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Wii U Approaches: Backlog Battle!


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I don't let my Backlog accumulate, so I guess it's only made of games I haven't bought yet.


Same here. I don't really buy enough games for it to ever be a problem. I generally try to avoid buying multiple games too. I'm far more likely to buy one game, complete that, and then pick up the other - let's face it, if one is third party, it will probably have seen a drop in price after a couple of weeks anyway. Sad, but true unfortunately.... or perhaps fortunately depending on how you see it.


The only games I've ever owned for Nintendo consoles and haven't completed are all portable and all bought within the last 2 years. One I will eventually complete given enough time and another I will force myself to finish. The other two are dead to me.

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Until you buy some Wii U launch games and from then on the backlog starts getting filled up with Wii U games aswell! :p


Haha, true. I got such a backlog on the 360 at the moment, but still got a lot of time before a new Xbox is out.


At present, i'm interested in Super Mario Bros WiiU and Pikmin 3 as it stands. When it gets nearer the time, who knows.

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I don't let my Backlog accumulate, so I guess it's only made of games I haven't bought yet.


I thought that's what a backlog is; games you intend to pick up and play AND those you still have laying around.


If that's not the case, then my the backlog that I own is pretty much non-existent apart from a game or 2.

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I've worked hard at reducing my backlog over the summer, still a few more to get out of the way. Not sure how much I'll clear with Pokemon Black 2 and Paper Mario 3DS on the horizon.


Monster Hunter Tri

I got to the mission where you have to trap a Great Jaggi, then just started playing online instead.


Rune Factory Frontier

I'm into Autumn, and halfway through the second dungeon. If it wasn't for the sprite mangement I'd probably play this a lot more.


Pandora's Tower

Boss #2 took a heck of a lot of tries, now I'm halfway through the third tower.


Endless Ocean 2

I've passed the 'Atlantis' sunken city, just nearly halfway through I think.


Super Mario Galaxy 2

I've cleared Bowser and just opened up the second to last level.

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I recently bought Pikmin 2 New Play Control, I bought the first a couple of months ago for £4, dirt cheap in comparison to the £18 i've payed for Pikmin 2, but I hear the game is hard to find. With Wii U approaching, I need to give the series one last chance to see if it appeals to me, as i'd like to buy Pikmin 3 if I do.


To be honest, i've actually been working on Gamecube games recently, they're getting much harder to find. Luigi's Mansion was picked up for me after a nation tour of CeX with my friend @LukeLee. Donkey Konga 2 was also added very recently.


I would strongly recommend people pick up Metroid Prime Trilogy if you can find it, it's getting more expensive by the day and is a great compilation. Try and find it with cardboard sleeve and art book if you can. The game is selling upwards of £40 preowned now, but I managed to pick up a copy in my local (ish) GAME a few months ago for £17.99

Edited by Darren
Realised GAME wasn't that local afterall..
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This game is hilarious.

You should definitely give it a go. :smile:

Thanks for recommending Rabbids Go Home! I thought it would be rude of me to not give it a try after you took the time to look through that large list of mine, so I took the opportunity to play and complete it over the past few days. It was pretty enjoyable to play! Kinda makes me feel bad that I neglected to play it for so long... but better late than never, right?


I also decided to complete Trauma Center: Second Opinion and Link's Crossbow Training since they're both pretty short games (well Trauma Center is if you don't count all of the dialogue that it has). I haven't beaten Episode X in Trauma Center though, those bonus operations are just too tough for me. But I saw the ending credits so that counts as completed! Sort of. =P


If anybody has a recommendation from my list, let me know!

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@Sprout from your list, I'd highly recommend RE4: Wii Edition. It's my favourite game from the RE series, and by quite some distance too. Out of all the versions I've played the Wii-make is the definitive version, it's the same great game with enhanced controls & all the extras from the PS2/PC versions aswell.

I've played this game so many times, and I never get bored of it. The characters are great, the atmosphere is sensational. It's the best survival horror game I've played and imo, one of the all time greats.


I would also recommend Wario Land: The Shake Dimension

Bright vibrant colours, classic 2D gameplay, tight responsive controls, gorgeous visuals & tons of fun. This game is great.

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My backlog battle started last night.






I played a couple of hours on it and i'm really enjoying it. Last time I tried to play this I only did a couple of missions and then called it a day.


I think the art style that is used is fantastic and it really shows that if you put some effort into it, a game can and will look great on the Wii.


I changed the controls to RELAXED so that I don't have to make big movements to get something to work, which has made the combat a lot more fun. I'm enjoying the sword play in this game far more than Zelda SS.

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Well I guess I can remove Monster Hunter Tri from my backlog, will be picking up the Wii U version so will just complete that instead. Got enough out of the Wii one playing online anyway.


Played a bit of Kirby's Adventure last night though, cleared the 3rd world, 2 more to go (I think)! :)

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Slightly off topic but this thread is the perfect argument against piracy (other than the moral and legal implications of course)


I know people who have chipped their console and they have hundreds and hundreds of games, yet they have spent half an hour at most with the vast majority of them.

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Do 3DS, PS3 games count or just Wii?!


Yeah, was thinking about this myself...I'm currently having a personal backlog battle of general gaming knowledge, i.e. educating myself on classic games that I've never beaten before. Just went through Sonic 1-3 + Knuckles a few days ago, and today finished the NES Metroid for the first time. The sense of exhilaration I've gotten from finally beating these old childhood games is just unreal...

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I don't understand the battle aspect... DO we just post a screenshot and put FIGHT in big letters?! :)


Do 3DS, PS3 games count or just Wii?!


It just means to battle your way through your backlog. It also has a nice ring to it. Backlog Battle!!! :D


The purpose of the thread is to clear any Wii games that you have waiting to be finished before the Wii U arrives.

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Wow - I'm glad it's not just me then. I always feel like such a lightweight as I rarely finish games. I'm not even sure why I'm contemplating the Wii U as I have loads left to complete on the Wii. Here's my list of games I'd like to either finish or start. These are all games I already own and I don't anticipate making any new purchases.


LoZ: Skyward Sword - not started


Resi 4 - I have this for both PS2 (played for a couple of hours) and Wii (not played at all)


Eledees - Got about 2/3 through and horribly stuck on a boss level. Returned to it a few times but couldn't overcome it so not played for a few years now. Really enjoyed the game though and would love to complete it


Zack & Wiki - Again, got quite close to the end - 3/4 through? - and got stuck. Tried in vain until I got fed up and not played for a few years. One of my favourite Wii games so would love to finish


Marble Madness (think it was called this - sequel to Kororinpa) - loved Kororinpa and achieved 100% within a week. Never finished the sequel


Pikmin - think I have both 1 & 2 but only played for an hour. May try and get into it prior to Pikmin 3 but probably won't have time so will just pick it up on the Wii U


Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 - about 1/2 way through first one and not very far into the second. Got stuck on a boss level in first game and couldn't overcome


De Blob - I liked this but my Wii packed up when I was playing it. Once my system had been returned by Nintendo, I was into something else. Also, I have a slight, highly irrational, fear that if I put this disc in the machine, it'll break my console again


Super Mario Bros Wii - playing this at the moment as I've had it wrapped in its cellophane since launch. Prob won't finish it though as I'll move onto the Wii U version


Dewy's Adventure - still early on in this game. May revisit but not high priority


Mercury Meltdown Revolution - enjoyed this but probably about half way through


Okami - enjoyed it well enough but wasn't driven to finish it. Chances of picking it up again probably quite slim


Games I'd have liked to play but won't now are:


The Last Story

Xenoblade Chronicles


With so many games to finish and other consoles (including the Wii U) to attend to, I don't want them enough to warrant the purchase.


I swore that I wouldn't accumulate Wii games without finishing the ones I had first. Didn't quite happen though. Maybe a new resolution for the Wii U perhaps.


Part of the problem when you leave off a game for so long is that you are less likely to have the skill level required to re-enter it at the same point. Two of the games above (SMG1 & Eledees), I'd love to finish but am stuck on a boss. Three years later, I'm hardly likely to overcome those bosses when I have to learn the game again from scratch :(. I know they are not particularly complicated control-wise but you do grow in skill as the game progresses. Zack & Wiki is the exception for 'stuckness' as the learning curve isn't big so I could probably get that finished.


I also have some Gamecube games I still need to finish so I've enough to keep me going for decades!

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