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I seem to have been logged out on my work PC as well. Using Firefox.

That might just be because of a change I made, it probably logged everyone out once.

There was a "Database Error" or something the other night (when no one was on but me)... so maybe that has something to do with it?

Unrelated, unfortunately :(

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Yeah I was logged out on my phone and PC(both chrome) so wondering if it was just some general log out thing. Only noticed/happened this morning so probably as Shorty supposed may have just been some strange global logout thing?

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I keep getting redirected to URL without the www. In the address so that's probably why a lot of people are being logged out.

I intentionally did this as part of trying to solve the issue. From now you will always be redirected to the non www version, in case some peoples' browsers were storing the cookie explicitly against one version of the domain.

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Quick update (in case it helps):


Yesterday I was logged in for a couple of minutes without any problems. Then, when I tried to post, I had to log in again.


And today it's even worse...whenever I type I apparently get logged out. When I press "Submit Reply" I have to log in.

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I intentionally did this as part of trying to solve the issue. From now you will always be redirected to the non www version, in case some peoples' browsers were storing the cookie explicitly against one version of the domain.


Can you not set the cookie domain to work with both?

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Is there some issue with not having "www"?


The cookie domain is (and always has been) set to blank in vbulletin, so it should work for anything at .n-europe.com, but I'm just trying things because this issue has surfaced and some googling suggested conflicts can happen here.

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Normally if the domain isn't set then the browser will just use the current domain, but they don't add the dot at the start. I'm not sure if vbulletin does anything specific though if you leave it blank.


Anyway, I don't have an issue. Was just curious.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was just IP banned. (Didn't think to screenshot) on my phone. I sent a message to whomever it goes to when you click the contact button. Afterwords I turned airplane mode on and off, and now I'm here again. I don't know if it was my end or the sites end. I also realized I need to update my email to something that actually exists.

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Is there an issue with the Miiverse tags at the moment or is it just me? I tried using

You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse


It looks fine in the thread I nicked it from but when posting it I get nothing. All I see is the miiverse brackets and the numbers and letters within it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Today I occasionally got the message that my IP adress has been banned. Even when I'm not logged in.


The issue is "resolved" a couple of minutes after I get the message but returns sometime later.


Edit: Keep getting the message every now and then.

Edited by drahkon
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Today I occasionally got the message that my IP adress has been banned. Even when I'm not logged in.


The issue is "resolved" a couple of minutes after I get the message but returns sometime later.


Edit: Keep getting the message every now and then.

Do you have a dynamic IP, and if so, do you get the problem when you're assigned a specific address?


Edit: Looks like you do have a dynamic IP - check if it's always the same when you get the error.

Edited by Supergrunch
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That doesn't really make much sense... can't see how an issue like that could just resolve itself after a short time. Even if you have a dynamic IP it should only be reassigned after a lengthy fixed period or when the router restarts.


You do have an extraordinarily long list of ip addresses... you've posted from 62 IPs in 60 days, are you using tor or another proxy?


I would look into the cause on your end.

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You do have an extraordinarily long list of ip addresses... you've posted from 62 IPs in 60 days, are you using tor or another proxy?


Nope. I haven't changed anything, either, in the past few months. That's what surprises me the most.


I occasionally read the forums when I'm at university, at my mate's or girlfriend's, or when I'm in town. But I almost never login when I'm there.

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