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This game has serious checkpoint issues... :mad:


I'm really close to the end of the game now but it's just so annoying when you get so far, go through a door where you think a checkpoint must have occurred but then you slip up, die and you're back to where you were twenty minutes ago. :blank:


Just makes no sense.

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You tried the multiplayer mode yet @kav82 & @Blade didn't seem too fond of it though.


You clearly are a man of good taste, some people just don't get it it though, you can't play it like COD.


I loved it to bits. It's all about team work, positioning and being stealthy. It makes a nice change from running and gunning. The only thing I don't care for is just how overpowered the bow is.


Yeah the bow sucks, but makes it all the more satisfying to take them out!


It's alright, but nothing to write home about. Distinctly average I'd say.


I wouldn't. :heh:

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I feel the need to elaborate on my checkpoint issues I've been having, I'll probably get past it tonight but I just thought I'd get anyone else's take on the situation seeing as you can approach every area in the game in different ways.


Also I'm not meaning to sound impatient but I just want to finish the game - glorious as it is - and the DLC so that I can finally experience the multiplayer mode too being that my headset will be arriving tomorrow. : peace:


OK, so I've just killed that guy in the cutscene because I've reached the hospital and now they are supposedly going to cut Ellie's brain into pieces but to hell with that!


I run sideways from cover past the first two guards, through the room, to the next corridor then I get into the next room grabbing the pills on the way, onward through another window frame so as to sneak past the two guards with machine guns, after that I crouch behind some low cover to avoid two more moving guards plus I sneak past the two that are on point into the well lit corridor where I hide behind the desk as three more guards go by, so far so good.


Into the next bit and I manage to kill/stealth kill the guard(s) which lets me get through that door which gets barricaded by a chair which the guards then can't seem to get through.


Now it's at this point that I'm expecting a checkpoint, you would hope surely? So I'm in the quieter area with no guards which I take advantage of by catching up with the voice recorder and recently acquired diary as I like keeping up with the background parts of the story.


On to the next guarded area after pressing R3 locating the room that Ellie is in, I figure that I must have a checkpoint so I don't have to worry too much... I get killed by the first guard then I'm back to the part that I started describing at the very beginning of this spoiler box. :(



So that's why I wasn't best pleased, in any case it would be interesting to know if I've been conned out of a checkpoint or if it's just another example of some very poor placement of them, in addition to that other strategies for the next part ahead - with no spoilers - would be appreciated if anyone wants to share their experiences. :)


Thanks. :D

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I feel the need to elaborate on my checkpoint issues I've been having, I'll probably get past it tonight but I just thought I'd get anyone else's take on the situation seeing as you can approach every area in the game in different ways.


Also I'm not meaning to sound impatient but I just want to finish the game - glorious as it is - and the DLC so that I can finally experience the multiplayer mode too being that my headset will be arriving tomorrow. : peace:


OK, so I've just killed that guy in the cutscene because I've reached the hospital and now they are supposedly going to cut Ellie's brain into pieces but to hell with that!


I run sideways from cover past the first two guards, through the room, to the next corridor then I get into the next room grabbing the pills on the way, onward through another window frame so as to sneak past the two guards with machine guns, after that I crouch behind some low cover to avoid two more moving guards plus I sneak past the two that are on point into the well lit corridor where I hide behind the desk as three more guards go by, so far so good.


Into the next bit and I manage to kill/stealth kill the guard(s) which lets me get through that door which gets barricaded by a chair which the guards then can't seem to get through.


Now it's at this point that I'm expecting a checkpoint, you would hope surely? So I'm in the quieter area with no guards which I take advantage of by catching up with the voice recorder and recently acquired diary as I like keeping up with the background parts of the story.


On to the next guarded area after pressing R3 locating the room that Ellie is in, I figure that I must have a checkpoint so I don't have to worry too much... I get killed by the first guard then I'm back to the part that I started describing at the very beginning of this spoiler box. :(



So that's why I wasn't best pleased, in any case it would be interesting to know if I've been conned out of a checkpoint or if it's just another example of some very poor placement of them, in addition to that other strategies for the next part ahead - with no spoilers - would be appreciated if anyone wants to share their experiences. :)


Thanks. :D


You're playing on Grounded, correct? That is why there are no checkpoints between encounters. You have to do a full run through that whole area.

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You're playing on Grounded, correct? That is why there are no checkpoints between encounters. You have to do a full run through that whole area.


Ah... yes I am, that makes sense then, but still I would have classed an impenetrable door barrier as being 'between encounters' it seems the game disagrees though.


Oh well I'm sure I'll get through it somehow, I can't be that far from the next cutscene trigger and at least it's a challenge though in hindsight I perhaps should have chose a lower difficulty for my first play-through but I just wanted to experience the game 'properly' with the extreme lack of resources etc first hand.


In that sense the game is certainly delivering as it's brutal! :laughing:


That part took me many, many tries. I think I just took it very slowly and tried to learn how the enemies moved and reacted to certain things.

Although one part confused me - what does R3 do?


Clickable stick, focuses on points of interest as the story/situations advance.

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Although one part confused me - what does R3 do?


After going back to the game tonight it seems I meant L3 and not R3 :indeed: in any case...


I've finally completed the game! :D


I thought the ending was rather fitting as it has a touch of ambiguity to it but it's also the only ending they could have made for it anyway, it works as it at least provides semi-closure. : peace:



I genuinely enjoyed around 90% of the game, with the other 10% being the handful of times where I would get stuck due to those horrible checkpoints dealt to you on Grounded difficultly but with that said there were so many moments of genuine brilliance that you could quite easily forgive The Last of Us for it's few shortcomings. :)


I'll probably see about taking on Left Behind tomorrow when my headset arrives but even without the DLC or multiplayer I would have to say that this game is easily a solid... 9/10

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Left Behind complete! :D


For something that's merely 'dlc' this actually ended up adding a whole lot more to the game than I thought originally possible.


The entire structure of it is brilliance, it's pieced together perfectly with some really expert pacing going on as it switches between the two stories at just the right moments and then joins them together seamlessly, ending exactly where you expect it to.



In a word... Masterful. :)


I'd be up for playing some multiplayer on this the next time a few people from here want to play it, will be free some time after 10PM or so I'd imagine as I promised a friend I'd play Monster Hunter with them but after that hopefully I'll be able to take my first foray into the Factions multiplayer mode. : peace:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
*waits for the inevitable "I didn't like it/it's over-rated/PES is better" post. ;)


I've had that particular post in mind ever since I decided to go ahead and pick The Last of Us up in September on PS3 :heh:


I'm apparently 61% of the way through it now and, well, what can I say.. it's.. um.. EXCELLENT : peace: I've been really enjoying it so far and have felt genuine tension and fear at times which, in some ways, resembles something of a cross between Resident Evil 4 and Zombi U, but with a more gripping story :hehe:


I honestly can't really fault it at this point, other than certain recurring problems that somewhat break the immersion, though these are things I'm sure everyone else is aware of such as enemies not being able to see your colleagues running around, even if they're right in front of them, or when you're trying to be silent and everyone else is being really noisy or speaking when you're clearly within earshot..


Overall, though, it's a minor complaint in an otherwise highly enjoyable adventure :yay:

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I've had that particular post in mind ever since I decided to go ahead and pick The Last of Us up in September on PS3 :heh:


I'm apparently 61% of the way through it now and, well, what can I say.. it's.. um.. EXCELLENT : peace: I've been really enjoying it so far and have felt genuine tension and fear at times which, in some ways, resembles something of a cross between Resident Evil 4 and Zombi U, but with a more gripping story :hehe:


I honestly can't really fault it at this point, other than certain recurring problems that somewhat break the immersion, though these are things I'm sure everyone else is aware of such as enemies not being able to see your colleagues running around, even if they're right in front of them, or when you're trying to be silent and everyone else is being really noisy or speaking when you're clearly within earshot..


Overall, though, it's a minor complaint in an otherwise highly enjoyable adventure :yay:


Glad to see that you're enjoying it.

It's probably one of my favourite games of the past few years. I look back on my experience with it fondly. Be sure to play Left Behind, too! (aw fuck, maneee)


About the immersion breaking thing that you talked about: Yeah, I agree that it would have been awesome had the characters stayed out of view, not talked, etc. However, I can also imagine many game-breaking moments where Ellie wouldn't move when you wanted her too or if she was caught in some sort of stupid way (like running into a wall or something), thus meaning you would need to redo the section again. On the whole, I think it was done in the right way. However, I'd love to see this game again in 2 or 3 generations time where the AI has improved and can do those sorts of things that we want it to do. Not sure we're there yet.

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...recurring problems that somewhat break the immersion, though these are things I'm sure everyone else is aware of such as enemies not being able to see your colleagues running around, even if they're right in front of them, or when you're trying to be silent and everyone else is being really noisy or speaking when you're clearly within earshot...


I think this might be one of the reasons why I've not been absorbed by the story and why I find it lacking and not as good as people made out.


It shows as I'm still at the part where I last mentioned simply because I've not played it since, I've not had any desire to pop it on. The multiplayer for me is stronger than the campaign but then that pales in comparison to Battlefield (I know they're different types of games but Battlefield is just so much more fun) and I also prefer Destiny, even though I've done practically everything on it!

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Broken record Cooky, let them enjoy it how they want to dude.


Oh I'm sorry I thought this was a forum where you could air your views and express your opinions. I'm being a "broken record" as I bought the game a second time on the strength of the multiplayer and I optimistically hoped that as this was a gaming forum some people on here would want to play. Yet again I'm disappointed to see nobody gives a rats arse about it but I shouldn't be surprised really as its not the first title this has happened with. I'm not bitter :heh:


For what it's worth, I would love to play the multiplayer on this at some point if we can get enough N-E players who want to play it one evening. :)


Optimism @S\.C\.G - I like it!



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Oh I'm sorry I thought this was a forum where you could air your views and express your opinions. I'm being a "broken record" as I bought the game a second time on the strength of the multiplayer and I optimistically hoped that as this was a gaming forum some people on here would want to play. Yet again I'm disappointed to see nobody gives a rats arse about it but I shouldn't be surprised really as its not the first title this has happened with. I'm not bitter :heh:

Yeah but your disappointment is now registering in spam territory. The forum isn't that big, I don't understand why you're so surprised and angered about low participation all the time.


I've lost two days of my life on The Last of Us online and yet it is extremely obvious to me that it isn't for everyone. It can be very unforgiving. I have a pretty handy K/D of 1.6 (blows trumpet) and I still find it to be a demoralising experience occasionally, getting rushed and having my head caved in by someone's boot on consecutive spawns.


Other games like CoD are less off-putting because death is trivial and you can get back into the action straight away, whereas in this you can't rush and you can have a long trek around the map collecting items only to be trashed by Molotov that comes out of nowhere.

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Yeah but your disappointment is now registering in spam territory. The forum isn't that big, I don't understand why you're so surprised and angered about low participation all the time.


I've lost two days of my life on The Last of Us online and yet it is extremely obvious to me that it isn't for everyone. It can be very unforgiving. I have a pretty handy K/D of 1.6 (blows trumpet) and I still find it to be a demoralising experience occasionally, getting rushed and having my head caved in by someone's boot on consecutive spawns.


Other games like CoD are less off-putting because death is trivial and you can get back into the action straight away, whereas in this you can't rush and you can have a long trek around the map collecting items only to be trashed by Molotov that comes out of nowhere.


I'm not spamming, I'm not angry and I'm most certainly not surprised I am however disappointed. The Last of Us is an extremely popular game on both formats it disappointing that a large number of players have played the campaign yet have barely looked at the multiplayer. It's sad that the game is gathering dust on their shelves now but that's their loss I guess.


I do however agree with you that multiplayer is not for everyone and that's fine. Too bad you don't have a PS4 I think you'd appreciate the silky smooth and responsive 60 FPS gameplay.

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I enjoyed the multiplayer a lot, and was on it quite a bit. I guess the trouble is there have been too many good games I've bought and played on the PS4 since I've just not had enough time! If there's a drought I'll no doubt go back, but for now I'm too busy playing other things.

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So.. I finished The Last of Us yesterday and found it to be a highly engrossing experience, one that has almost left me at a loss as to what to play next as I kinda want more :heh:


I definitely want to purchase the Left Behind DLC at some point but I'm pretty certain I don't want to pay £11.99 for it. These sorts of things go on sale from time to time, though, right..? ::shrug:


As for the multiplayer, I haven't played it yet, much to the disgust of @Cookyman, I'm sure :indeed: However, I've never really seen The Last of Us as a multiplayer game and honestly don't feel compelled to dip into it.. but then it would probably be wrong not to at least check it out!

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I played the Last of Us Remastered and I found it to be amazing. Hadn't played the game before and it just ticked all the right boxes. It was intense, exciting, gripping, emotional. Really good.


Tried the multiplayer too but it was taking too long to connect so I just left it.

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