys MS exclusives and Sony first party exclusives sell better) then when you are proved wrong (with facts, as I earlier proved that in fact MS had sold more first party exclusives than Sony) you continue to dig you heels in and argue a foolish point until you are blue in the face.


Having a universal online account system does not guarantee that developers will choose to implement online modes in their games. If Capcom does release a MH game on the PSV, there is no guarantee it would have online modes - especially in Japan where MH is hugely popular primarily as a game people play together locally.


Sony did not force Capcom to put online modes in the MH games on the PSP, Nintendo aren't going force them to put online modes in MH on the 3DS.


And yes, Nintendo should have a uniform account system across the 3DS and Wii U. What's more, those accounts should be transferable to other systems and not simply locked to one console.


What's more, I never said that there were no games on the PS3 or the 360 that have hosted servers. What I said was that Nintendo are hosting the servers for FREE for a third party release.


Both Sony and MS offer paid online services (XBOX Live and PSN+), yet large third party releases that have deals with Sony and MS (COD + Battlefield) and would benefit from servers don't have them.


The point is, Nintendo have stepped in and provided a great server based experience for MH at their cost, whilst not charging a penny for either MH players or their online service in general.


Now, I am not in anyway saying Nintendo are leading the way in online gaming, they clearly aren't. But what they have done here is quite exceptional and deserves praise. What's more it's a big step forward for Nintendo. So to come in here and claim that somehow Nintendo have dropped the ball on this one is utter nonsense!

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I cant believe its only 10 days until the game finally launches, all the crazy cool additions Capcom have made such as offscreen play on the WiiU and cross region play (for the West at least) makes this an even better value proposition. I understand why we cant play with the Japanese guys, the JoJo bizarre adventure stand and Inu Yasha sword have major licensing issues around them, but it would have been nice to be able to play with the world but...ill settle for most of the world at this point.


I have to say im glad to see Capcom specifically working directly on player feedback and implimenting the things we have asked for, its also great to see Nintendo ensuring that everyone gets to play for free because with a game as Eastern influenced as this its really important to make sure as many people are attracted to the game with as little buy in required as possible.


Whats the plan for the guys on here? Will people be jumping online straight away or leveling offline until a specific level cap has been reached?

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Let's get positive!! I dabbled in Tri, and couldn't be more excited about finally yielding to the game like some virgin in a mills and boon. Be gentle Monster Hunter! Be gentle!


Whats the plan for the guys on here? Will people be jumping online straight away or leveling offline until a specific level cap has been reached?


Hmm, tricky one. I think primarily I'll be blitzing the single player and dabbling the multiplayer. My only slight concern is people on here are such experts, that I don't want the game ruining for me when people know exactly what to do and such, I like the idea of discovering stuff with people as gimped as me. Is this a valid concern?!

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Hmm, tricky one. I think primarily I'll be blitzing the single player and dabbling the multiplayer. My only slight concern is people on here are such experts, that I don't want the game ruining for me when people know exactly what to do and such, I like the idea of discovering stuff with people as gimped as me. Is this a valid concern?!


Yeah, its good you feel like that. A lot of noobs tend to jump online and essentially just leech off people who have better equipment. They don't learn the ropes themselves and then when it comes to them holding their own they simply can't. It's people like that who usually use up all of the lives in a quest. :mad:

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Don't worry, I've forgotten most stuff from Tri so it'll be like playing it for the first time again.


There's a server for beginners so you should be able to find people around the same level of experience easily.

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Let's get positive!! I dabbled in Tri, and couldn't be more excited about finally yielding to the game like some virgin in a mills and boon. Be gentle Monster Hunter! Be gentle!




Hmm, tricky one. I think primarily I'll be blitzing the single player and dabbling the multiplayer. My only slight concern is people on here are such experts, that I don't want the game ruining for me when people know exactly what to do and such, I like the idea of discovering stuff with people as gimped as me. Is this a valid concern?!


HA! I feel like I've seen a different side to you Dazzy, a more innocent, nubile..ahem! :p

Same boat though as you and Blade, I really plan to use 3DS to do my single player work, however if there are a few of us newbies on here, maybe we could all team up and make a cluster fuck of a quest a few times, ease us in gently ( back to the Mills and Boon...), I'm still sore from playing COD against people on here and getting told off, keen to make a good impression with Monster Hunter! :D

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Mhmm, regarding starting out... as some of you are aware I never really got that far in MH Tri but this time around I've been doing things properly, I didn't venture online until I'd played offline for a good few days and even then it wasn't for very long as there aren't too many players on the servers atm obviously as it's just reviewers on there afaik.


I don't like letting people down when it comes to playing in a party so I've made sure that I've learned a decent amount so that I can at least hold my own, as such most of my play time has been on my own but I have had a couple of enjoyable online play sessions with one other player in the party so far - I can't really go into specifics but the online is improved this time around - which is hardly representative of what Monster Hunter is all about I know but I am trying to get a party of four going, it's just proving difficult at the moment so I'm just exploring as much of the game as I can solo currently.


Anyway, roll on release day as I look forward to playing with all of you at launch, I really do :D I may have had something of a 'head-start' due to reviewing the game - around thirty-odd hours played so far - but I'm sure you'll all be over-taking me in no time due to most of you being better 'acquainted' with the series than myself. : peace:


For what it's worth though I am really liking the game, a lot! :)

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See, this is another reason why I'm trying not to post too much in here too - aside from not being able to say much because of the embargo - as I know what it's like to be anticipating the release of a big game, if it's any consolation though since receiving the review copy I haven't had time for any other games - apart from one hour of Mario Kart a week and the odd VC game to review - for instance I was considering picking up the new Tomb Raider game but then I thought 'what would be the point?' as I knew I wouldn't play it. ::shrug:


So although I'm playing it early, it's definitely dominating my life at the moment but this will obviously be good for the review so I don't mind but my advice to those waiting for the game is to just enjoy playing whatever other games you like because once MH3U arrives, it'll be like they don't exist so finish as many games as you can while you can! :D

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Haha, don't worry guys, there should be a lot of beginner cities available. Though that's where I'm heading myself as well, as I like playing with randoms. I really don't mind if people are beginners or experts, as long as they behave respectfully towards others and are willing to listen to advice when the situation calls for it. I mean it's only in some late-game super quests where you really need people who know exactly what they're doing, and even require specific gear etc. The only things I won't stand for are blatant trolls, rude jerkfaces and leechers, who just magically go offline and try to make you do all the work for them. In those cases it's a swift kick to the arse and a barrel bomb+ in the mail.


Anyway, I'll prob try a bit of the single player, and then go see the online. Much more fun gathering mushrooms together ; D Still, I do like the single player as well, it's much more of a serene, peaceful experience...just you and the environments.

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I had MH3 on the Wii but couldn't really get into it


Likewise, however that was due to my Wii breaking and after we finally got it back we had started playing multiplayer games again. I did also play Freedom Unite on my brothers PSP, enjoyed that very much, but that also broke soon after... hope that's not an omen of things to come.


So yeah, I'm a MH noob.

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I love jumping back on to the single player after a massive multiplayer session. You usually decimate everything with the gear you obtained and even the most fearsome of beasties are easily brushed aside. :D
Yeah, I loved taking the insanely powerful weapons that I acquired thanks to playing online and using them offline, especially against Great Jaggi. :laughing:

It was so much fun seeing how quickly I could kill it. Think my record was just under 10 seconds! :grin:


Remember thinking how awesome that was considering that when I first started playing the game it would take me like 30 minutes. :heh:

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