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Captain America: The Winter Soldier


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Hmm...I dunno if I'm a fan. I like that he's vibrant and standout, something about that conspicuous suit/look about captain america really adds to him for me. Besides it's not as if all the other current superheroes are toned down/modernised anyway.

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Hmm...I dunno if I'm a fan. I like that he's vibrant and standout, something about that conspicuous suit/look about captain america really adds to him for me. Besides it's not as if all the other current superheroes are toned down/modernised anyway.


True, but most other superheroes are solo in their solo films. I get the feeling Cap 2 will see him working closely with SHIELD as part of a team and they'll want him to "fit in" maybe? Or maybe this suit is just used for a certain part in the film where he is inflitrating an enemy base and needs to be more stealthy :)

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I only just noticed this, he's wearing the old suit at a clip near the end of the trailer.... so maybe he starts in the old suit, shit happens, it gets ripped up and gets a new suit.


Yes please!!


lol, what if Bucky had just runs off with his Shield :p


That'll prolly be in the outtakes, like Ruffalo in The Avengers

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  • 3 months later...

I don't actually rate ScarJo all that much(don't get me wrong, she's attractive but I never quite got the hype) but I'm well excited to have a UK date for this...and March no less! Barely any time away! I know next to nothing about the actual plot, but I was suprisingly impressed with the original(moreso than I expected to be) so bring it on!


Meant to ask btw - how much stuff from Agents of SHIELD is likely to appear/be referenced in the films? Feel I should probs try and catch up on it all for that potential...

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Rummy, so far it doesn't look as if there is going to be much overlap between Shield and the films, but i would still watch anyway. It seems like the story arc they are going for might bear fruit at some point even if the individual weekly plot lines are a bit cliché.

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