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Miyamoto Speaks About Zelda Wii U


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Obviously, as a company that's been making games for a very long time, we tend to be more on the deeper, longer game side of things," he said. "But really what we continue to ask ourselves as we have over the years is, 'What is the most important element of Zelda if we were to try to make a Zelda game that a lot of people can play?'


"So we have a number of different experiments going on, and [when] we decide that we've found the right one of those to really help bring Zelda to a very big audience, then we'll be happy to announce it.


"With the last game, Skyward Sword, that was a game where you had motion control to use your weapons and a lot of different items, and I thought that was a lot of fun, but there were some people who weren't able to do that or didn't like it as much and stopped playing partway through it," Miyamoto added.


"So we're in the phase where we're looking back at what's worked very well and what has been missing and how can we evolve it further."




I'm discouraged by the early parts, but pleased they're having doubts about motion control.

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I like how most people across the internet are taking the term "evolve" to mean "remove" (especially when Aonuma has already said that they want to continue with Skyward Sword style controls on the Wii U)


(looks at Nintendoland's Zelda game) Yep, the haters' bitter tears are going to be delicious :laughing:

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Skyward Swords controls were sublime! I'd not want them changed at all... except maybe the swimming.


I don't like this "make it accessible for everyone" approach, Zelda is for the hardcore Nintendo fan, same with Metroid, screw trying to get your granny playing them!

Edited by Kav
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I still think they need to give it to Retro Studios. The Metroid Prime series has demonstrated they have the talent to create games with fantastic art direction and wonderful mechanics. I do worry that Nintendo are so used to making Mario and Mii based games that they don't have the talent to deliver the Zelda everyone wants. On that note I'm still not really sure what everyone wants, People accused Twilight Princess of being bland and then Wind Waker is in this weird status of being hated at the time but now is held up with this godly like status. However I can see history repeating itself with people wanting a Zelda that looks like the camera demo they showed off last year.

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I couldn't care less if they keep or ditch motion controls, go for HD graphics or non HD graphics or any fluff things like that. The problems with the last few Zeldas are far more deep rooted than that.


I'm more worried that Miyamoto wants to make a Zelda that appeals to 'everyone', sounds like a Zelda Lite approach like Phantom Hourglass to me.

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I agree with Kav, the controls for Skyward Sword were fantastic!


I also agree with Flameboy - Retro worked wonders with Metroid and Donkey Kong, I'd love to see them have a go at Zelda. Retro are the most talented studio out there after Nintendo's internal ones.

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I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a direct sequel to Skywards Sword tbh.


It ended in a very open way, with Zelda asking you 'what are you gonna do next?', which I know shouldn't be read into, but it feels to me like there is more of a story to tell.


It didn't end with the establishment of a settlement/early Hyrule as I was expecting, with the humans repopulating the land.

The game of course has an Adult Link, which seems to be the way they might be going for Home Consoles, so there can be a continuity there.


And they've already got the motion controls in place to continue on and develop.


Just the graphical style to decide on, and personally I wouldn't mind seeing that continued too, only refined and in glorious HD.

But maybe it's a good idea to keep trying out new styles.

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Nintendo have kind of put themselves into an annoying situation - as seen with Pikmin 3. They can abandon the motion controls or (for the most part) ignore the GamePad - or have two control methods which means that neither are used to their full potential.

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The Wii U Gamepad has accelerometers and gyro controls in it - if that's what they mean, no problem, as the controller still has as much functionality as Wind Waker did anyway (dual analogue, L + R etc). The idea though that Zelda Wii U would need to be played with a Wii Remote + is just crazy talk and would be Skyward Sword all over again. Best to make a Zelda that uses the controller packaged with the console.

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I agree with Kav, the controls for Skyward Sword were fantastic!


I also agree with Flameboy - Retro worked wonders with Metroid and Donkey Kong, I'd love to see them have a go at Zelda. Retro are the most talented studio out there after Nintendo's internal ones.

So, you say Retro are the most talented after Nintendo's own, so want a game to go from being made by Nintendo's own studios to a lesser one? :p

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But Retro are better at the more dark, more serious worlds and NIntendo the lighter, more fun worlds (fun being a bizarre term in this context but hopefully you know what I mean).


I still think NIntendo Zelda is amazing. So not bothered, but please don't make it easier, or lighter. Zelda works i both realms to be honest, but don't mix the two too much. All light needs dark, and all dark needs light. I feel both Wind Waker and Skwyward achieve this; but don't make the mechanics and themes more simple and user friendly. I'd prefer 5m people play a perfect Zelda game then 20m play Zelda Fun! Fun! Swim!

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The Wii U Gamepad has accelerometers and gyro controls in it - if that's what they mean, no problem, as the controller still has as much functionality as Wind Waker did anyway (dual analogue, L + R etc). The idea though that Zelda Wii U would need to be played with a Wii Remote + is just crazy talk and would be Skyward Sword all over again. Best to make a Zelda that uses the controller packaged with the console.


I think its more a case of it being a shame that a coherent fully realised game which brought together all the "tech demo" pieces of Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort finally got made in the form of Skyward Sword only for it to all be abandoned now.

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So, you say Retro are the most talented after Nintendo's own, so want a game to go from being made by Nintendo's own studios to a lesser one? :p


Your mighty logic has defeated me!


I am actually very happy with Nintendo's Zelda games - in fact I think Skyward Sword is a masterpiece. But IF Nintendo were thinking of doing something a little different with it, I'd hand it to Retro.


But if Retro aren't going to do Zelda, I'd love them to have a shot at StarFox or possibly even another first person Metroid - after all, Prime still looks gorgeous today, so the sky is the limit for Retro with this level of hardware!

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I'm not sure. The motion controls were good, but not as good as I'd wish. I'm so pissed I have to recalibrate the aim of the sword all the time. Also, it actually felt inaccurate. I made upwards swipes and Link made sideways. And I need to make my sword slashes with both hands, because the Nunchuck cord is too short.


The art direction in last years tech demo: that's how the next Zelda should look. Just make them even more advanced. Then make it take place in a truly open Hyrule. No skinny corridors connecting some open areas. A truly free GTA: San Andreas-style overworld, just to make the world feel real. And a Lost Woods that actually looks and feels like a magic forrest. Like a true open forrest with rich plant life, sort of like Crysis.


And no f***ing floating baloon castles!

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Surely they'll be using the Pad for a variety of stuff, and thus elimintating the use of Wii Motion +.

I can see such a thing happen, especially since one could get to do so many cool stuff with the Pad.

Help Tingle draw up maps or other mini games.


It's funny though, because now that Retro didn't disclose anything on their new project at E3, I have a feeling that they might just be working on Zelda.

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Is it? Ever played LOZ, Zelda II, ALTTP, MM, TP?


Zelda exists in a majority of styles and moods.

Majora's Mask is about as dark and serious as I'll accept, but that still had the feeling of fun, despite everyone nearing their death

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Skyward Sword was so fun to play. Even if there were times in the game where the game itself didn't grab me, the controls were excellent, I thought. Nintendo need to work on the controls more to make them even better, and it'll be disappointing if there isn't an option to play the next one with MotionPlus.


As for the game itself, it would be incredible if Nintendo would take us back to Termina, again. I doubt we'll ever go back there, but I live in hope. Would make an incredible experience.

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I'm not sure. The motion controls were good, but not as good as I'd wish. I'm so pissed I have to recalibrate the aim of the sword all the time. Also, it actually felt inaccurate. I made upwards swipes and Link made sideways. And I need to make my sword slashes with both hands, because the Nunchuck cord is too short.
What?... how are you playing?


I agree that sometime the sword swipes weren't as accurate... actually I think the word is lenient!... as they could be; I always found horizontal swings had to be a bit too precise, and extremely accurate on deku baba's... these were the only frustrating ones IMO.


But I never once had to recalibrate for the sword.


The only time I ever had to recenter in the game was when I would enter into the Map screen holding the Wiimote at an upright angle or something and thus the centering was off. And once or twice this happened when wanting to launch the Beetle too.


Nunchuck cord too short?... Two handed sword swings????

Are you standing up to play this game and treating the sword like a real sword?

... You barely have to move the Wiimote to get a swings out of it!


On the whole I thought the controls were good, though I thought having to activate your shield wasn't a particularly good design choice. It could be very fun thrust and repel a deku nut, or to stun an enemy, but in fast paced sword play it wasn't easy to then switch immediately to shield.

Edited by Retro_Link
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Nunchuck cord too short?... Two handed sword swings????

Are you standing up to play this game and treating the sword like a real sword?

... You barely have to move the Wiimote to get a swings out of it!


Probably this:


Edited by Fused King
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I do not like the sound of that at all. The motion control bit anyway. That is the best thing about Skyward Sword! Gah. Damn everyone who couldn't swing the controller properly. Seriously, i think it would be a massive mistake to remove motion control from future Zeldas, i cant imagine playing it any other way.


I suppose the problem with Wii U though is the number of options controller wise. If they go for motion control, they cant use the Wi U GamePad. If they do decide to commit 100% to the GamePad though, it better be for a good reason with some great innovative uses of that controller to make up for the loss of motion control. I could live with that.


Makes you realise how showing a Zelda at E3 would have been ridiculously pre-mature. Yes, last year they showed a HD titbit, but they couldn't do that twice without people getting annoyed with the lack of concrete details.

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