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DC Cinematic Universe Discussion


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Bit of news:




No New DC Movies Until 2015


Insiders indicate that after Dark Knight Rises and Man of Steel, we're facing a DC dry spell.


The Dark Knight Rises hits this month. Man of Steel is next summer. And then after that... it looks like we may all be taking a bit of a break from live-action DC films.


The LA Times reports that "none of the DC movies currently in the works has a producer, director or cast, save for Zack Snyder’s $200-million-plus Man of Steel. ... As a result, it will likely be at least three years before a new DC title hits the big screen, according to several knowledgeable people close to Warner Bros. who were not authorized to speak publicly."


The paper also confirms that Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan did at least talk to Warner Bros. about continuing on as producer on the recently announced Justice League movie and planned Batman reboot. Nolan said over the weekend that he will not be involved with those films.


"It was a conversation we had," Warner Bros. film group President Jeff Robinov says. "Obviously anything you can get Chris involved in is great."


So now the plan appears to be to bring awareness of the DC characters to the public over the next few years via games, toys, comics and TV -- as with the reveal today that the Justice League will be appearing in a Silver Age Arkham City game sequel. But do people really need to be made aware of characters like Wonder Woman, the Flash and Aquaman?


"My hope is that over the next month or so," Robinov says, "we’ll be ready to lay out the plan for the next DC movies."

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  • 1 month later...
Rebooted Batman to Debut in Justice League Movie?


Next solo film would follow team-up movie.


Rumor has it that the live-action Justice League of America movie will also ostensibly serve as the reboot of Batman on the big screen.


Batman-on-Film reports that a "solid as they come" source tells them the Batman "reboot will come after the JL film, not before. Therefore, the new cinematic Batman will be introduced in the JL film as opposed to a solo film. This would ... assure the new Batman film series will be part of a 'DC Cinematic Universe.'"


The site cautions, however, that while their source is legit, they still advise readers to take the rumor "with a grain of salt" for now.


Next summer's Man of Steel is expected to be the final DC Comics movie until at least 2015, when scuttlebutt suggests the JLA film will be released.


JLA is being scripted by Will Beall. No director is currently involved, although recent reports claims the Wachowskis are high up on Warner Bros.' wish list to helm it.

Makes sense.
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I thought this was common knowledge. I just hope Man of Steel is good and makes nods to the existence of other characters (a mention of Wayne Enterprises).


I'm going to say it now, I reckon Aquaman won't feature in the JL film (at least not the first one, but I think he could make a kick-ass entrance in a follow up). It will be Supes, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and The Flash.


Also, I don't think rebooting Batman will be an issue. If they have Robin in there (done as awesome as he is in the comics) that'll be a big enough departure/accomplishment for a new series of films to stand on their own. I just hope it isn't as kitsch as the Marvel movie-verse.

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  • 5 weeks later...


Even after I googled the name I still ask..who?


Looks like nice eye candy though :heh:


She was in Soderbergh's film Haywire, which I thought was pretty awesome.






She couldn't look like Wonder Woman any more if she tried. I could definitely believe she could smack down Superman, with relative ease. Although she is much too short.

Edited by Daft
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Guillermo Del Toro Confirms He’s “Discussing” Justice League Dark Movie ‘Heaven Sent’


I'd die. This would be amazing.


Hell, while they're at it they should just smash the bank and get Ridley Scott to do the Justice League film (99% because I'm just curious to see what he would do with superheroes). Or Joseph Kosinski, he'd be rad. Definitely knows how to make things look stunning.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm glad there's talk of Man of Steel leading into Justice League. It seems like an awkward fit with JGL as Batman. I wonder who else they're in talks with from Batman - Tom Hardy would be my pick since he's awesome in everything. I kind of with there had been one more Nolan film just for Catwoman, Anne Hathaway was excellent.


I'd like to see Fassbender play Aquaman with Emma Blunt as Mera. How fucking rad would that be. Half the time I think Mera is cooler than Authur anyway.

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I presume Warner Bros could hire Anne Hathaway for Catwoman, or to have her turn up in Justice League or something?... but yeah Nolan would no doubt have written a great move for her. Suppose there's nothing to say he couldn't still.


I quite like the idea of JGL in Justice League, not necessarily because I see him as Batman, but I like the idea of Nolans Universe carrying on in essense... as though Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne story was the prequel to much larger things.


As Batman though I'm not sure... he seems a bit short and stocky. He really does feel like the perfect Robin/Nightwing!


I'm a bit confused over the route they're taking with Man of Steel. I thought they were taking quite a grounded take on it like they did with Batman. And yet people thought Nolans Batman Universe was too serious to carry into Justice League didn't they?

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