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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


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So this started last night in the US


Anyone else here watch it already or are people waiting for Friday to watch it on CHannel 4?


I'm not very patient so I've just watched it :D


Really enjoyed it, good start looking forward to seeing more



Like that they explained Coulsons not being dead very quickly, effectively and didn't dwell on it.

And that they addressed whether the Avengers know or not.... they don't cause "they're not Level 7", works for me..... hope they find out in Avengers 2 though, would love to see Stark and Cap go ape shit on Fury after his big speech and blood stained cards.


Though there seems to be something more to it, than just being revived after 8 seconds of being dead.


Doctor: Tahiti? He still doesn't know does he?

Hill: He can never know


I'm wondering if maybe this Agent Coulson is actually a clone..... or maybe Coulson was some sort of Andriod all along with a fake memory and they decided to fix him up and bring him back online! (And before anyone says "but he bleed", the Terminator had blood under it's skin remember ;))


Looks like that will be one of the long run "mysteries" of the show "what really happened to Coulson?" that we'll be drip feed little clues about from time to time.

Looking forward to that :D



The rest of the ep, very good. Though at the start when Michael saved the girl from the fire I had a sudden "Heroes" feel from it. Since at that point we didn't know how he got his powers I thought maybe he was born with them/maybe a mutant? After all if they are gonna have Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in Avengers 2, introducing mutants to the Marvel Cinematic Universe through this show would be the best way to do it. That way you don't have to explain it in the film.


But then we found out how he got his powers and they were man made. Though I did like that they not only referenced the Chitauri and the Super Solider serum, but they also used Extremis! So that should place the pilot of this show after Iron Man 3 right? Anyone know how long after Avengers it is that IM3 takes place and can take a good guess how long later the pilot of the show takes place? :D


Wonder will it take place after Thor 2 also? Or will Thor 2 be taking place during the shows timeline? If the latter be cool to get some hints of the events of Thor 2 in the episodes of the show the air the week before the release of Thor 2 :D


Having Agent Hill in the pilot was great too, fingers crossed she pops up in a few other episodes too before the season ends and maybe becomes a regular in season 2 (if we get a season 2). Hope we get a few more cameos too, even someone like Agent Sitwell would be great. Or the people from the Marvel One Shot "Item 47". But would be so awesome if they had the likes of Stark, Banner, Cap, Thor make random cameos in different eps. Not to help out but just maybe in the background or something :D


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Not only do they travel in a cargo plane (hopefully this means lots of different locations), but it has a two-floor cargo bay which goes straight into a lab?


That plane is Serenity!


Also, Ron Glass. Hopefully he'll be in some more, and he seems to be in on what happened to Coulson (which suggests that there's some kind of medical part to it).


The characters (I'm awful with remembering names) seem great so far. It looks like there's lots to explore with them, so it's good that I liked them all already (even the "pilot" - who I hated in Stargate). I look forward to seeing all of them.


I also liked how they went with the easy way out of Coulson's death (and what most people were expecting) then turn it around and say that he doesn't know the truth himself. Clever way to dismiss a popular theory and keep the mystery.


Great start.


Edit: And one interesting thing is that they refer to the hood guy as a possible "gifted" - which sounds like their term for "naturally born with superpowers". They'll probably mention "gifted" a few times to get people used to it, as they can't use "mutant" in that way.


Edit2: Oh, and they explained why the battle in Avengers ended when the portal closed, when there were still lots of aliens left behind.


Edited by Cube
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Watched the first episode today. Really good. Funny and interesting story and I really liked the cast.


I'm sceptical to the Marvel movies as I don't find American super heroes particulary realistic or interesting, so hunting them down seem like way better plot to me :p Besides the first Spiderman and the Superman movie that came out several years ago(the one before the latest one?) I have never watched the superhero movies and never intend to. This show however I will watch every week.

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Not only do they travel in a cargo plane (hopefully this means lots of different locations), but it has a two-floor cargo bay which goes straight into a lab?


That plane is Serenity!




Haha that is a great spot, wonder if Joss did that on purpose :D



Also, Ron Glass. Hopefully he'll be in some more, and he seems to be in on what happened to Coulson (which suggests that there's some kind of medical part to it).




I was just thinking about this (overthinking yes :heh:)


My first ideas were (as said in previous post)


A: Clone, which fits with a doctor having knowledge of it


B: Andriod.. bit far fectched yes, either Coulson was ALWAYS one or is now with the memories of Coulson? If the latter, you could assume a doctor might still be involved also (maybe putting Coulsons brain into the andriod body?)

Yes yes, idea B seems a bit too "out there" but I was thinking further and remembered that Ultron is going to be in Avengers 2. Not only that but we know Ultrons orgins will be slightly altered with Tony Stark being the one who creates him.


What if after finding out that SHIELD were messing with creating an Android, Stark takes what they learned, adds in his own ideas and the result is Ultron?


Again yes I admit, way out of left field, but it is an idea.... plus I just want to put this down here, just in case I might be able to one day point back here and say "I called it on day one" :heh:


C: Here's another "far out" idea.... we know Marvel want to introduce Dr. Strange into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, now I don't know a good deal bout Dr. Strange but could he have the power to bring someone back from the dead? Could Fury have called in a favour? Or if not Dr. Strange is there any (good or bad?) character in the Marvel Universe that could bring someone back to life?


But as @Cube pointed out Ron Glass' character is in on it..... what if Ron Glass is set up to become Dr. Strange? (or is already?), I know his character is called "Dr. Streiten" and Dr. Stranges real name in the comics is "Stephen Strange"... but maybe they for obvious reasons didn't want it to be too obvious so changed his "real surname" and when he assumes his "superhero" persona he'll change his name to Dr. Strange :heh:


(again just typing here just in case)



Overall the clone idea is simplest and prolly closer to what they mean by "He must never know".


I gonna (try) stop now :D




Edit: And one interesting thing is that they refer to the hood guy as a possible "gifted" - which sounds like their term for "naturally born with superpowers". They'll probably mention "gifted" a few times to get people used to it, as they can't use "mutant" in that way.


Oh nice spot on that one.

But do you really think they can't use the term "mutant" at all.... like for legal reasons due to the X-Men rights? Or are you saying perhaps they'd just rather avoid it?


Very good idea though :)


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It was an ok start to the season, the music was bloody awful though.


If by "bloody awful" you mean "among the best TV/Film soundtracks", I agree. It was the best elements from Human Target and The Cape, but was also its own thing.


I'll be buying the soundtrack as soon as it's out.

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Why is that such a surprise? You could wait and watch it in a week if you want, it's no more effort either way for me. I'd rather watch it ad free and at a time of my choosing... Regularly scheduled programming is dead!


I do hope they did spend their entire special effects budget on this episode though. The SE's were pretty damn good for a TV show.

I thought the special effects were the biggest letdown :/ The superimposition of the explosion was weak, jumping out of the building had that totally unnatural deceleration that always made Smallville's super-jumping look terrible. The cracks in the road were clearly intangible green-screen... One thing looked good though:


I also found the writing a bit weak. The characters were kinda ham fisted together, there's the non-people-person combat specialist, the "I'm good with computers, like weird good" IT girl.... The only natural, unforced dialogue was the banter between Fitz and Simmons.


Overall though it was perfectly entertaining.

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I also found the writing a bit weak. The characters were kinda ham fisted together, there's the non-people-person combat specialist, the "I'm good with computers, like weird good" IT girl.... The only natural, unforced dialogue was the banter between Fitz and Simmons.


Remember, this is Whedon. They'll start ham-fisted, but become much more once we have time to get to know them. A 45-minute pilot doesn't leave much time for character development.

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If by "bloody awful" you mean "among the best TV/Film soundtracks", I agree. It was the best elements from Human Target and The Cape, but was also its own thing.


I'll be buying the soundtrack as soon as it's out.


Nah it was terrible and instantly forgettable much like The Avengers soundtrack.

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Remember, this is Whedon. They'll start ham-fisted, but become much more once we have time to get to know them. A 45-minute pilot doesn't leave much time for character development.


See I disagree here. In Buffy, Angel and Firefly I straight away liked the characters and knew what they were about. Dollhouse I liked one or two and found a lot of the rest dull, that never changed throughout the 2 seasons.


Im not sold on the characters in SHIELD at all. The only interesting one to me was Coulson and thats because he's already established. (Yes I just watched the pilot today, I wanted to be able to see if Channel 4 cuts anything out)


Im not saying that the characters wont grow on me and of course as with a lot of shows actors will grow into their roles and iron out problems but I just think with Whedon stuff they are usually a lot better from the get go.

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It's not that uncommon. Channel 4 had LOST and Glee too, then the contract needed renewing after two seasons and Sky outbid them. It'll happen here...mark my words


Yeah true...I thought they had made a move towards cultivating UK shows/talent like they did back in the day. Win Win for Sky though if show bombs they didn't sign up or they wait till it's a success and riding and high and like you said snap it up later.

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Nah it was terrible and instantly forgettable much like The Avengers soundtrack.



The Avengers Soundtrack is decent, some great bands on it like Bush.



I quite liked the show, a lot to fit in for the 45 minutes. I did think it was a bit of a jump to have Coulson as the sort of leader who knew so much when he was mainly comedy relief in the films but i'm sure they'll go into more detail as the series progresses.

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I want Lola!



but man that was absolutely awesome,i loved every second of that even if it did feel like it was the Agent Coulson show, which is fine by me!


Could he be a certain Android? or become him? that rumor went round a lot, and tihiti could be a false memory implanted, or something he experienced virtually while undergoing work


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I thought it was pretty blah and the dialogue was very...standard/mediocre. The jokes never landed and everyone seemed to be a slight cliche? Not massively, and that'll probably go away after a few eps, but not INSPIRING, no.


Probably didn't help that watching this on TV punctuated my Game of Thrones marathon. Comparisons...

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