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Sorry, mate, I couldn't resist. The only reason I remembered your post was because a similar thing happened with the DSLite. Iwata claimed no changes would be made to the DS then BAM a few days later it was revealed. :D


Friends? :hug:


Yeahhh, go on then - mine's a pint of best bitter... I hope this goes some way in stopping the extra circle pad redesign talk though. This was the perfect opportunity to do it if it was ever going to happen. C-pad pro for this thing will be a massive wad of plastic.

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Yeah there is, just make it thicker!


And why would it ruin game compatibility?!


If you make it thicker then it's no longer portable. It would be roughly the same size as the Wii U Pad!


As for game compatiblity, games that utilise the Circle Pad Pro feature use of the peripheral's 2 extra shoulder buttons (Zr and Zl) If you remove them and just have the 2nd circle pad, those games would be no longer playable, since they're missing buttons that are normally used.


Just noticed that the top screen is no longer just black. The black 3D screen was just to emphasize the 3D 'effect' even more. Now that it's gone, one can only think they've made improvements to the 3D display.


I wouldn't expect massive improvements. It's probably a brighter screen, with maybe double the sweet spots (from 3 to 6), but I wouldn't expect the sweet spots themselves to be larger. S3D tech hasn't evolved much since the 3DS came out.


I expect the viewing angle (in 2D) to be improved though, just like it was with the DSiXL.

Edited by Dcubed
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Well i'm shocked i didn't expect this at all!


I'm not sure how to feel about this considering i replaced my Aqua 3DS for the last brand new retail priced Zelda 3DS i could find only 2 friggin weeks ago!


but its huge and i want a portable, at that size its more of a holiday travel device, its not like its an every day put it in your pocket job


and imagine the CPP for it! or worse imagine they don't do a CPP for it and then people who have it will play mgs3D in the standard controls!


But it does look cool and i can understand this alternate version of the 3DS, its not a redesign as such like the Ds>Lite>DSi were its in addition to the main version of the 3Ds so its entirely optional


as for incorporating the CPP, the shoulder buttons mean its far too awkward

- you need it thicker maybe double the base's thickness to incorporate them, which would be ugly as sin

- you could wedge the base.... again not asphetically nice one bit

- you could do the WiiU pad set up..... in which case its a wiiU pad with a top screen... not sure on that idea


I think its the best option, it provides an alternate version with more battery and a bigger screen, whats not to love

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Really if they didn't want to force the second circle pad on people they should have bundled a new version in with it. That way developers would be more likely to support it. As it is, there's not even a cpp available for the XL so there's less reason to support it. But then, they're not even including a charger so it would be far too much to ask!


By the way: pre-orders are up.

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What the fuuuuck. So when are you we expecting the circle pad pro LL?


I was going to pick up a 3DS in Japan any way, so I'm kinda glad they're releasing this. I'll buy the PAL one if they remove the region encoding, but that's not going to happen.


EDIT: No way I'm getting the PAL one at that price.

Edited by Debug Mode
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Delighted at this decision and can't wait to pick one up. I really enjoy the 3DS but the current model really hurts my hands when playing due to the small nature of it. I've tried all kinds of ways to play the system and the cramp down my thumb just becomes unbearable. For me this is the perfect redesign and I think it looks really nice as well.

I may now pick up some of those titles that require longer play-through's instead of looking for short-burst games due to the pain involved.

Great decision by Nintendo.


Charger issue: kinda 'meh' as I will trade in my original 3DS for this - however, there will be some cheap third party options I"m sure.


Double edit: not so sure about the price now as GAME offer £64 trade-in value for a 3DS. Hopefully they have a better offer to entice an upgrade. I'm not sure I'd put another £110+ quid in for this system. :blank:

Edited by tapedeck
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Console hardware revisions annoy me. My 3DS won't even be a year old, and it's superseded already. I'd love to get an LL, but tbh I don't think I can warrant the spend. What's everyone gonna do with their 'old' 3DSes?

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Console hardware revisions annoy me. My 3DS won't even be a year old, and it's superseded already. I'd love to get an LL, but tbh I don't think I can warrant the spend. What's everyone gonna do with their 'old' 3DSes?


If anything the 3DS XL is a sidewards-upgrade. Just like how the DSi XL wasn't a true upgrade to the DSi. So I wouldn't feel like the 3DS has been superseded.

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Console hardware revisions annoy me. My 3DS won't even be a year old, and it's superseded already. I'd love to get an LL, but tbh I don't think I can warrant the spend. What's everyone gonna do with their 'old' 3DSes?


It's not really a successor though, it's (as V. Amoleo quite rightfully put it) a "sideways" upgrade.


It's just a jumbo sized 3DS. No more, no less. Slight cosmetic changes, but that's it.

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I know it's early but anyone got a pre-order down? or do you know what colour your going for? I think I'll give it a few more weeks, or at least until a good deal/bundle comes along. Right now I'm thinking about whether or not I should keep both, I don't know.

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It's not really a successor though, it's (as V. Amoleo quite rightfully put it) a "sideways" upgrade.


It's just a jumbo sized 3DS. No more, no less. Slight cosmetic changes, but that's it.


Aye, but it's still in ways a 'better' 3DS than my rather young one. Be interesting to see how prices will differ between the two though.

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I know it's early but anyone got a pre-order down? or do you know what colour your going for? I think I'll give it a few more weeks, or at least until a good deal/bundle comes along. Right now I'm thinking about whether or not I should keep both, I don't know.


I've pre-ordered the red x black version since we're not getting a single colour one. I'm hoping the price ends up being closer to £150 than the £180 I've currently got it down at but I doubt it.


Like I've mentioned before though, I really wanted to pick up a DSi XL and had been considering purchasing one. So this 3DS XL has arrived at a good time for me.

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Honestly I think this rather screams of an exercise in quick money grabbing. It looks pretty terrible in my opinion - both aesthetically and practically. Nintendo really need to sort their shit if they think this is a long term solution to their financial woes.


That said, I'm not totally down on them as a company at the moment. The Wii U looks interesting at least and if they get the marketing right, I think it could be a pretty giant success.

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I can't stop laughing about the lack of a charger. I hope they stick with that decision just so I can keep imagining the disappointed looks on kids' faces as their parents buy them handhelds that they can't play because they don't come with a charger.


In a way, I'm kind of glad this doesn't include a second slide pad, as that's the one thing that would make me feel like I needed to upgrade. Maybe we'll see a regular-sized 3DS Pro a year from now.


And then, a year later, a 3DS Pro LL.

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Screen scratching was fixed in the current model as far as I'm aware.


Do you mean this has been revised in the 3DS since the launch batch? Because the imprint the bottom leaves on the 3D screen is incredibly annoying and it'd be excellent to hear that Nintendo have realised that it's a fault in design.

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Do you mean this has been revised in the 3DS since the launch batch? Because the imprint the bottom leaves on the 3D screen is incredibly annoying and it'd be excellent to hear that Nintendo have realised that it's a fault in design.


Its been revised since the launch batch,


My Aqua suffered badly from it and had to be repaired by nintendo, then it HAD to have a cloth between them at all times (outside of use)


My new Zelda one however doesn't have the issue at all, the feet on the top screen seem larger in all dimensions to my Aqua's (i had them to compare)



I do like this but its not for me........unless they release a limited edition gold zelda one with a new zelda game, then i'll have to buy one

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Its been revised since the launch batch,


My Aqua suffered badly from it and had to be repaired by nintendo, then it HAD to have a cloth between them at all times (outside of use)


My new Zelda one however doesn't have the issue at all, the feet on the top screen seem larger in all dimensions to my Aqua's (i had them to compare)


Thank you for the information. I have to keep a cloth between the two screens with my launch Cosmos Black 3DS and it doesn't stop it completely. Hopefully the minor revision you've informed me about carries through to the 3DS XL.

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No charger? Quite possibly one of the most stupid decisions I've ever seen from a company.


This is going to backfire so bad, the amount of returns is going to be crazy.

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