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Still, it's better than most other consoles where it's next to nothing until November...


True! 2012 is looking to be a mediocre year all round really, but the 3DS' lineup isn't bad when taken as a whole.


It's the gaps that bother me the most really and the lack of obvious 3DS titles (I'm looking at you MonHun 3G!)

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I never could help but chuckle a bit when people are talking about the lack of games in certain months at least from a gamer's point of view, because playing some games takes at least a month or so.

Not to mention backlogs.


You guys do know that you are supposed to PLAY the games, right?

Not just buy them.

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I never could help but chuckle a bit when people are talking about the lack of games in certain months at least from a gamer's point of view, because playing some games takes at least a month or so.

Not to mention backlogs.


You guys do know that you are supposed to PLAY the games, right?

Not just buy them.


Well to be fair, not everyone is interested in every big game. If you bought your 3DS for MK7 and SM3DL and you weren't interested in Resident Evil Revelations, KIU or Mario Tennis then the last few months would've been rough for you.


I've got plenty to play, no lack of games here! The gaps still piss me off though when there are plenty of games that could be localised and released within those gaps...

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Well to be fair, not everyone is interested in every big game. If you bought your 3DS for MK7 and SM3DL and you weren't interested in Resident Evil Revelations, KIU or Mario Tennis then the last few months would've been rough for you.


I've got plenty to play, no lack of games here! The gaps still piss me off though when there are plenty of games that could be localised and released within those gaps...


Well, I bought MK7, RE:R and Zelda (only for the poster though, I don't play it:laughing:).


I still use MK7 for the League, but what I've been playing on my 3DS is:


The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

Metroid Fusion

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones


and soon


Shantae: Risky's Revenge

Mighty Switch Force


I always have one main project going on on my Wii or, as it turns out, this time on my laptop with Earthbound, a project on my handheld (Fire Emblem is nearly finished) and a project with my girl which we can either play co-op or help eachother out in different ways (currently, Zack&Wiki).

And I usually always make sure I finish the game before I go out and buy a new one.

Still, there are certain games I just have to get on launch day, such as Paper Mario: Sticker Star.


So that's how I roll:grin:


Of course there could be games localised during gaps, but hey, ....that's what happens when you live in a system that revolves around money.

It pisses me off too, but luckily a fresh wind is a-blowin'


What game takes a month to finish? Even Xenoblade Chronicles only lasted me two weeks. :heh:


It probably helps that I don't have a job.


I'm doing the complete opposite with this game, as I'm going through it with a friend who I don't see every day, so it'll probably take us, maybe a year to complete:laughing:

Edited by Fused King
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I'm doing the complete opposite with this game, as I'm going through it with a friend who I don't see every day, so it'll probably take us, maybe a year to complete:laughing:

I guess you're all set until July 2013, then! ;)

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I was maybe going to buy the XL, wasn't quite sold, I was contemplating. But when I saw the price being between 160 and 180 pounds I lost interest instantly. Didn't Nintendo's president (can't remember his name) say that Nintendo had learned a valuable lesson after they were forced to drop the initially 3DS price. Now a year later they release a device without cradle and charger and then ask for 160-180 pounds. Yeah sure they've learned.


Not that it's a scientific poll in any way, but currently, of those of you who voted in my little Letterbox survey, almost 65% of 3DS owners will not be getting an XL model. The poll is still open btw so feel free to cast your vote if you haven't done so already.


Anyway, I'm thinking whether Nintendo again will be forced to reduce the price if not enough people are going to shell out that amount of money. Perhaps by the end of the year we can pick one up for less than a 100 quid? :)

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cvl: You do know Nintendo don't determine the European prices, right - it's up to the retailers...


And even so, it's not that much more than the price of the 3DS these days (as far as I've seen), and the results of your survey can't really be used to predict that it'll sell badly considering you didn't even ask the people the 3DS XL is aimed at - people who do not already have a 3DS. If anything, having 35% of the people who already owned a 3DS say they're planning to buy the 3DS XL would be amazing!


Anyways, considering the vast amount of people I've seen/read/heard say they'll be buying it (myself included!), I think they'll do fine.



...Also, @ everyone else: Rhythm Thief is a must-have.

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cvl: You do know Nintendo don't determine the European prices, right - it's up to the retailers...


Except they do determine the price by what they sell it to the retailers for. When the price drop happened it was because Nintendo started to charge the retailers less, not because they all decided to drop the price. So @cvl is right to blame Nintendo for the price.


Personally I'm okay with the price. I was expecting £150-£180. It's at the top end but still within what I would pay.

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Dem0 you tease haha.


I cant wait for this to be released. I have held off replaying RE and starting Kid Icarus until I get the XL as I reckon it will be a much better experience on the bigger screens.


I am definitely going for the silver. Although I would have loved to have seen an all white one like they're getting in Japan!

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I'd hardly say they were completely trashing it. They make mention that they probably should have included a second circle pad and that the bigger screens will look more pixelated as they haven't increased the resolution. They do moan about the touch screen though. Which is complete nonsense. I'd love to know how I'd play Brain Training with a capacitive screen.


They end on


In that regard, it's difficult to brand the 3DS XL a dismal failure or a rousing success; yes, Nintendo could (and possibly should) have gone further with this revision, but by doing so it could have created a fractured 3DS market. In conclusion, this enlarged system is the clear choice if you've yet to dip your toe into the waters of glasses-free 3D gaming, but we're not entirely sure it offers enough benefits over the previous hardware model to justify the making the transition


which I feel is a valid statement.

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I'd hardly say they were completely trashing it. They make mention that they probably should have included a second circle pad and that the bigger screens will look more pixelated as they haven't increased the resolution. They do moan about the touch screen though. Which is complete nonsense. I'd love to know how I'd play Brain Training with a capacitive screen.


They end on




which I feel is a valid statement.

All of which do not belong in an updated model. It'd destroy consumer faith, it'd make people think the 3DS is obsolete, it'd make developers have to make a choice about resolutions, circle pad inclusion etc. which could screw over the 18,000,000 3DS owners that exist. Complaints such as that show lack of knowledge in the industry

Edited by Serebii
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They say it's the version to go for if you don't have a 3DS yet. I can't see how that can be seen as a negative.


And they do say that any major changes would fracture the market, which is exactly what you've said.

Yeah, but it shouldn't be a factor. The 3DS XL is not intended to replace the 3DS in the market, but to co-exist with the original model and by putting improvements to things such as that would not work. As such, these factors shouldn't be considered

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Exactly, that's the one single reason, and I don't think it's enough of a reason; if anything the console in general will just become less of a portable console.


It's already not a problem for the PSVita; people either just play it at home or they find a way to carry it with them.


I can't see anyone turning down the bigger screens and a more refined console, just because it won't fit in their jeans; when tbh, the vast, vast majority of anyone who will carry it out with them will either have a school bag or work bag with them as well.

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