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NINTENDO @ E3: Penguins Approaching. It's Just a Box!

Fused King

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I think it's time for my E3 2012 predictions :heh:




  • Nintendo show Mario Kart 8s U teaser trailer.. without any in-game footage.
  • Wario Ware U shown where you can create your own minigames, like in Wario Ware: Do It Yourself, but with more freedom in creation than just having games where you can only tap the screen.
  • Retro Studios reveal new game.. and it isn’t Metroid or Starfox!
  • F-Zero UX will be at the show with the option to tilt the Wii U controller to steer.
  • Nintendo show a new Kirby Tilt & Tumble where the action moves between the TV screen and the Wii U controller screen.


Outrageous claims


  • Nintendo reveal an amazing new 1080 Snowboarding with Balance Board control.
  • The World Ends Wii U with co-op shown in reel of upcoming games where one player battles on the Wii U controller with the stylus and the other battles on the TV screen using the Wii Remote.
  • Silicon Knights unveil Eternal Darkness 2.. for 3DS!
  • Nintendo and Sega finally tease a platform game starring Mario and Sonic but it is early in development and no images or footage shown.




  • Wii U Wrist Strap and Jacket seen in promotional shots of the console and accessories.
  • New Super Mario Bros 2 will be available to download on Wii U as well as 3DS and you will be able to play multiplayer cross platform.

Edited by nekunando
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Although I'd love it for NINTENDO to get titles which are now coming to the forefront (TombRaider, Starwars 1313, Castlevania LoS2), I certainly don't hope these will be the BIG suprises when it comes to 3rd parties.

It's best to show them in a reel or something that they're also coming to WiiU not show the trailers again, but with the WiiU logo at the end.



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i stopped buying games, till the wii u comes out at christmass, the last game i bought was Naruto shippuuden generation on 360,

i want to go all out on the wii u lol, and buying games for that console, like darksiders, assassin creed, Ghostrecon, and i wait what they will announce and show at the E3

i hope they show some zelda videos, from the work in progress or an awesome trailer,

and something for smashbros, like pictures or some characters

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Indeed. We're so close now, i'm just hoping that there are no leaks a la Donkey Kong Country Returns. I want everything to be kept secret and then Nintendo to drop the bomb come Tuesday!


I keep visiting GAF and browsing, and thinking should I be doing this...


but I can't help myself.




Right now i'm in the process of moving house, and have Download Festival next week.... but I'm anticipating e3 more than both those things...


some would question if I have my priorities right :p

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Starting to feel the hype myself. The slew of trailers from last night/early this morning has got me all excited (well, the Tomb Raider one certainly did :D).


Thankfully, this is the first time for 3 years where I haven't had to cover E3 for a website so I can actually enjoy it rather than freak about not being able to download press assets and get them uploaded :bouncy: So glad as last year was a nightmare.


I'm just hoping that Nintendo do less talking and more showing of games. If the third party support is as big as talk is suggesting, then I'm hoping more time is given over to that than to Iwata or Reggie spouting crap on stage. We, as well as all the media gathered, are tuning in for 3DS software unveils and a full unveil of the Wii U so hopefully they'll remember that, although the software showcase they have planned for wednesday has me thinking they'll be holding something back.

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Wait, 'old on - can someone please clear suh'ink up for me please?.. I keep hearing E3 is from the 5th to the 7th and I hear that Nintendo will be the last to deliver. But isn't Nintendo's conference on the Tuesdee/the 5th??? When's Sony's and Microsoft's conference? I thought that the 6th was supposed to be when Nintendo splurts out more megaton deliveries?? So confused....

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June 5th - 7th I think are the days the "show", as in the showfloor booths and such, is open.


MS and Sony (and EA and anothe dev I can't remember right now) are doing their conferences the day before the show officially opens. While Nintendo are doing theirs on the morning it opens. Presumably thinking it better to show things at the conference then have people go play them right afterwards on the showfloor

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