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Rayman Legends


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It still isn't the PR Person's fault. It's the higher ups who decided this that should be held accountable


Of course not, but they did a disastrous job with this whole ordeal. Outright saying that they delayed it for the sole purpose of releasing it as a multiplatform game was the worst thing that they could've done from a PR perspective.


It has also resulted in everyone going around saying that every Wii U exclusive is now gonna get ported.

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Posted this earlier but put in the wrong link so I've deleted and reposted the correct one. Sorry.



Watch this. It relieved some of my anger about the delay and it talks about Nintendo in general. It's reassuring and therapeutic.

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So it's basically just Microsoft forcing the simultaneous launch? Good fucking lord...


I really doubt it. Ubisoft hold the position of power here in this ordeal, not MS (after all, what would they do? Refuse a 360 release and just let Sony and Nintendo have all the fun? Not bloody likely!)


That policy succeeds at holding back smaller XBLA devs, but not someone like Ubisoft.

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I really doubt it. Ubisoft hold the position of power here in this ordeal, not MS (after all, what would they do? Refuse a 360 release and just let Sony and Nintendo have all the fun? Not bloody likely!)


That policy succeeds at holding back smaller XBLA devs, but not someone like Ubisoft.


Yes, of course they do. But it just doesn't make any sense, why else would they postpone launching a finished game? Just for a simultaneous marketing campaign?

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Yes, of course they do. But it just doesn't make any sense, why else would they postpone launching a finished game? Just for a simultaneous marketing campaign?


That, plus the fact that a staggered release would mean that the other versions would sell less, by virtue of being an "old" and "late" port.


Of course, with it going up against GTA 5 and possibly Wind Waker HD, they're sending the game to die anyway...

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I noticed that the Uplay Miiverse community is now featured in WaraWara Plaza because of this disaster... Classic. :D


To be honest it was highly unlikely that I'd have bought Rayman Legends (especially at launch), so I'm not exactly bothered by this situation.

The only part of the demo that really stood out for me was the HarmoKnight-esque stage, but at the end of the day, I'd rather just wait for and play HarmoKnight. ;)

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Is Wind Waker out in September?


Well... it is Nintendo and a Zelda game (even if it is a remake at that) so going off of their track record.... probably not :laughing:


The reaction to this going multiplatform by some people around the internet, as well as on here, is ridiculous. It's a bloody game. I do feel sorry for the devs being pushed to meet a deadline that's now moot, though.

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There's no problem with the game going multi platform. If Ubi want to do that then it makes good business sense for them I guess.


The issue is the fact that the game was pushed back to February and looked to be a real highlight for Wii U owners. We got an eshop demo that was pretty amazing and lots of us eagerly slapped down early preorders - only to then be told its now not out for another 7 months and what was an exclusive game, now isn't.


It's a blow for Wii U early adopters and it could potentially be a silly move for Ubisoft if there are higher profile games out for all consoles come September - which could happen.

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Well... it is Nintendo and a Zelda game (even if it is a remake at that) so going off of their track record.... probably not :laughing:


The reaction to this going multiplatform by some people around the internet, as well as on here, is ridiculous. It's a bloody game. I do feel sorry for the devs being pushed to meet a deadline that's now moot, though.


It's not the game going multi platform which is annoying people. It's the fact the wii u game is finished and they are delaying it for 7 months. Ubisoft announcing an exclusive demo for Wii u only makes matters worse. If there were other games being released the reaction wouldn't of been so bad but wii u owners are starved for games.


Ubisoft do what they feel is best for them but it amazes me that they think an exclusive demo helps. That's laughable!!

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It still isn't the PR Person's fault. It's the higher ups who decided this that should be held accountable


Exactly. I hope they haven't fired him/her.


Typical modern business - thinking how you say something matters more than what you do.

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Well... it is Nintendo and a Zelda game (even if it is a remake at that) so going off of their track record.... probably not :laughing:



Exactly, it has a super vague "Fall" release which could mean the end of September or it could be in December as part of their Holiday titles. Frankly, given their inability to get games out on time as it is, I see Zelda firmly planting itself as the major core Nintendo game this Christmas, possibly next to a bridge title like Mario Kart. I don't think there is much danger of it clashing with Rayman in September. Really, Ubisoft have done Nintendo a favour as at least now there is more than 1 game that is known (hopefully) to be coming out in the second half of the year - they've doubled their release lineup over night.


But if it did, then it speaks volumes that the people would prefer to play a remake of a 10 year old game than a brand new one. If that's the Wii U owners stance to games like this then they don't deserve it the first place - especially when Zelda is likely to carry a higher price tag and for longer.


So whilst I don't see them clashing too much really, if Rayman is deemed to some how lose out due to GTAV, at least it is losing out to an original game rather than a remake. I'm not sure how feasible it is, but Ubisoft might be wise to see if they can get a demo of this game bundled in with copies of Splinter Cell which releases in August (a game that should sell well) and thus give this an extra push right before release.


If there were other games being released the reaction wouldn't of been so bad but wii u owners are starved for games.


But that isn't Ubisofts fault now is it? Ubisoft have developed more games than Nintendo have for the console and had Rayman come out, they would have been responsible for more exclusive games too. Since when was it Ubisofts job to single handled support the console?


Like Daft said, Nintendo should have had enough of their own titles, and/or secured deals with other companies that the delay of one game shouldn't be causing this much of an issue.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Everybody knows Nintendo should have had more games to support the console.


But even if there were additional games, I'd still be annoyed that this has been pushed back AND that what was an exclusive now isn't.


Regardless of how poor the launch has been handled by Nintendo, people still have a right to be pissed off that a game that is virtually finished has been put back 7 months.

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I think people want to play Wind Waker HD so much because it is looking like a beautifully-done 3D game, regardless of the fact it's a remake (although it doesn't hurt that we know it's a great game). I'm sure people would give a non-Zelda/non-remake just as much of a chance if it looked as "major".

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Exactly, it has a super vague "Fall" release which could mean the end of September or it could be in December as part of their Holiday titles. Frankly, given their inability to get games out on time as it is, I see Zelda firmly planting itself as the major core Nintendo game this Christmas, possibly next to a bridge title like Mario Kart. I don't think there is much danger of it clashing with Rayman in September. Really, Ubisoft have done Nintendo a favour as at least now there is more than 1 game that is known (hopefully) to be coming out in the second half of the year - they've doubled their release lineup over night.


But if it did, then it speaks volumes that the people would prefer to play a remake of a 10 year old game than a brand new one. If that's the Wii U owners stance to games like this then they don't deserve it the first place - especially when Zelda is likely to carry a higher price tag and for longer.


So whilst I don't see them clashing too much really, if Rayman is deemed to some how lose out due to GTAV, at least it is losing out to an original game rather than a remake. I'm not sure how feasible it is, but Ubisoft might be wise to see if they can get a demo of this game bundled in with copies of Splinter Cell which releases in August (a game that should sell well) and thus give this an extra push right before release.




But that isn't Ubisofts fault now is it? Ubisoft have developed more games than Nintendo have for the console and had Rayman come out, they would have been responsible for more exclusive games too. Since when was it Ubisofts job to single handled support the console?


Like Daft said, Nintendo should have had enough of their own titles, and/or secured deals with other companies that the delay of one game shouldn't be causing this much of an issue.


In no way is it Ubisofts problem that the wii u is starved for games. Just trying to explain why there has been such a reaction online. Remember this is only rayman. Rayman is not a killer franchise and under usual conditions I don't think that many people would of been bothered but this launch has been so botched people are just desperate for games.

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I think people want to play Wind Waker HD so much because it is looking like a beautifully-done 3D game, regardless of the fact it's a remake (although it doesn't hurt that we know it's a great game). I'm sure people would give a non-Zelda/non-remake just as much of a chance if it looked as "major".


Let's not jump the gun here, we have no idea what it's going to look like really, and not all of us view it as great either. But do you really believe that a Wind Waker remake is more worthy of sales that Rayman just because it might possibly look more "major"? I also feel that Rayman is the far more beautiful of either the two games (WW both in original form and those mock ups).


Everybody knows Nintendo should have had more games to support the console.


But even if there were additional games, I'd still be annoyed that this has been pushed back AND that what was an exclusive now isn't.


Regardless of how poor the launch has been handled by Nintendo, people still have a right to be pissed off that a game that is virtually finished has been put back 7 months.


The point is people are moaning at Ubisoft but had there been Pikmin 3 in January, Wonderful 101 in February, Game and Wario in March, a brand new surprise firsty party game in April etc, nobody would have even noticed if Rayman slipped or at least accepted it with far more grace than the internet has demonstrated so far. Rayman is being used as a scape goat for a weak line-up of games.


People have the right to be a bit pissy sure, but there is so much that could have been done that hasn't to ease that pissyness by the Nintendo and other third parties. And instead of blaiming them all equally, Ubisoft gets all of the flack for making a sensible business decision. At least the game is still coming unlike it would seem the rest of the third party lineups for the other machines.


In no way is it Ubisofts problem that the wii u is starved for games. Just trying to explain why there has been such a reaction online. Remember this is only rayman. Rayman is not a killer franchise and under usual conditions I don't think that many people would of been bothered but this launch has been so botched people are just desperate for games.


Indeed, but consequently, I feel a lot are making a much bigger deal out of this than they should be and venting at Ubisoft for underlying issues that are much less about them and more about the state of Wii U launch as a whole.

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The point is people are moaning at Ubisoft but had there been Pikmin 3 in January, Wonderful 101 in February, Game and Wario in March, a brand new surprise firsty party game in April etc, nobody would have even noticed if Rayman slipped or at least accepted it with far more grace than the internet has demonstrated so far. Rayman is being used as a scape goat for a weak line-up of games.


People have the right to be a bit pissy sure, but there is so much that could have been done that hasn't to ease that pissyness by the Nintendo and other third parties. And instead of blaiming them all equally, Ubisoft gets all of the flack for making a sensible business decision. At least the game is still coming unlike it would seem the rest of the third party lineups for the other machines.



On the back of the demo and the information we already had about the game, it's not a fair assumption to say that no one would have noticed it slipping back. The game is a very promising looking title - especially after the success of Origins too, and was on the top of many peoples to buy lists even when all the games you mentioned looked likely to be out around the same time.


Like I previously said, everyone knows Nintendo haven't delivered for a good launch window so this makes the situation a little worse, but Ubisoft have been pricks in the way this has been done, regardless of the situation Nintendo have put themselves in.

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But do you really believe that a Wind Waker remake is more worthy of sales that Rayman just because it might possibly look more "major"?


Yes, absolutely. That's what I buy home consoles for - 3D movement, 3D worlds, exploration. Handhelds are different, but that's what excites me with home consoles.


And when I said it was beautifully-done, I didn't necessarily mean visually (although I still give Wind Waker HD the edge over Rayman Legends). I meant so much care has gone into building Windfall Island as well as shading it, colouring it etc.


My intention is not to criticise Rayman, but to point out that there are good reasons to assume Nintendo's Autumn/Winter output will be something to be reckoned with.

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On the back of the demo and the information we already had about the game, it's not a fair assumption to say that no one would have noticed it slipping back. The game is a very promising looking title - especially after the success of Origins too, and was on the top of many peoples to buy lists even when all the games you mentioned looked likely to be out around the same time.


Like I previously said, everyone knows Nintendo haven't delivered for a good launch window so this makes the situation a little worse, but Ubisoft have been pricks in the way this has been done, regardless of the situation Nintendo have put themselves in.


What people say they are going to buy and what they do are two different things. Plus, those who talk about buying are once again that tiny part of the overall game buying public as most of the people buying games don't sit on the internet like you or I talking about games. On the internet, Origins had a reasonable amount of buzz for a 2D platformer featuring a character most were never particularly taken with. Didn't really translate to real world sales though.


And, it really can't be stated enough, but people buy Nintendo machines for Nintendo games and had they been released at the same time as another big Nintendo game then we both know, people only able to afford one game are likely to pick up the Nintendo title first and then possible get Rayman later once the price has dropped.


I don't think people would have been anywhere near as upset as they are making out to be. In some ways, it's like the Bayonetta furore where there were more people complaining about the game going to Nintendo than had bought the game in the first place. The internet loves to get disproportionately angry at things whether they really care about them or not. It certainly no way to judge the real value/impact of a decision.


Yes, absolutely. That's what I buy home consoles for - 3D movement, 3D worlds, exploration. Handhelds are different, but that's what excites me with home consoles.


And when I said it was beautifully-done, I didn't necessarily mean visually (although I still give Wind Waker HD the edge over Rayman Legends). I meant so much care has gone into building Windfall Island as well as shading it, colouring it etc.


My intention is not to criticise Rayman, but to point out that there are good reasons to assume Nintendo's Autumn/Winter output will be something to be reckoned with.


Whilst I can understand why you may look to home consoles for experiences just not possible on handhelds, I can't agree with the idea that that somehow devalues a game that could exist on another device. I'm not sure what the Vita vision felt like, but the demo for Origins on the 3DS was awful compared to the full fat HD experience. The game lights up the screen and the whole room as a result - it should not be confined to a 5" or smaller screen. Resolution aside, it's not like WW couldn't run on a 3DS - the more modern hardware would ease the burden of some of the more CPU intensive elements of the original (i.e. the cel-shading).


Rayman has been entirely drawn by hand - how much care do you think that took? I say it's every bit the equal and then some of Wind Waker when it comes to care and attention.


I'm not denying that they could have some good titles out but they shouldn't be in the situation where they have to throw out remakes of games and if remakes end up out selling original titles then Nintendo customers are really giving the finger to third parties who produce equally good, if not superior, original titles.

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The reaction to this going multiplatform by some people around the internet, as well as on here, is ridiculous. It's a bloody game. I do feel sorry for the devs being pushed to meet a deadline that's now moot, though.


Let me give you some perspective. Forget the Wii U, forget the multiplatform aspect, forget that.


The game was set to be released in weeks. It had a demo up. That date had been advertised for a while, now.


Regardless of the console it's in, or the circumstances... A finished game being delayed for 7 months is utter bullshit.

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What people say they are going to buy and what they do are two different things. Plus, those who talk about buying are once again that tiny part of the overall game buying public as most of the people buying games don't sit on the internet like you or I talking about games. On the internet, Origins had a reasonable amount of buzz for a 2D platformer featuring a character most were never particularly taken with. Didn't really translate to real world sales though.


And, it really can't be stated enough, but people buy Nintendo machines for Nintendo games and had they been released at the same time as another big Nintendo game then we both know, people only able to afford one game are likely to pick up the Nintendo title first and then possible get Rayman later once the price has dropped.


I don't think people would have been anywhere near as upset as they are making out to be. In some ways, it's like the Bayonetta furore where there were more people complaining about the game going to Nintendo than had bought the game in the first place. The internet loves to get disproportionately angry at things whether they really care about them or not. It certainly no way to judge the real value/impact of a decision.




Whilst I can understand why you may look to home consoles for experiences just not possible on handhelds, I can't agree with the idea that that somehow devalues a game that could exist on another device. I'm not sure what the Vita vision felt like, but the demo for Origins on the 3DS was awful compared to the full fat HD experience. The game lights up the screen and the whole room as a result - it should not be confined to a 5" or smaller screen. Resolution aside, it's not like WW couldn't run on a 3DS - the more modern hardware would ease the burden of some of the more CPU intensive elements of the original (i.e. the cel-shading).


Rayman has been entirely drawn by hand - how much care do you think that took? I say it's every bit the equal and then some of Wind Waker when it comes to care and attention.


I'm not denying that they could have some good titles out but they shouldn't be in the situation where they have to throw out remakes of games and if remakes end up out selling original titles then Nintendo customers are really giving the finger to third parties who produce equally good, if not superior, original titles.


I am sorry but Rayman Origins on the Vita was the definitive experience. It looked and played the best by far and the touch screen really enhanced it. I say this from having both Vita and PS3 versions.

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Everybody knows Nintendo should have had more games to support the console.


But even if there were additional games, I'd still be annoyed that this has been pushed back AND that what was an exclusive now isn't.


Regardless of how poor the launch has been handled by Nintendo, people still have a right to be pissed off that a game that is virtually finished has been put back 7 months.


Everything here is reasonable and I can't argue with except the part in bold.


Exclusives are a terrible thing and will most likely hold gaming back. First party, sure fair enough, but third party developers should realise they're going to end up bottle necking themselves by making a cash grab. They could have install bases on every console that could build up over time, but as we all know, the majority of game publishers are looking too much at the short term.


It's understandable, considering most of the revenue comes from launch period sales for software, but no one really considers the future of some brands and expanding gaming as a whole which would do wonders for every one. Or maybe keeping it as closed as possible is their intention, as a form of anti-competition..

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