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Rayman Legends


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They'll be slightly easier as there are musicals cues on when to jump, unlike the treasure hunt levels from Rayman Origins.


I'm pleased this is a proper single player experience and also looking forward to 5 player madness. Just need zavvi to stop being pricks and send me the code to get it for £19.99

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I'm reading several reports that this game is now coming out Q1 2013. It was originally planned for the launch and looked like 1 of the few quality games, not mentioning an original non-port game. Shame really if true. At least they're not rushing it and making sure it's top quality. Take note other publishers.

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Shame really if true.


Not much of a shame in terms of exposition. As much as you people keep whining about the NSMB series, the game would almost certainly suffer from launching alongside Mario. Not to mention that they might not be ready come launch.

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It was originally planned for the launch and looked like 1 of the few quality games, not mentioning an original non-port game. Shame really if true.


This is a good thing NSMBU would have slaughtered it. This would have been the equivalent of another military FPS launching alongside COD - ie a disaster.

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It's official. Rayman Legends has been delayed till Q1 2013


Ubisoft responded to 4Gamers (source is Dutch)




So that's that. I suppose it's probably for the best. Going directly up against NSMB U, Rayman would've come off much worse; now it'll have a much better chance (and it'll fill the early 2013 gap in the Wii U's schedule!)


Edit: We have an English statement now!




"Rayman Legends will launch worldwide in the first quarter of 2013," Ubisoft said in a statement to VideoGamer.com.


"We're happy that fans are excited about the game, and we are taking the time to make sure we deliver a game that lives up to and hopefully exceeds their expectations. We'll have more details to share soon."

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This video was recorded with the 3DS so excuse the quality.



I've been looking at previews and videos for this game, it's simply stunning. I'm sorry, rant if you like but NSMB Wii U looks like dishwater compared to this game, none of your copy and paste. It's art. The presentation, the level of detail, there's no comparison and they're putting the Wii U pad to good use. If there was 1 game that could convince me to buy the Wii U early, it's this game. Shame it got delayed but it'll probably help with the sales. Who knows maybe it has something to do with NFC. Anybody else using this feature at launch?




Ancel says Wii U 'surprisingly powerful', Rayman Legends has new lighting engine


“What surprises me with Wii U is that we don’t have many technical problems. It’s really running very well, in fact. We’re not obliged to constantly optimize things. Even on the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions [of Origins], we had some fill-rate issues and things like that. So it’s partly us – we improved the engine – but I think the console is quite powerful. Surprisingly powerful. And there’ a lot of memory. You can really have huge textures, and it’s crazy because sometimes the graphic artist – we built our textures in very high-dentition. They could be used in a movie. Then we compress them, but sometimes they forget to do the compression and it still works! [Laughs] So yeah, it’s quite powerful. It’s hard sometimes when you’re one of the first developers because it’s up to you to come up with solutions to certain problems. But the core elements of the console are surprisingly powerful.


“And because we’re developing for Wii U, we don’t have to worry about cross-platform optimization. We can push what the console can do; push it to its limits. And of course, we have a new lighting engine. In fact, the game engine for Origins was mostly just classic sprites in HD, but now we can light them and add shadows and all these things. So there is some technical innovation with the engine itself." - Michel Ancel


There's no doubt about it, Rayman Legends is a gorgeous game. Just because it's 2D doesn't mean it's not asking for a lot of power to perform. Glad to know the Wii U can stand the heat!



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Demo coming for the US launch.


Ubisoft has two more games are still to come within the Wii U launch window, starting with the December 4th release of Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth, followed by the early 2013 debut of Rayman Legends. As an added launch-day bonus, a playable demo for Rayman Legends will be available to download from the Nintendo eShop starting November 18th.


Nice! Hopefully we will get the same treatment over here.

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Must resist responding....


Anyways. Great news. Recently finished origins and absolutely loved it, so much creativity and one of the best game soundtracks in a long time.


Great game but I dont think it really got good until four worlds in. Before that it was really hit and miss.

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Heads up! Thar she blows! Incoming Epicness!


Rayman Legends demo now available in Wii U eShop




Hit up your Wii U and start downloading your Rayman Legends demo! As promised, Ubisoft delivered the demo today. Cannot wait to get some more time with this one!


The long promised Rayman Legends demo on the Wii U is now available on the eShop. It had been revealed that the demo would release on December 13th but its one hour before midnight and it’s here a little early.


The download clocks in at 577MB so it shouldn’t be too long of a download. The demo has a 30 play limit.


Enjoy everyone!





Edit: Just to add you won't need to worry about downloading this after the watershed. :wink:


2nd Edit: Just checked it's not on the European eShop yet but it shouldn't be too long.

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Probably up around midday here then. Can't wait to give this another go!


Well the Rayman demo is bright, breezy and a ton of fun. Really don't require any further persuasion on this one. Visuals are superb, subtle and beautifully designed. The multiplane fly-through intro with the dragons swooping around looks phenomenal. Co-op works brilliantly and the gamepad player doesn't feel short-changed (unlike NSMBU).

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What a lovely lil' demo for the game, the "castle rock" section had me grinning like a prat the entire time, way to whet the appetite Ubisoft! :)
Yeah, wasn't really digging this demo at first, but I loved that castle section! icon14.gif

Although it also reminded me that I still have to wait until March for Harmo Knight, which is annoying. :(


Anyone got an idea as to how many musical sections like "castle rock" are gonna be in the final game? If there are quite a few like that, then I'll probably pick this one up. :hehe:

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Yeah, wasn't really digging this demo at first, but I loved that castle section! icon14.gif

Although it also reminded me that I still have to wait until March for Harmo Knight, which is annoying. :(


Anyone got an idea as to how many musical sections like "castle rock" are gonna be in the final game? If there are quite a few like that, then I'll probably pick this one up. :hehe:


I wasn't too fussed with the level that had you changing in to that woman, although the touch screen stuff was nice (guess it's more for mulitplayer), but if they don't have more levels like Castle Rock it would upset me as that was great fun, hopefully they mix it up abit and have plenty of them with your more 'standard' levels!

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