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Pikmin 3


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I wonder what happens when Pink Pikmin carry an object while other Pikmin are trying to help...


I'd like to see objects that can't be carried by just one type of Pikmin so you do get some circumstances where Pink Pikmin and others are carrying items, that'd be cool.

Lets say, for example, there's a stream with an item across the other side. Blue Pikmin can cross over there but can't cross back because the stream is too deep at the side they first entered. The Pink Pikmin alone can't carry the item for whatever reason (you only have a certain number of them lets say), so you send over Blue and Pink Pikmin. Together they carry the item, the Pink Pikmin enabling the Blue Pikmin to walk across the surface of the stream... Jesus style!

Edited by Kav
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I'd like to see objects that can't be carried by just one type of Pikmin so you do get some circumstances where Pink Pikmin and others are carrying items, that'd be cool.

Lets say, for example, there's a stream with an item across the other side. Blue Pikmin can cross over there but can't cross back because the stream is too deep at the side they first entered. The Pink Pikmin alone can't carry the item for whatever reason (you only have a certain number of them lets say), so you send over Blue and Pink Pikmin. Together they carry the item, the Pink Pikmin enabling the Blue Pikmin to walk across the surface of the stream... Jesus style!


...Pikmin 3 now coming worldwide 2014 due to 'game enhancements'...;)

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...Pikmin 3 now coming worldwide 2014 due to 'game enhancements'...;)


"We are pwouud to announce a new type of Pikmin. Dis Pikmin arrows prayers to wark on water. We are calling them...wark on water Pikmin. Because they can wark on water."




Then, a 10 minute video showing what these Pikmin can do. Maybe a close up of the boxart which shows that THEY WERE THERE THE WHOLE TIME.

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I'd like to see objects that can't be carried by just one type of Pikmin so you do get some circumstances where Pink Pikmin and others are carrying items, that'd be cool.

Lets say, for example, there's a stream with an item across the other side. Blue Pikmin can cross over there but can't cross back because the stream is too deep at the side they first entered. The Pink Pikmin alone can't carry the item for whatever reason (you only have a certain number of them lets say), so you send over Blue and Pink Pikmin. Together they carry the item, the Pink Pikmin enabling the Blue Pikmin to walk across the surface of the stream... Jesus style!


Another way this could be used is if you need to collect an item that is within a pit, the problem is that the pit is a fire-pit. You could walk your Red Pikmin into the area and they could grab the item... but how do they get out of the pit? The Pink Pikmin fly above the fire and grab onto the Red Pikmin's leaf and lift the Red Pikmin whilst the Red Pikmin hold onto the item. They then get flown out of the pit without problem!


I'd love stuff like this!

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I'd like to see objects that can't be carried by just one type of Pikmin so you do get some circumstances where Pink Pikmin and others are carrying items, that'd be cool.

Lets say, for example, there's a stream with an item across the other side. Blue Pikmin can cross over there but can't cross back because the stream is too deep at the side they first entered. The Pink Pikmin alone can't carry the item for whatever reason (you only have a certain number of them lets say), so you send over Blue and Pink Pikmin. Together they carry the item, the Pink Pikmin enabling the Blue Pikmin to walk across the surface of the stream... Jesus style!


I love your ideas, it would add so many extra layers of depth to the game. I love a game that pushes my mind as well as my reflexes!

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Another way this could be used is if you need to collect an item that is within a pit, the problem is that the pit is a fire-pit. You could walk your Red Pikmin into the area and they could grab the item... but how do they get out of the pit? The Pink Pikmin fly above the fire and grab onto the Red Pikmin's leaf and lift the Red Pikmin whilst the Red Pikmin hold onto the item. They then get flown out of the pit without problem!


I'd love stuff like this!


Look Kav these are great ideas, but please, keep them to yourself, some of us want to play this game in the near future ;)

Haha to be fair these are great ideas, surely Nintendo have thought about this, would add so much to the gameplay!

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Look Kav these are great ideas, but please, keep them to yourself, some of us want to play this game in the near future ;)

Haha to be fair these are great ideas, surely Nintendo have thought about this, would add so much to the gameplay!


I hope they've thought about things like this, it'd be criminal of things like this weren't in the game!

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Bugs aren't caused by shoddy work. Lack of testing is the only shoddy thing that can ever happen in this situation.


Lack of testing = shoddy work. As I said, debugging is part of the development process. I never said bugs were caused by shoddy work. What I'm saying is, I'm not DENYING that they might want to polish/debug/content - but this is all part of the development process. Testing and debugging should occur constantly along the way, not just at the 'end of the development process' - it's a cycle on itself that leads to improvement/development/progress.


They are not new at all to developing games, being one of the oldest console manufacturers currently part of the mainstream console market, with their fair share of self-made games and experience. What I'm saying is, they should know by now how to make a game and how to get it out on time, it's not acceptable that they haven't.


Either they knew they couldn't, but didn't say this, or they did a terrible job of making in the game terms of planning etc and so shouldn't have promised it as a Wii U launch title. You can't talk of all this 3rd party support but not even manage to get your own games out on time, that's just embarrassing - and that's my point. Why is it ok for Pikmin to have been delayed this long? What viable excuse is there other than it being Nintendo's own fault? I can't see anything in this situation being beyond their control.


As I also said, weren't both Wii Fit U and Game and Wario also promised for the same launch window? How are people supposed to take Nintendo all that seriously when they can't even get their own games out on time! Nintendo are becoming a joke.

Edited by Rummy
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  • 2 weeks later...

Possibly at last a real reason as to why we are still waiting for Pikmin 3, no amazing game enhancements, just a lack of manpower, or underestimating what it would take to make this game! :



Iwata claims that it is "becoming increasingly challenging" to determine the amount of resources needed to achieve the level of quality expected from Nintendo's first-party line-up, and reveals that development staff were pulled off of future projects to help "understaffed" titles - including the much-delayed Pikmin 3.


"The reason for the delayed release of our first-party titles was the fact that completing the games released at the same time as the launch of Wii U required more development resources than expected, so some staff members from development teams working on other titles had to help complete them," he continued.


"In short, the development teams of 'Pikmin 3' and other future games were understaffed during that period. We do not simply have one easily identifiable bottleneck in software development. These days it is becoming increasingly challenging to determine the minimum development resources required for customer satisfaction."


Pikmin 3 had initially been expected to launch alongside Wii U last November, but was pushed back by over six months. The game doesn't ship in Japan until July, with a US release following in August. It has yet to be dated for the UK.





Source: Financial Results Briefing for the 73rd Fiscal Term Ended March 2013 - Q & A

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  • 3 weeks later...
Best thing about the announcement today: No day limit. I was willing to cancel my pre-order if that occurred as it killd the original for me


Think I'm in the minority, but I actually prefered the original because of that. Loved that it felt more structured and a bit more pressure too. I became too casual with number 2 because it lacked that :)

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Think I'm in the minority, but I actually prefered the original because of that. Loved that it felt more structured and a bit more pressure too. I became too casual with number 2 because it lacked that :)


Completely agree. I too loved the day limit for making the game feel more structured (that and the first game didn't have those awful dungeons which I feel definitely ruined some of the experience). Would be good if they stuck a day limit mode in to this for those that want that little more structure.

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Yeah really didn't like the dungeons e myself, although I appreciate they had to mix it up a bit. Would much rather see some huuuge worlds in 3 instead of them. And also kind of prefered having just Olimar to control too, so I hope that these 3 new characters are interchangable rather than all on the map at the same time!

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Be nice to actually walk through Pikmin high grass... with their little flowers showing where they are... or through the fallen leaves or something. Bring the world to life a bit more on a more powerful console.

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It sounds to me like they're striking the right balance between the unforgiving original and the very relaxed sequel. I understand that the time limit gave it character, but it was so harsh. Now, you can just do each day more efficiently, rather than having to restart the whole game.

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Yeah really didn't like the dungeons e myself, although I appreciate they had to mix it up a bit. Would much rather see some huuuge worlds in 3 instead of them. And also kind of prefered having just Olimar to control too, so I hope that these 3 new characters are interchangable rather than all on the map at the same time!


I didn't mind the dungeons too much, though I agree they felt a little unnecessary. Def hope they just go for much larger worlds(and thus longer 'days') instead.


Possibly the 3 characters will be a second to that, all being on the map at the same time as sort of tag points; allowing you to check up on pikmin doing a certain job a mile away without wasting time running there. That could, of course, also kill the game if not done right.


If they're interchangeable then there might be some unique captain abilities for each of them?


I wanted campaign co-op this time around, but I assume that's not happening?


Good point, though I doubt we'll see it. Definitely should have put it in though, possible online co-op with friends and voice chat? Needing both of you to do certain things? Lots of possibilities.

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