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Well the thing that left me most impressed was Nintendo's social media take on the online community. Miiverse and the associated functions it brings were really impressive. The different groupings of Miis and how they function was interesting. For me what impressed the most was the wall like features that can be accessed from phones. Also the Dark Souls style commenting on games feature. I mean they said they want to avoid spoilers and I hope their solution to this isn't severely limiting through stock phrases?


Like the Pro controller interesting how it matches the Wii U Gamepad by switching up the way round the sticks are, above face buttons.


I'm ready now to see some games that floor me, fingers crossed.

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Thankyou flame boy! I'm glad someone else thought dark souls with that messaging!


I don't know about the rest of you but I'm really pumped for the main presentation tomorrow now!


I so hope all virtual console games on the wiiu can be played on the controller! No more switching off a game so the missus can watch corrie or some other rubbish!

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Over the last few days I've been watching old E3 conferences from the Big N and the GameCube event was pretty funky to watch.


The reason?


They promoted the hell out of the 'Nintendo Difference' before blowing everyone away with stunning high-quality updates of their software. Star Wars, Raven Blade, Metroid, Wave Race, Smash Bros. Eternal Darkness and Luigi's Mansion were promoted (even Pikmin!) before ending on THAT Zelda Video (and a bit of Mario Kart).

What struck me was that is was a top tier CORE gamer unveil.

GBA connectivity was also briefly mentioned and the GC and WaveBird controllers were highlighted for their innovation - so a focus on the controller ethos/ability was also mentioned.


Yet what happened?

Well the audience started asking about the lack of Mario at launch and how this would affect the console. (FFS!)

The conference stuck with me as it made me realise that gamers STILL harp on at Nintendo to just have a 'Pro' Controller and embrace technology fully. Yet they DID do that and the Gamecube couldn't differentiate itself positively. The Nintendo difference then became a lack of third party titles in the face of alternative systems. I'm glad we have a core/casual market now!


It doesn't matter if Nintendo have the best chips under the hood, the most innovative controller and social functions available in the console - what matters is that the third party support is good. If Nintendo get this right Wii U will be fine - With certain features or not. To me this year's E3 isn't about control and seeing what wonderful things Nintendo can do with the screen (been there, hyped that with the Wii remote), it's to see if they have laid down a future that includes third party support that won't wane.

The system may be enticing and appeal but if the third parties aren't producing that's when E3 will have bombed for Nintendo.


Under the glitz and glamour of E3 everything is hyped, magnified and talked about as if it is the 'bomb' - what the bomb is, is if Nintendo can keep the hype train rolling from one year to the next. The Wii had a good 2 years before stumbling on its own two feet. Anything less from Wii U and Nintendo are going to be up the creek with a touch screen and a Miiverse with few inhabitants.

Let's hope third parties have been courted - Wii U needs GTA V, it needs CoD, it needs the big third parties to show up, stand up and create this console on THEIR terms: something they never really attempted on Wii.


The system looks to be enticing from a marketing point of view (Miiverse 'promotes' games on it that you DON'T own?) now let's see what third party software it has going for it. I look forward to seeing how Nintendo prove this tomorrow.

Edited by tapedeck
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I like the WiiU's social underpinnings but i hope the aesthetics are customizable for each game, either by the user or developer.


I really dont wanna see someones stupid Mii face pop up while im the middle of something like Dark Souls

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Let's hope third parties have been courted - Wii U needs GTA V, it needs CoD, it needs the big third parties to show up, stand up and create this console on THEIR terms: something they never really attempted on Wii.


I agree with the majority of your post except this part. CoD is also on the Wii, and from what has been said, the games are actually pretty well done. It's not my thing, but there's clans from here who take part in those games and they seem pretty happy with how they turned out.


The other one, GTA, has never appeared on a Nintendo home system. It would be fantastic if Wii U could be the first. I'm just not sure we'll see it, as some developers seem to have this image of Nintendo etched into their memories, that it isn't a system where GTA can sell well. Maybe these types of occasions are when Nintendo need to splash their money about and pay for timed exclusives or something.

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Is there a summary for those who couldn't watch?


- Halo

- Splinter Cell

- Kinect, Kinect, Kinect, EA Sports Kinect

- Video Streaming Stuff

- Sports, Sports, Sports

- Smart Glass - use a tablet as a controller.

- XBLA Games

- South Park

- Tomb Raider

- Resident Evil 6

- Black Ops 2.

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As someone with vey limited internet access - what is the point ofthe new Xbox like controller?

Surely none of the mii universe stuff will work with it?



I think the best guess is that Nintendo didn't find any good ways of having two Wii U GamePads connected to the same Wii U so this is their best solution to the problem. So yes, multiplayer.

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As someone with vey limited internet access - what is the point ofthe new Xbox like controller?

Surely none of the mii universe stuff will work with it?



Comfort, more familiar to core gamers, more aligned to hardcore playing, marathon plays etc etc.

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Comfort, more familiar to core gamers, more aligned to hardcore playing, marathon plays etc etc.


I suppose so. Getting quite tired of all the extra controllers though. I think I will give this one a miss, given that there will already be a dual analogue controller in the box.

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