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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (March 22nd)


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Don't ask that, Retro. I'm trying to like you but you are asking things like that and it's 6 o clock in the morning. :D
Hahaha! See, H-o-T it's not nice when someone says something ludicrous about a game you love, is it? :heh: Now you know how I feel when I see you going on about the AI in Mario Kart. ;)


I have to say though that people should not be judging the game on a demo.
Very true. I experienced this recently with Sonic Transformed. I wasn't keen on it from playing the demo, but I bought the game anyway and have been really enjoying it. :smile:


Also, the demo for MH3U must be super confusing for people that have never played MH before. It just chucks you right into a difficult hunt (even the "easy" monster is tough), with pretty much no explanation of anything! I'd say the demo has almost been designed specifically for people that have previous experience of the franchise, which is very weird. ::shrug:


But yeah, MH is a game with a very long learning curve. I don't think it'd be possible to for someone to discover whether or not they'd eventually enjoy it from just playing the demo.

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Downloaded the demo last night, it was my first experience of Monster Hunter and I've got to say I'm not really impressed, don't think I'll be bothering.


I didn't really know what I was doing to be fair, it does throw you in at the deep end without any real explanation, but I didn't find the controls particularly intuitive and the constant loading between areas was a bit jarring.

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Downloaded the demo last night, it was my first experience of Monster Hunter and I've got to say I'm not really impressed, don't think I'll be bothering.


I didn't really know what I was doing to be fair, it does throw you in at the deep end without any real explanation, but I didn't find the controls particularly intuitive and the constant loading between areas was a bit jarring.


That's Monster Hunter for you! It's a game where you really have to persevere and push through it. It took me ages to get it, but when I did I loved it.


It would be a lot more friendly if it had some tutorials, but I think as the series has been going for so long the developers have made the assumption people know what they're doing now... that may be the case in Japan, but not so in the West.

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I managed to kill the snow yeti a moment ago. It was my second try after it mauled me the first time. Game seems extremely cool, especially the control scheme which I'd heard was a nightmare.


I was more successful with the quick sword character. Not really a fan of slower combat, guess I'll be a lot weaker as a result. That's usually how it works with games, right? Speed sacrifices health?


I'm day one for the 3DS version of this. Wish I could afford the Wii U online glory though!


Nice going. Yes, definitely try all of the weapons, as they feel and handle very differently. When I started Tri, I hated the slower weapons, so the Sword & Shield were perfect for me. Later on, totally changed my mind with some of them. Now that's the beauty of MH really: after having mastered one weapon, you have plenty of others to turn into.

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Downloaded the demo last night, it was my first experience of Monster Hunter and I've got to say I'm not really impressed, don't think I'll be bothering.


I didn't really know what I was doing to be fair, it does throw you in at the deep end without any real explanation, but I didn't find the controls particularly intuitive and the constant loading between areas was a bit jarring.


The actual game does a great job at easing you into the game and explaining all of its various nuances. The demo is designed for people who are already familiar with the series.

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Downloaded the demo last night, it was my first experience of Monster Hunter and I've got to say I'm not really impressed, don't think I'll be bothering.


I didn't really know what I was doing to be fair, it does throw you in at the deep end without any real explanation, but I didn't find the controls particularly intuitive and the constant loading between areas was a bit jarring.


The controls in the demo are a bit iffy. I prefer to have my attacks mapped to the right stick, rather than the buttons.


As Dcubed said, the proper game, when played offline, eases you in and let's you get to grips with what's going on. Expecting new players to know what they are doing in the demo is like telling a baby to run before it can walk.


Honestly, once the game comes out and you start hunting with forum members/mates it becomes a whole new game. The laughs will be even better this time around what with being able to actually talk to people!


The sidekicks freed me from being encased in a snowball a few times :) Is there another way or do you have to run around and wait?


You can drink a special potion that frees you from the ice.

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I feel quite out of my depth in the demo, and I love it! Actually looking forward to putting in the man hours so I get to the point where a Lagombi isn't causing me to faint, said to my mate last night I don't want to see him until we have put 100 hours each into it!

Hoping to get involved in the community on here too, I can imagine it's great fun trying to slay some if the bigger beasts as part of a team. Or even just taking out Lagombi would be a start... :)

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So apparently the right analogue attack control method isn't in this game. I'm not happy with that at all. It was the best control setup for me since the original game. :( Looks like I will have to play the demo a lot more to get used to the controls.


Is that definetly true as Monster Hunter 3G supported the stick attachment, its troublesome moving the camera using the trigger, i was all set to buy the stick specifically for the game but if it isnt comptabile there is no point.


Looks like it just the demo the stick dosent work for, Joystiq did a feature in November saying that the stick is compatible so ill do a search when i get home tonight to confirm. I really dont want to play without the stick (though id obviously do it if i had to).

Edited by Kagato
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The controls in the demo are a bit iffy. I prefer to have my attacks mapped to the right stick, rather than the buttons.


As Dcubed said, the proper game, when played offline, eases you in and let's you get to grips with what's going on. Expecting new players to know what they are doing in the demo is like telling a baby to run before it can walk.


Honestly, once the game comes out and you start hunting with forum members/mates it becomes a whole new game. The laughs will be even better this time around what with being able to actually talk to people!




You can drink a special potion that frees you from the ice.


Yeah I'm not really much of an online gamer in general but I can imagine this to be the kind of game that would be great fun online. If there's a good community on here playing it I may well pick it up and give it a go despite the demo.

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Is that definetly true as Monster Hunter 3G supported the stick attachment, its troublesome moving the camera using the trigger, i was all set to buy the stick specifically for the game but if it isnt comptabile there is no point.


It's compatible in terms of using it for the camera, at least as far as i'm aware. It's just not compatible using it for attacks.


It may not be true as I just asked the question on gamefaqs. I'm sure @Dcubed will be in the know about it though. :D

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It's compatible in terms of using it for the camera, at least as far as i'm aware. It's just not compatible using it for attacks.


It may not be true as I just asked the question on gamefaqs. I'm sure @Dcubed will be in the know about it though. :D


Ah cool, im hoping if its recongised as an input method that we can customise it, id be happy with camera movement but hopefully we can customise it a bit.

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It's compatible in terms of using it for the camera, at least as far as i'm aware. It's just not compatible using it for attacks.


It may not be true as I just asked the question on gamefaqs. I'm sure @Dcubed will be in the know about it though. :D


Actually you'd be wrong! I have no idea lol :p

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I was more successful with the quick sword character. Not really a fan of slower combat, guess I'll be a lot weaker as a result. That's usually how it works with games, right? Speed sacrifices health?



One of the MANY things that is awesome in monster hunter is that no weapon makes you really 'sacrifice' anything as they all have various strengths and really are perfectly balanced.


For example, sword and shield -sns- may not let you hit as hard, but you have increased mobility, attack speed, defensive abilities, and when you add the status ailments that they often come with, they can be a crucial factor for some parties.


Hammers are slow, dont allow for blocking, only dodging, but they are one of the best weapons in the game as they can knock monsters out very easily due to their design, and if the player is skilled enough to land repeated blows on the monsters head. This allows parties members to target difficult to reach parts due to the creature usually constantly moving, or to more easily set up traps to lead on to extra time to attack the creature. They are also exceptional at breaking off particular parts of the monsters, that other piercing weapons struggle with due to its blunt attack nature.


The list goes on but, it's really good to have a weapon of each type for every occasion. It's one of the things that drives you to go on to the next hunt each time, to get that last piece to finish that new weapon or armour.

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Is that definetly true as Monster Hunter 3G supported the stick attachment, its troublesome moving the camera using the trigger, i was all set to buy the stick specifically for the game but if it isnt comptabile there is no point.


Looks like it just the demo the stick dosent work for, Joystiq did a feature in November saying that the stick is compatible so ill do a search when i get home tonight to confirm. I really dont want to play without the stick (though id obviously do it if i had to).


The demo doesn't support the CPP but the full game does. It's just used for the camera.


Not sure what people mean for using it too attack?

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The demo doesn't support the CPP but the full game does. It's just used for the camera.


Not sure what people mean for using it too attack?


On the original game the attacks were mapped to the stick. You pushed forward to swing down, back for upswing etc. I used this method for Tri as well.

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On the original game the attacks were mapped to the stick. You pushed forward to swing down, back for upswing etc. I used this method for Tri as well.


Hmm, either I can't remember you could do that or I never knew in the first place. :P


Not 100% sure then, maybe there is a control scheme for those style controls.

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Yeah I'd prefer the stick for camera too...


So I played Roth demos. The 3ds one was surprisingly good actually, really enjoyed it. Does this only have the single player mode on it then? For this reason I just won't bother with it. But it's great.


Really loved the wii u version, the load times are almost instant and just really enjoy playing it. I think it look since too, ONM said it looks cack. The game is weird and quite archaic in its design, but that's why I like it, but by god it's hard, I've tried the easy one and just can't kill it in time. Tried sword and big sword. How many different types of moves are there? I seem to only find 2, a lot don't know how to dodge and such, all will come with practice though. Can't wait to crack with it.


My mate is a world of Warcraft freak. He's obsessed. He's just bought a wii u and is tempted by this, is it similar? Will it be too simplified for a wow nut?

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Have obviously heard great things about this game from you guys but a demo is supposed to be for people who have never played the game before. There were no tutorials and I had no idea what I was doing. Am not buying the game purely based on this fact alone.


If a game company wants my money, they have to do a damn sight better than this.


Add this to the many reasons why Capcom is now my most hated game developer. I can't think of a single game of theirs I'd like to buy.

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Have obviously heard great things about this game from you guys but a demo is supposed to be for people who have never played the game before. There were no tutorials and I had no idea what I was doing. Am not buying the game purely based on this fact alone.


If a game company wants my money, they have to do a damn sight better than this.


Yeah, that demo is a hot mess. I was excited to see what all the fuss is about, but it's put me off the whole franchise.

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Gave the English demo a whirl.


As for my past regarding Monster Hunter, I owned Freedom Unite on PSP and couldn't get into it. I played the Tri G Japanese demo last month and couldn't get a hang on it. Tried the English demo today as one last ditch effort to see if I'm starting to understand it.


I failed, but I did a fuck load better. I did quite a lot of practice with Freedom Unite and just couldn't work out for shit what I had to do and that really put me off. I know it's a game that has a steep learning curve, but if I can't get a hang of it after so many hours, it just doesn't appeal to me any more.


But maybe, now that it's been a few years down the line and I've started to pick up things a lot easier through my late teen years, I might finally be starting to understand it. Going to give it another whirl later on, see how I fare against the easy boss. My fear is: liking it. I found the demo fun, despite my failure, but that is a fuck load of hours I could be losing myself in at stake!

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Just played the demo for about an hour. After playing the 3DS version wasn't impressed due to the camera (which will undoubtedly be improved with the use of the circle pad pro), but the WiiU version has me hooked. Took down that easy boss Lagomdi, ??, on my second go, and had the Pleisioth, ??, drooling before time ran out.

Damn it, that's another game I now want. I pre-ordered Lego City and NFS:MW at a bargain, do I cancel one or buy all 3 and face the wrath of the wife???? LOL.

Anyway, my 2 niggles are that some of the areas are small, what's it like in the main game, are areas bigger (this I can put up with if problem 2 is OK). Second, are there time limits when fighting monsters in the full game because my main point of losing a fight is not health, but because I've played safe and slowly whittled it down, only to find out I would be happy putting another 20 minutes into beating this monster down, but couldn't. Plus I'd like to teach some of the lesser monsters who were interferring a lesson or two.

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Just tried the 3DS demo, and it wasn't that great to play. Camera control is really difficult, and compared to the CCP, seems like there aren't enough buttons. Expecting the WiiU one to be up to par...


Just played the demo for about an hour. After playing the 3DS version wasn't impressed due to the camera (which will undoubtedly be improved with the use of the circle pad pro), but the WiiU version has me hooked. Took down that easy boss Lagomdi, ??, on my second go, and had the Pleisioth, ??, drooling before time ran out.

Damn it, that's another game I now want. I pre-ordered Lego City and NFS:MW at a bargain, do I cancel one or buy all 3 and face the wrath of the wife???? LOL.

Anyway, my 2 niggles are that some of the areas are small, what's it like in the main game, are areas bigger (this I can put up with if problem 2 is OK). Second, are there time limits when fighting monsters in the full game because my main point of losing a fight is not health, but because I've played safe and slowly whittled it down, only to find out I would be happy putting another 20 minutes into beating this monster down, but couldn't. Plus I'd like to teach some of the lesser monsters who were interferring a lesson or two.


Yes, the maps are smaller areas linked to each other. This is because it gives the players and monsters time to get a break in another area, if necessary. Also, when you're fighting a huge behemoth trying to rip your head off, there's really no time to look at the scenery : D


Time limits: no worries, Tri had a 50-minute timelimit for quests, so plenty of time to kick that monster ass. Although, sometimes you do need that whole time just to take one monster down xD

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