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You Drive Me Crazy!


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Oi, you're stealing my thunder here. =P



But yes, I passed my driving test!

Fuck yeah!






I thought I had failed during the test as I managed to sorta kinda get on the curb when reversing (to get out of the parking spot). I was cursing at myself in my head, wondering how I could've messed it up on something stupid like that. Spent the entire rest of the course thinking "what's the point in doing all this now, I've failed anywayyyy".


When he said "You have passed", I wasn't sure I heard it right. I had to ask my dad again to make sure haha.







Now I'll probably never drive again! =P

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First attempt yes.


I think I kinda slightly went onto the curb, but I'm not sure. I think it was one of those lower curbs so it's easier to accidentally get onto them.


But I didn't even get any comments about that. Only got one comment (so minor fault I guess) on something else. =D


Happy happy! Huge relief, as driving still scares me haha!

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I think I kinda slightly went onto the curb, but I'm not sure. I think it was one of those lower curbs so it's easier to accidentally get onto them.




I have the same problem, but with loose women.


Anyway, congratulations!

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Congratulations!!! Only one minor? That's insanely awesome!


I had a mock test yesterday and got 10 minors! Still a pass he said, as you are allowed 15 minors i think? But would have liked to have done better. I need to book my real test this week sometime, but it'll be late Febraury i'm guessing that i can get a slot. Scared shitless about the whole thing to be honest!

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It works a bit differently here I think. Not sure as I only read the thing right before I left.


You are allowed to have 4 faults like the one I had, which they call something like "subject to be seen". So if you don't get more than 4 it's fine.


If you get 2 of those and 1"insufficient" you fail.

And I think if you get 2 x "insufficient" it's a fail too.

And then there's mistakes which are an instant-fail heh.



My error was something silly that I had to turn right a bit quicker somewhere, but I was stuck behind a car waiting in front of a red light, and cars behind me started passing me by to go right. So nothing bad heh.

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I'm almost certain you can just swap your EU driving license for a British one if you want when you become a resident.


Also an EU driving license is valid in the UK.


You just have to abide by age laws.




Now you can run Flink over.

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But ... you drive on the opposite side! How on Earth are people supposed to just switch over?


It doesn't take that long to get used to. Sitting on the other side is the strangest thing, or having the handbrake/indicators on the right. Thankfully the gas/brake/clutch pedals don't swap order.... Roundabouts might throw you too I suppose.

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It's an EU license so it's valid in all the EU countries.


If you go on holiday to another country, you're allowed to drive there as well. My dad has driven in the UK before (using a car from here even), and people from the UK are allowed to drive here as well.


It will take some getting used to, but I don't even have a car myself so I don't think I'll be driving much heh. Plus I'm sure Jim can give me some lessons. =P


And yeah like Shorty says, the roundabouts scare me the most, since they're so different from here. Over here I can just stay on the outside lane and be fine wherever I have to go (it's even encouraged for new drivers to stay there). I'm gonna miss that. =P

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I'm sure it's just like Mirror Mode in Mario Kart.


Anyway, well done on passing. My driving test ordeal was a pretty horrible one, but after I passed I got much better at driving the more I drove places. So you'll find that stuff like roundabouts will become less scary the more you do them and eventually you'll reach a certain level of confidence where driving just becomes second nature.

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I'm sure it's just like Mirror Mode in Mario Kart.


Anyway, well done on passing. My driving test ordeal was a pretty horrible one, but after I passed I got much better at driving the more I drove places. So you'll find that stuff like roundabouts will become less scary the more you do them and eventually you'll reach a certain level of confidence where driving just becomes second nature.


Yeah Jim keeps calling it Mirror Mode. All I need is some red shells and I'm ready! =P


I'm fine with the roundabouts here as they're simple, but the ones in the UK just seem so confusing to me! I've been driving for about 1 year now (bit more), but I know I'll need to drive a lot more to gain more experience heh.


(This makes it sound like some RPG haha.)


Way to overshadow your boyfriend's birthday, Ine. :blank:


Not my fault my test was today and that he decided to make a thread about it. I was just going to post in the Good Stuff thread once I got back. =P

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Congratulations Ine! I still rate learning to drive as one of the best things I've done so far, although I may be biased...






It doesn't take that long to get used to. Sitting on the other side is the strangest thing, or having the handbrake/indicators on the right. Thankfully the gas/brake/clutch pedals don't swap order.... Roundabouts might throw you too I suppose.


The side the indicators are on has more to do with the make of car more than anything. UK built cars should have them on the right side so that you can still operate them whilst changing gears, but most UK cars have been standardised to match the rest of Europe.


Japanese and possibly other Asian manufacturers are the only ones to my knowledge that still put their indicators on the right. They drive on the left too.


Driving on the other side isn't that bad. Swapping which side of the car you sit on is harder, although not too bad either after a while.

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