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NEW! Super Mario Bros. U


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2D = fixed plane + sprites

2.5D = fixed plane + polygons

3D = 360-degree movement + polygons


There is no term for 3D games using sprites, but then again no one would make one. :heh:


As for 2D vs 2.5D, personally I think 2D is better as it feels crisper and more responsive. Polygons have always felt a bit "floaty". However, there's no doubt the important aspect with regards to accessibility is the fixed plane.-


I thought 2.5D was when it was essentially a 2D game played at an angle like Kid Clown in Crazy Chase on the SNES?




In fact, I'm right:



2.5D ("two-and-a-half-dimensional"), 3/4 perspective and pseudo-3D are terms, mainly in the video game industry, used to describe either:

- 2D graphical projections and techniques which cause a series of images or scenes to fake or appear to be three-dimensional (3D) when in fact they are not, or

- gameplay in an otherwise three-dimensional video game that is restricted to a two-dimensional plane.




2D is just a game played on a flat plane, regardless of whether it's made up of polygons or sprites, that has nothing to do with it!


Perfect example of 2.5d


Edited by Zechs Merquise
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In fact, I'm right:



2.5D ("two-and-a-half-dimensional"), 3/4 perspective and pseudo-3D are terms, mainly in the video game industry, used to describe either:

- 2D graphical projections and techniques which cause a series of images or scenes to fake or appear to be three-dimensional (3D) when in fact they are not, or

- gameplay in an otherwise three-dimensional video game that is restricted to a two-dimensional plane.




2D is just a game played on a flat plane, regardless of whether it's made up of polygons or sprites, that has nothing to do with it!


Your own post states that games played on a flat plane, but with polygons, is also called 2.5D.

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Your own post states that games played on a flat plane, but with polygons, is also called 2.5D.


I didn't interpret that sentence in that way at all. It says:


"gameplay in an otherwise three-dimensional video game that is restricted to a two-dimensional plane."


I'd say that's something more like Metroid Other M, where it's a 3D world but you're essentially just playing it left to right or up and down, the world is 'otherwise three dimensional', because you can stop and view it from many angles, but the gameplay is essentially resistricted to a 2D plane for most of it.


In a game like DCKR or NSMB the world is certainly not 3D as despite begin made from polygons you only view it from one angle thusly being 2D.


However, that's just my interpretation.


I view it as:


2D is a side scroller - ie classic Mario, Sonic etc regardless of sprites/polygons.

2.5D is something like Kid Clown in Crazy Chase, Snake Rattle and Roll or Metroid Other M

3D is proper 3D rendered world with the free to explore on any plane and manipulate the camera freely.


I expect their might even be some overlap in those too and some games may even switch between them at times.

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I didn't interpret that sentence in that way at all. It says:


"gameplay in an otherwise three-dimensional video game that is restricted to a two-dimensional plane."


Is also gives the following examples:


Examples include Pandemonium, Einhänder, Klonoa: Door to Phantomile, Nights into Dreams..., Yoshi's Story, Viewtiful Joe, Shadow Complex, Strider 2, Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, Tomba!, Trine series, The Simpsons Game (DS), New Super Mario Bros., Sonic Rivals, Sonic Rush, Bionic Commando Rearmed, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Donkey Kong Country Returns and Kirby's Return to Dream Land. The Crash Bandicoot series is sometimes referred to as 2.5D because although the characters and scenery are rendered in 3D, most of its levels are not as free-roaming like 'true' 3D platformers. Other examples include R-Type Delta, Sonic Colors,Sonic 3D, Sonic Unleashed, Gradius V, Contra: Shattered Soldier, Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles, George of the Jungle and the Search for the Secret, LittleBigPlanet and Sonic Generations.


Some fighting games such as the Super Smash Bros. series, Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Street Fighter IV, Mortal Kombat and BlazBlue also utilize 2.5D to showcase 3D backdrops and/or characters while limiting the action to a 2D plane.

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I can't be bothered to read what's going on so I'll just say, 2D, 2.5D, 3D, uninspired art or clever reimagining, New Super Mario Bros. U will be fucking joyous fun.


I'm sure it will be for 5 minutes. I joke, but...anyone feel like Nintendo are sticking to a formula these days with relatively little innovation to their Mario games?

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anyone feel like Nintendo are sticking to a formula these days with relatively little innovation to their Mario games?


Yep. Think it's a knee jerk reaction to how the 3DS was doing at first and they are applying it to the Wii U as well. They needed titles they know that will sell.


I like NSMB2's gold theme though. Still think it should have been Wario.

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Sometimes it just sound like you want to argue.


The dragons in Rayman have a beutifully hand drawn animated style and look nothing like the shiny 3D models and foreground elements like blocks etc... that you find in the likes of New Super Mario Bros.


As you seem to agree now that it's not the use of 2,5D that makes the style of NSMB "not nice", I don't think we have to argue. :p

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I often do not understand what people talk about when they talk 2D, 3D, 2D-3D, or 2.5D, because these terms are not well established. So I spell it out so everybody understand.


I have for along time called Donkey Kong Country Returns a 3D-world-navigated-along-one-plane-with-a-perpendicular-view-game.


No further explanation needed.

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I'm sure it will be for 5 minutes. I joke, but...anyone feel like Nintendo are sticking to a formula these days with relatively little innovation to their Mario games?


Yes and no.


I actually enjoyed New Super Mario Bros for the Wii. It was fun to play, whilst having some cool ideas within it. Pretty tense at times with two players. Caused countless arguments with Ine and I. :laughing: (I remember rage quitting at one point)


But, Galaxy is on a different level. It feels unique and it gives you the impression that Nintendo were truly pushing themselves when they were developing that game. Haven't played Galaxy 2, but it seemed like a no-brainer at the time, considering that there were lots of things they could still do with the game that they didn't in the first. Will get around to it at some point.


My gripe is that I would rather Nintendo spend their time pushing the boundaries on a Galaxy-type game. The Super Mario 64 of the WiiU. It just doesn't scream "we are serious about the WiiU" and "re-capturing that hardcore crowd" (which they have said that they want to do) when they don't have a ground-breaking Mario game at launch. I have no doubt that this game will come at some point in the WiiU's lifecycle. But, really, they've dropped the ball by not having it at launch. Or, at least giving us an insight into what it will look like. It partly seems like "We need a Mario at launch", so lets just get another New Super Mario Bros out there quick.

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"we are serious about the WiiU" and "re-capturing that hardcore crowd" (which they have said that they want to do)


I've asked @Cube in another thread and didn't get an answer, I'll ask you the same question here. When have they stated that?


Same thing I said then:

I dimly remember Reggie's cheesy introduction of the Wii U (something like "this is a console for U") last E3. Then there where some "deeper and wider" comments from Iwata (?) I believe. It's obvious that they don't want to be left completely out of this market this time.


Who is "you" though? What is "wider"? As I've said before: It was also obvious that they weren't going to do a 180° turn, renounce the existence of the Wii, build a subsidized gaming monster and try to lick the "core gamers" feet from the moment the showed the Wii U. That's just what some people seem to interpret into these noncommittal statements, when everything else pointed to Nintendo trying to expand upon what they started with the Wii instead of abandoning it.

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I've asked @Cube in another thread and didn't get an answer, I'll ask you the same question here. When have they stated that?


Same thing I said then:







Reggie also said that for the core gamers, the Wii U will "tick all the boxes" for stuff like online - it's over a year since he said that and those boxes still aren't ticked.

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