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Halo 4

spirited away

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't feel quite as excited about this game as previous ones. Nevertheless i will still definitely buy it.


Looking at some of the criticisms about the changes they're making, i think trying to make the multiplayer fairer is a good thing. Good players will still come out on top obviously, but limiting how they do this by removing weapon spawn points etc will make it a bit easier for new people (and people who don't bother to learn where the best weapons are.....i.e me)


I liked the armour abilities in Reach, and i don't see why people hated them so much. They all had their weaknesses to stop them being too powerful, and i think they were quite finely balanced in the end. My personal favourite was armour lock, which i know lots of people hated most, but i don't really see why...


Most of the critisisms towards this game seem to be the same towards any sort of sequel nowadays. Developers have to try and walk the incredibly fine line between 'They've changed too much, it's nothing like the original' and 'Same old rubbish, they haven't evolved.' It must be very hard...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Naturally I haven't seen if first-hand, but the videos certainly make it seem like the best looking game on 360.


Whilst I appreciate all the work they're putting into the cinematics, my primary concern is whether they're going to intrude upon play. I don't mind watching cutscenes but I'm getting pretty sick of pseudo-interactivity in first-person games, i.e. hitting a trigger volume and having your character fall over with lots of arm waving, or having to mash buttons to escape the confines of a locked animation. Either give me control or don't!


To be clear I don't know for a fact that Halo 4 has fallen into the above trap, but certain moments in the released footage imply it might.

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Dear god has anyone seen the new
? The graphics are blow away! Halo 4 has the best facial animation I've ever seen in a video game, and yes I'm taking The Last of Us into account as well.


You mean the one I posted the other day a few posts up. :D


My hype is slowly but surely starting to rise for this game. I have 3 weeks holiday left to use at work and I may slam a week in for this.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Anyone else been watching Forward unto Dawn? I've been really enjoying it so far.


Yeah, it's surprisingly interesting. It seems a lot closer to the books than the games from it's style but I don't mind that as I also really enjoyed the books.


This is not good. - ODSTs dropping in is never good.



So awesome.

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I know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about this game other than the fact I want it.


I'll probably just play multiplayer though, never really delved into the Halo campaigns despite finding the storyline and setting pretty interesting. I think a lot of the campaign hate stems from when Halo 3's launch trailer teased us with the kids in the field and then delivered nothing of comparable depth in the subsequent game. I hear Reach was better, but eh... every second spent shooting AI is a second I could spend getting shot by a 10 year old sniper whizkid online.

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I watched the 4th episode of FUD tonight, was awesome as expected. I'm still surprised just how good this web series has been.


My hype for Halo is starting to rise now. I'm thinking of going through Reach, ODST, Halo Anniversary and Halo 3 in preparation for Halo 4. My copies of Glasslands and The Thursday War have also arrived.

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Over the past few days i've finished Halo Reach, Halo Anniversary and now Halo ODST. I just need to crack on through Halo 3 and i'm all set.


I've been reading Glasslands, which has been fantastic so far. It's set after Halo 3 and it seems to be setting up the events for Halo 4 nicely. Its written by Karen Travis who did a cracking job with the Gears of War books.


The Spartans and Halsey have discovered a Forerunner structure and are exploring that. You also find out that Halsey had a fling with Captain Keyes at some point and Miranda was her daughter. This may have been common knowledge already but I cant remember it being mentioned.


Meanwhile, the Arbiter is trying to make peace with the humans, while another group of Covenant are against him. They have aligned themselves with some religious fanatics who still support the prophets teachings and are looking to strike against the Arbiter.


Finally, ONI have set up a secret task force to place mistrust among the Covenant to create a civil war in an attempt to get them to wipe themselves out. They are giving out weapons to one side while setting up the other side.



Here's a trailer for Spartan Ops.



Roll on the 6th November!

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