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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


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Just finished episode 2


Enjoyed it, felt a bit like Pilot Part 2



When Coulson referenced Thors Hammer as that last "084" they had I thought the "object" would be something more "important" hinting towards a future character appearence (in show or film) so was a bit disappointed it turned out to be essentially just a remnant of Hydra tech.


OMG, they are doing bonus scenes in the show, wohoo... the scene with Fury was probably best part of the ep :D


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I do think it would have been better showing both episodes together.


That stun-wave-pulse-jumping-grenade-on-a-stick from Serenity made an appearance!


I really enjoyed that episode, I really like Melinda May and the other characters are getting better. I also like how the last scene wasn't important to the plot. It made the scene feel rather awesome rather than having a known character "steal the show" at a vital moment.


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Have watched episodes 1 and 2 now and am completely put off. Every one of the characters is like some pathetically shallow child (not the boss obviously) who is incapable of making anything but the most immature choice at the time.


Story about adults that behave like adults please.

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Im still sticking with it but Coulson is the only character I like at the moment, maybe Simmons I guess but for other reasons :P


Along with the main characters being bland, the technobabble is terrible, and that is coming from a Trekkie who is usually fine with stuff like that. It just always seems really forced and kind of ruins scenes for me.

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Watched both episodes last night.


It was ok, but not great. I think there's enough there to warrent watching the rest of the season though.


Mainly i though the problem was that the characters are a bit too generic, and there were too many clones. I.e, nerdy, socially awkward super-geek? Yes, two of them. Grumpy, lone-wolf who doesn't play well with others? Yep, two or possibly three of them.


Why do they need two lab geeks? Why do they have The Cavalry and chiseled-jaw-dude being grumpy loner types? If they're going to go with cliched characters (which i don't have a problem with), why not use a full range?


Like has been mentioned, i don't think there are enough likeable ones yet (apart from Phil) but that might change.


I know it's easy to pick holes in this stuff but,


Ignoring the fact that there seemd to be an infinite amount of high pressure air in that jet (the air being sucked out went on for aaaaaaaaages!), the air was strong enough to suck a man out, but not powerful enough to bend an inflatable swimming pool in half?


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But saying that, the script and dialogue is way worse than all of Whedon's other series, and Buffy finished 10 years ago.


It's enjoyable and silly enough to follow but it really surprises me how weak the characters and their interactions are right now.

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Im only watching it because I know Lil (Simmons) in it, but I find the whole thing embarrassingly bad actually. It's like a parody of Whedon highlighting everything that is bad about his writing magnified by a hundred. Have to improve my "It's great!!", it's absolutely laced with sarcasm at the minute...

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But saying that, the script and dialogue is way worse than all of Whedon's other series, and Buffy finished 10 years ago.


It's enjoyable and silly enough to follow but it really surprises me how weak the characters and their interactions are right now.


Yeah, I'll go with that. It's so bad it's almost a parody of itself. (Just read @dazzybee - agreed)



We'll see how it turns out. I think I'll leave it and maybe binge the whole first season.

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Just watched episode 3, much better than ep 2 I thought, and teh ending has some potential big impacts and possibilities on both the show and possibily even the films, LOVED IT!


Didn't expect to see anything like that so soon. :D



As soon as I heard the name Franklin Hall I went...shit it's Gravitron, but then a part of me was thinking maybe they are just using the name to hype fans but he won't actually become Gravitron.... then the ending WOOT.


Wonder will he be confined to the show or if they might also be using the show to set up origin stories for future film villians and heroes.


Of course there is teh possibility he might be stuck in that vault and never seen again but the way it ended I'm hoping that's an indication of more to come from Gravitron:D


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But saying that, the script and dialogue is way worse than all of Whedon's other series, and Buffy finished 10 years ago.


It's enjoyable and silly enough to follow but it really surprises me how weak the characters and their interactions are right now.


I agree with this. I'll keep watching, but so far it's been really bland, and is pandering to the lowest denominator of society (always an issue when certain genres become mainstream).


Far from Whedon's best work.

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That dress! And then it got wet!


I thought the episode was great. The villain was brilliant (and I had no idea who he was) due to his motivations, and the characters it focused on were much better (due to having more time).


The trucker agent was also a nice twist at the start.


The special effects were also really well done.


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I'm just waiting for Amy Acker to be cast in a lead role so i can then be very happy


And take here away from Person of Interest? NO.


Anyway three episodes in and I'm not feeling it at all. The hacker bird who was obviously a double agent is just irritating.


Special effects have been top notch, I'll give it that.

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Forgot to mention this in my previous ep 3 post, but did anyone else pick up on the little hints that Coulson might not be Coulson (prolly pointing towards a clone?), How he couldn't dismantle the handgun during the Op and at the end struggling with it in the plane saying "it should be muscle memory?", while he might have "memories" a potentially "new body" wouldn't retain any muscle memory?


Also in episode 2 noticed how when talking to Skye he refered to Tahiti as a "magical" place again. I reckon they'll drop that word "magical" a few more times throughout the show possibly using it as a way to slowly introduce the magical element of the Marvel Comics to the show and films for characters such as Dr. Strange... wouldn't be surprised if Dr. Strange had a hand in "reviving" Coulson and is the reason he keeps thinking "Tahiti" is a "magical" place.


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Also in episode 2 noticed how when talking to Skye he refered to Tahiti as a "magical" place again. I reckon they'll drop that word "magical" a few more times throughout the show possibly using it as a way to slowly introduce the magical element of the Marvel Comics to the show and films for characters such as Dr. Strange... wouldn't be surprised if Dr. Strange had a hand in "reviving" Coulson and is the reason he keeps thinking "Tahiti" is a "magical" place.


What if Dr. Strange has a slightly different name, so it's not obvious? Dr. Streiten (Ron Glass) could potentially become Dr. Strange - we know he's got something to do with Coulson's return.


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What if Dr. Strange has a slightly different name, so it's not obvious? Dr. Streiten (Ron Glass) could potentially become Dr. Strange - we know he's got something to do with Coulson's return.


[spoiler=page 5 was a magical place ;)]


I called it first :wink:




But as @Cube pointed out Ron Glass' character is in on it..... what if Ron Glass is set up to become Dr. Strange? (or is already?), I know his character is called "Dr. Streiten" and Dr. Stranges real name in the comics is "Stephen Strange"... but maybe they for obvious reasons didn't want it to be too obvious so changed his "real surname" and when he assumes his "superhero" persona he'll change his name to Dr. Strange :heh:


(again just typing here just in case)



Overall the clone idea is simplest and prolly closer to what they mean by "He must never know".


I gonna (try) stop now :D







Would be awesome if that happens though, would love to see Ron Glass appear in more eps and even in Avengers 2 alongside the rest of the movie cast.



Oh nice spot on that one.

But do you really think they can't use the term "mutant" at all.... like for legal reasons due to the X-Men rights? Or are you saying perhaps they'd just rather avoid it?


Very good idea though :)

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