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Captain America: The Winter Soldier


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Loved it.


Big in scope whilst being an intimate Captain America story. Sets up some awesome moments for future films. Huge ramifications in general. Superb fight choreography. Packed with varied action scenes. Amazing. Seeing it again on Friday.


Also, loved the mid-credits scene and DUG the end credits scene too.

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Whilst I can see why someone would dislike IM3 (my love for that has increased with each viewing. When I first saw it I was SLIGHTLY disappointed), I don't really see how you could dislike this. Amazing cast and performances, oodles of action and just bad ass.


Winter Soldier is FORMIDABLE AS FUCK.

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This was a bloated, uninspiring mess of a film. There's a good film struggling to break free of this dreck. And like pretty much all Marvel films, I doubt it holds up to repeat viewings. Black Widow was really great in it, though.

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I didn't know, but then I couldn't remember the character from the first film and so it was lost on me somewhat.



it's probably because the actor playing BUcky is like the most forgettable face i've ever seen. Seriously who is he? Other than the lovechild of Jack White and Phoebe's brother from Friends. Now if this




guy had been the one to be found by Hydra and turned in the bionic commando, everyone would have remembered him.


Having said that, there would be no way they could hide his glorious moustache behind that mask, so the secret would be out as soon as he came on screen.


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It did perhaps undermine it slightly that when his face was revealed, my only thought was: "... So who's this guy?"

:heh: Only when Cap said his name did I become aware of the twist.


Speaking of twists, I enjoyed the HYDRA reveal much, much more; suddenly that silly Nazi parody organisation seemed ten times more threatening. Oh, and Matrix Zola was cool squared.


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Went to the cinema to watch it tonight, but just as the adverts finished we were staring at a blank screen. Then we were sent home because they were having technical issues so I didn't get to see it today. But I was given a ticket to watch it tomorrow. Hopefully the technical problems are solved. We had a massive hail storm this afternoon which I think caused it.

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